Exaggeraters Should Be the New Term for AGW Alarmists


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Most of the data about our climate is equivical. It can be used to support as many theories as there are scientists, even more actually.

The current fad is to take any set of conditions and extrapolate it out using faulty computer modelling into a catastrophic conclusion. I think we are giving these alarmists too much credit by calling them just alarmists. Exaggeraters is a more meaningful term as it implies the mindset behind their dire predictions. Skeptics have been labelled with the emotionally charged term 'denier', now it is time to find a similar type of term for the alarmists.

Any other sugguestions out there?
Most of the data about our climate is equivical. It can be used to support as many theories as there are scientists, even more actually.

The current fad is to take any set of conditions and extrapolate it out using faulty computer modelling into a catastrophic conclusion. I think we are giving these alarmists too much credit by calling them just alarmists. Exaggeraters is a more meaningful term as it implies the mindset behind their dire predictions. Skeptics have been labelled with the emotionally charged term 'denier', now it is time to find a similar type of term for the alarmists.

Any other sugguestions out there?

Prevaricators....cut to the chase.
you cant prove that they are lying. often deluded but personal opinions arent lies.
you cant prove that they are lying. often deluded but personal opinions arent lies.

Climategate disproves that my friend. Before climategate I would have agreed with you.
Most of the data about our climate is equivical. It can be used to support as many theories as there are scientists, even more actually.

The current fad is to take any set of conditions and extrapolate it out using faulty computer modelling into a catastrophic conclusion. I think we are giving these alarmists too much credit by calling them just alarmists. Exaggeraters is a more meaningful term as it implies the mindset behind their dire predictions. Skeptics have been labelled with the emotionally charged term 'denier', now it is time to find a similar type of term for the alarmists.

Any other sugguestions out there?

That's a switch!!! I thought there wasn't any AGW. Trampling on your own message aren't you?
Most of the data about our climate is equivical. It can be used to support as many theories as there are scientists, even more actually.

The current fad is to take any set of conditions and extrapolate it out using faulty computer modelling into a catastrophic conclusion. I think we are giving these alarmists too much credit by calling them just alarmists. Exaggeraters is a more meaningful term as it implies the mindset behind their dire predictions. Skeptics have been labelled with the emotionally charged term 'denier', now it is time to find a similar type of term for the alarmists.

Any other sugguestions out there?

That's a switch!!! I thought there wasn't any AGW. Trampling on your own message aren't you?
I just have to wonder what exactly you saw in that post.

Most of the data about our climate is equivical. It can be used to support as many theories as there are scientists, even more actually.

The current fad is to take any set of conditions and extrapolate it out using faulty computer modelling into a catastrophic conclusion. I think we are giving these alarmists too much credit by calling them just alarmists. Exaggeraters is a more meaningful term as it implies the mindset behind their dire predictions. Skeptics have been labelled with the emotionally charged term 'denier', now it is time to find a similar type of term for the alarmists.

Any other sugguestions out there?

That's a switch!!! I thought there wasn't any AGW. Trampling on your own message aren't you?
I just have to wonder what exactly you saw in that post.


haha, I was wondering too! Warming, yes. Anthropogenic portion, yes- land use is probably more significant than CO2. Catastrophic conclusions, no way. Just fevered imaginations trying to out do each other in trying to make outlandish predictions.
Most of the data about our climate is equivical. It can be used to support as many theories as there are scientists, even more actually.

The current fad is to take any set of conditions and extrapolate it out using faulty computer modelling into a catastrophic conclusion. I think we are giving these alarmists too much credit by calling them just alarmists. Exaggeraters is a more meaningful term as it implies the mindset behind their dire predictions. Skeptics have been labelled with the emotionally charged term 'denier', now it is time to find a similar type of term for the alarmists.

