Ex-NSA analyst rips Trump for exploiting ‘trapped’ widow: ‘She didn’t want to stand up — we know why

Are you required to lie about what I believe?

Is that a yes or a no?
That was one of the most disgusting moments of exploitation that I've seen in recent memory.
I don't doubt you were just as emotional when Obama used the deaths of little children to push for gun control.

Yes, how dare Obama use children who died from guns to push for greater gun control.

TN -- shut the fuck up.

You are one sick man. It's alright to use children to take away our rights, but honoring a veteran is some travesty?!

You are seriously a disgusting person

Trump was honoring himself. 'Look at me!! I can pretend I care!!"
Dems need to put fake Veteran Sen Blumenthal in charge of making this point to the nation

Former NSA analyst and columnist John Schindler reacted in horror on Tuesday after seeing Trump “exploit” Carryn Owens, the wife of slain Chief Petty Officer William (Ryan) Owens.

According to Schindler, the president crossed the line during his address to a joint session of Congress when he used Carryn Owens as a political prop.

Schindler immediately expressed his disgust on Twitter.

See here: Ex-NSA analyst rips Trump for exploiting ‘trapped’ widow: ‘She didn’t want to stand up — we know why’

Absolutely DISGUSTING of Trump to exploit a grieving widow like that. In the orange shitlords sick, demented mind the applause was for him.

Did you feel the same way when Obama brought a wounded soldier to a speech? Somehow I doubt it...

“It’s the courage of a young soldier from Arizona who nearly died on the battlefield in Afghanistan,” Obama said in his keynote address in Philadelphia, “but who has learned to speak again and walk again and, earlier this year, stepped through the door of the Oval Office on his own power to salute and shake my hand.”

Who was that soldier who inspired Obama? An Army Ranger from Gilbert

I'll just leave this here for you.
The Crazy Emails That Took Down NSA Spook John Schindler

She stood up, fucking democrats decide to act like spoiled children and kept their fat asses glued to the chair during her time. Yeah fuck head they did that. Why don't you Liberals try and sputter out some excuses for the inexcusable.

That's another lie. The video shows them standing. Jesus, you people...

So if Trump was "exploiting" this widow then why did they stand?

You can't have it both ways.

Former NSA analyst and columnist John Schindler reacted in horror on Tuesday after seeing Trump “exploit” Carryn Owens, the wife of slain Chief Petty Officer William (Ryan) Owens.

According to Schindler, the president crossed the line during his address to a joint session of Congress when he used Carryn Owens as a political prop.

Schindler immediately expressed his disgust on Twitter.

See here: Ex-NSA analyst rips Trump for exploiting ‘trapped’ widow: ‘She didn’t want to stand up — we know why’

Absolutely DISGUSTING of Trump to exploit a grieving widow like that. In the orange shitlords sick, demented mind the applause was for him.

REALLY did you ask her? Think she may have wanted to be there, while her husband was honored, and his sacrifice was emblazoned forever in the tomes of history. You liberal shit are the most vile scum on earth. Apparently the DICK thought he could get a pick in at the President, HE FAILED like all you ignorant liberal indoctrinees do. The funniest thing is the person that you are quoting. HAHAHAHAHA, HELL Schindler the DICK , HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHH. Stupid liberals are so funny they cause people to die of heart attacks laughing at them. HAHAHAHAHAH OH SHIT!!!
Can we blame Trump for using the seal's death in his speech. There can be a fine line with exploitation, and enhancing one's ego, but the wonder is why some of Trump's advisers didn't see the line.

For crying out loud honoring heros has been a Presidential tradition since 1982. Where Mrs. Owens was seated is actually referred to as the Heros Gallery.
Why is it that everyone from Reagan to GH to Clinton to W to Obama was allowed to have honored guests that were recognized but not Trump?
Can we blame Trump for using the seal's death in his speech. There can be a fine line with exploitation, and enhancing one's ego, but the wonder is why some of Trump's advisers didn't see the line.

This had Bannon's signature all over it.

How? This is a tradition for over 30 years and now it's Bannon's idea? You're one sick puppy.
Can we blame Trump for using the seal's death in his speech. There can be a fine line with exploitation, and enhancing one's ego, but the wonder is why some of Trump's advisers didn't see the line.

For crying out loud honoring heros has been a Presidential tradition since 1982. Where Mrs. Owens was seated is actually referred to as the Heros Gallery.

He could have told her it was because of a video.

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