Ex-Tea Party & 2nd Amendment Extremist Ex-Rep Joe Walsh changes tune, pallin' around with David Hogg & Fred Guttenberg as they debate guns civilly


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Thank you Joe Walsh and Fred Guttenberg for sincerely talking with one another to find common ground on gun reform. These are the rational conversations between reasonable people that need to take place.

"America has a gun problem," she prattles, "there's no debate over that."

The bitch is a stupid hoe, there's no debate over that.

The problem is not the guns! The problem is Democrats and their stupid policies.

The problem is a dysfunctional public education system largely controlled by Democrats, the general lawlessness encouraged by Democrats, the gun-free zones insisted on by Democrats, the societal division and hatred sown by Democrats, defenseless citizens at the mercy of murderous thugs in our major cities because of gun-grabbing Democrats.
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I watched most of the second video. They don't agree and the dad in that video is pushing gun grabbing legislation whether he says so or not.

I'm sorry he lost his kid.........but that doesn't mean he has the right to take law abiding citizens guns.

That is the REAL AGENDA OF THE LEFT.. We know it..........They know it. Don't ever give them a inch on this issue. Because that is their goal.
Morons! Dems are scheming to fuck Republicans in the ass on gun control and some of these idiots are walking right into the Dem trap.
There are more guns than people in this country.

I iterate my post, #4, and I will reiterate it until it is no longer necessary.

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