Any other sugguestions out there?
Moonbats, wackaloons, hoaxers, cargo cultists, neo-Luddites, scaremongers, snake oil merchants, Chicken Littles, democrats.....
cargo cultist is good but not enough of the public knows about Feynman. It a pity he's not around to cut through the BS.
cargo cultist is good but not enough of the public knows about Feynman. It a pity he's not around to cut through the BS.
Being the arrogant and pompous guy that he is, he would cut sharply.
Feynman was good at demonstrations. At Los Alamos he figured the locals had their own way in to bypass the long lineups. So he found it and then proceeded to enter the base and leave by the hole in the fence over and over again until security finally noticed. hilariously subversive. His success at breaking into locked safes of bigwigs was even more epic! The world needs more Feynmans
Feynman was good at demonstrations. At Los Alamos he figured the locals had their own way in to bypass the long lineups. So he found it and then proceeded to enter the base and leave by the hole in the fence over and over again until security finally noticed. hilariously subversive. His success at breaking into locked safes of bigwigs was even more epic! The world needs more Feynmans
I love his antics, no doubt. I just find his delivery, at least in one of his books, to be distasteful to me. Maybe he had a bad day when he wrote it. ;)
cargo cultist is good but not enough of the public knows about Feynman. It a pity he's not around to cut through the BS.
Being the arrogant and pompous guy that he is, he would cut sharply.

He was that. However, he had earned it. He also tended to only turn it on those who were arrogant themselves. To normal folks he was pretty friendly and willing to explain things in a very friendly way. I had the priviledge of having dinner with him a couple of times. The best was as payment for him being an expert witness for a friend of mine on a traffic citation! That was an epic court hearing!
cargo cultist is good but not enough of the public knows about Feynman. It a pity he's not around to cut through the BS.
Being the arrogant and pompous guy that he is, he would cut sharply.

He was that. However, he had earned it. He also tended to only turn it on those who were arrogant themselves. To normal folks he was pretty friendly and willing to explain things in a very friendly way. I had the priviledge of having dinner with him a couple of times. The best was as payment for him being an expert witness for a friend of mine on a traffic citation! That was an epic court hearing!
Well, that's good to know about him. I was very turned off by his tone in one of his books. I can't recall which one that was.

But, how cool is that traffic court story!
Being the arrogant and pompous guy that he is, he would cut sharply.

He was that. However, he had earned it. He also tended to only turn it on those who were arrogant themselves. To normal folks he was pretty friendly and willing to explain things in a very friendly way. I had the priviledge of having dinner with him a couple of times. The best was as payment for him being an expert witness for a friend of mine on a traffic citation! That was an epic court hearing!
Well, that's good to know about him. I was very turned off by his tone in one of his books. I can't recall which one that was.

But, how cool is that traffic court story!

It's pretty good. My friend was studying for his PhD in Theoretical Mathematics and had had Feynman as an undergrad. The ticket was for speeding on Highway 2 and the CHP officer had used the ubiquitous radar to obtain the citation.

My friend asked Feynman to be his expert witness and he agreed for the price of a good dinner out. The day arrived and my friend (who's father was a top level tax attorney) proceeded to question the Chippee which consisted of

"when did you recieve your Nobel Prize in Theoretical Physics?"

CHP "uhh, I don't have one of those."

Friend "Ok then, when did you recieve your PhD"

CHP "I don't have one of those either.

Friend "Masters?"

CHP nods no.

Friend "bachelors?"

CHP "nope"

Friend, "so what exactly makes you an expert in the use of this device?"

CHP "I had to take a two hour course in the operation of the radar gun"

Friend "two hours?

CHP "yep"

Friend, turns to judge, "your honor I have no further use for this witness"

Judge, "you may step down"

Friend, "your Honor, I would now like to call Nobel Prize winning physicist Dr. Richard

Judge, looks over at Feynman as he stands up..."is that really you?"

Feynman "yes your Honor"

Judge, bangs gavel down "case dismissed!"

Very amusing interchange! Good dinner afterwards too! We talked for at least four hours over dinner.

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