EXACTLY what has been revealed about Clinton in these emails?

FBI Director Comey ambushed Hillary with innuendos - not facts! Plus, that ignorant partisan bastard ruined my 70th birthday yesterday. I will never forgive him...

Did the FBI director not say she handled sensitive information irresponsibley in July?
That says to many she does not have good judgement.

Happy belated 70th !!
FBI Director Comey ambushed Hillary with innuendos - not facts! Plus, that ignorant partisan bastard ruined my 70th birthday yesterday. I will never forgive him...

Did the FBI director not say she handled sensitive information irresponsibley in July?
That says to many she does not have good judgement.

Happy belated 70th !!

Thank you! While Hillary was Secretary of State - the State Department experienced its biggest hack ever - but the FBI has found no proof that Hillary's private server was ever hacked. None!
Trump called Hilly last night and offered an invitation to the WH for dinner after he's sworn in....
Hey hill it will be just like the ol days....

Trump and clintons.jpg

Desperate regressives deflect a whole lot as a result of the re-opening of the investigation

Whatever the outcome, it's a sad day that this whole election has the dots connected to dicks.

Trump talking about his in the primaries, talking about where Bill Clinton put his, talking about where he would like to put his own and he can "when you're a star" and now everything comes down to Weiner's weiner. If that ain't a banana republic, I don't know what is.

Is that your spin to talk about sex?

You moron they found missing e mails that hillary bleach bit and took a hammer to while investigating him.

That's not what this is about.

All in due time....meanwhile let's get on with the election :)


I'd hold on to your size 16 shorts if you think the Clintons don't have another October surprise for Duh Donald. With SO MUCH material, it's been difficult to choose which bomb to drop next.

Keep grasping, Cankles is in deep shit here and hopefully Assange will finish her this coming week. Then good riddance to the corrupt old bitch

So Comey has communicated with you personally or are you just wasting your time on alt-right blogs again? Don't you want to see what the facts are, Catfish?

If there were any classified e-mails in the list it could be similar to previous cases where people have been convicted. I would bet that Anthony Wiener does not have any kind of a security clearance and they shared the laptop.

That could be it. Man alive, I can just HEAR Hillary Clinton telling Huma Abedin five years ago when the first story broke that she should dump Weiner THEN. Now it's come back to bite her big time. If this kills Hillary's election there is no place in the world where Huma Abedin can hide. Nowhere.
I sincerely would like to know WHAT these latest emails have revealed about any Clinton's culpability.......

If there IS something...then obviously each voter needs to know....

If there IS nothing.....then the voter has been defrauded.

Remember, it is ALWAYS up to the accusers to show proof, not the recipient of the accusation

HRC's campaign has asked the FBI to show exactly that. They know there is nothing there and this is just another stunt by Republicans to harm a political opponent using the government's authority.

Put up or shut up. Hillary Clinton is not afraid of any of these emails, this is obvious. Now the FBI is in the position of losing it's credibility with the nation. Comey, you let the Republican push you forward and you stepped in the huge pile of dogshit they saw there but you didn't. Sooory.

The sad thing is you really believe that tripe.

If you ever get the ability to respond intelligently to the OP or the conservation about the OP feel free to stop back by.

I responded to you...I also don't take direction from you. You all are trying so hard to brush this off and we know better, it's damning and Clinton's campaign is reeling

What is it, then? You seem to know something that Comey hasn't said yet. The one who may go down is Huma Abedin, most likely, for not divorcing Weiner 5 years ago. You constantly underestimate the power of the Clintons
To cast aspersions on one segment of presidential campaign is serious stuff UNLESS proof is provided.

Remember that this is different than some women accusing Trump of molestation.....such is a private accusation; for Comey, he is using the government's platform to cast accusations without solid proof.

Prove it son.
The cover up of a breaking and entering crime,

I'll "forgive you" because you were 12 years old....But Watergate was NOT about a "breaking and entering" fiasco.....It WAS over the cover up.....
Since you're now a bit older than 12 years old.......act like an adult.

You cant make this shit up.
Clinton wasn't impeached over sex, it was about perjury.
God you people are simpletons.

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