Exactly what are the 34 felonies of falsifying business records according to NYTimes that IS WRONG!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
NY Times reports...

The problem is once again the totally BIASED MSM doesn't report the truth!
These are the types of "felonies" Trump was charged with in NY.
Invoices Trump received was charged for receiving 11 invoices. Kind of like Biden's families should have sent for the below!!
Romania: On September 28, 2015, Vice President Biden welcomed Romanian President Klaus Iohannis to the White House. Within five weeks of this meeting, a Romanian businessman involved with a high-profile corruption prosecution in Romania, Gabriel Popoviciu, began depositing a Biden associate’s bank account, which ultimately made their way into Biden family accounts. Popoviciu made sixteen of the seventeen payments, totaling over $3 million, to the Biden associate account while Joe Biden was Vice President. Biden family accounts ultimately received approximately $1.038 million. The total amount from Romania to the Biden family and their associates is over $3 million.
So Biden's family received payments from invoices that haven't ever been seen... to my knowledge!

What were the checks paid to the Biden family made out to?

Trump was charged for paying 11 checks made out to Michael Cohen.
Trump was charged for Ledger entries for legal expenses Guilty on 12 of 12 charges
See below supposedly bookkeeping ledger which shows Account was Morgan Lewis & Bockaus LLP received check
In summary...
After all, there is no law against paying your ex-lover not to speak with a tabloid about your sordid liaison. The prosecution’s case rested primarily on the assertion that the payment to Daniels violated federal campaign finance law.

Even if Trump were guilty, the statute of limitations on his offense has already expired.
The statute of limitations on misdemeanor business records falsification is two years; for the felony version, it’s five years.


NY Times reports...

There's your problem right there.

No one but a schlep reads the NYT.

FWIW, it was a single misdemeanor which had expired years ago, namely just for recording payments made back to his attorney recorded by his accountant as legal expenses.

We ain't talking about Bonnie & Clyde stuff here.
The conviction was so obviously political in nature that it helped his polling. They are going to lose what's left of their minds if he wins in November.
Oh you are 100% right it is so political!
There were no legal proceedings being taken against Trump in the state when Bragg first started his run for DA.

While campaigning, Bragg said: "I have investigated Trump and his children and held them accountable for their misconduct with the Trump Foundation. I also sued the Trump administration more than 100 times for the travel ban, the separation of children from their families at the border. So I know that work. I know how to follow the facts and hold people in power accountable."
There's your problem right there.

No one but a schlep reads the NYT.

FWIW, it was a single misdemeanor which had expired years ago, namely just for recording payments made back to his attorney recorded by his accountant as legal expenses.

We ain't talking about Bonnie & Clyde stuff here.
"Even if Trump were guilty, the statute of limitations on his offense has already expired.
The statute of limitations on misdemeanor business records falsification is two years; for the felony version, it’s five years.
On October 7, 2016, the world heard an audio recording of the Republican nominee bragging about how his star power allowed him to get away with grabbing women “by the pussy.”"Even if Trump were guilty, the statute of limitations on his offense has already expired.
Trump never said he grabbed anyone by the pussy. In the video, he said some of the contestants wanted to win so bad, they would let you (anyone) grab them by the pussy. He never claimed he himself did so. But yes, this was a very old video far past the statute of limitations.

The next day, a representative for the adult film actress Stormy Daniels told the National Enquirer that she was prepared to speak about her own sordid and exploitative sexual encounter with Donald Trump.
She had nothing but her own claims of any of this.

To generate the cash necessary for quieting Daniels — and thus, averting a news story that would keep the Access Hollywood tape and Trump’s scummy sexual behavior in the headlines during the campaign’s home stretch —
Not true. The Access Hollywood tape came out anyway, and as to Trump's motives, it is only /assumed/ to be campaign related, but Stormy Daniels chose the timing of the story DURING a campaign, not Trump. Meantime, there is the motive of simply protecting his reputation and marriage, both of which are not only wholly common, legal reasons and reasonable assumptions, and unless it was proven his motives were SOLELY to protect his campaign, the charges should have been thrown out.

In New York, it is a misdemeanor to falsify business records with “the intent to defraud.” And it is a felony to do so for the purpose of concealing another crime.
And the jury was wrongly allowed to pick the crime, even to the point that they all didn't even have to agree on WHICH crime was concealed!

But Bragg’s office argued that, under New York state law, “intent to defraud” can refer to deliberately misleading the government or voting public.
If that were true, then media and the democrats have mislead the public 10,000 times--- no less when they dismissed the factual knowledge of Hunter's laptop are pure "Russian disinformation."

Trump’s defense was wildly incompetent. As McCarthy wrote this week, “Team Trump has presented one of the most ill-conceived, self-destructive defenses I have ever seen in decades of trying and analyzing criminal cases.
That would not surprise me as one of the attorneys which represented Trump in one of his impeachments was continually sought in this case but turned it down because he did not like the influence that some of the people close to Trump had on him, and a condition of this lawyer in representing Trump in this case was that he be allowed to BRING IN HIS OWN TEAM of people, which Trump declined.

And the idea that Trump would have agreed to pay $130,000 to bury an affair he didn’t have strains credulity.
Actually, it doesn't. Teams often settle out of court to save time and trouble if the cost of fighting the case in court stands to cost as much as the settlement.

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