Examining the traits of racism.

We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
Bigotry and racism manifest as a consequence of ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Those ignorant of other peoples, cultures, and races will invariably become fearful of that which they are ignorant of and do not understand.

Over time that fear becomes hate, and hate soon becomes racism.

Actually, as a self admitted Racist, you're so way off it's not funny.

As a racist, I can only shut off racism by actually ignoring of stimuli (Ignorance)

If I calculate data, or see a pattern, the clear conclusion is racism, that doesn't necessarily have to include hate, nor fear.

But, in order to limit my racism, I actually have to stop thinking, and relax, and not notice things.

Actually being against Racism, seems to be the real ignorance.

I actually think anti-Racists are generally people with very limited intellects, especially in terms of abstract thought, and perceptive ability.

So you are suggesting that racism is a sign of intelligence?
Been there; done that
Racism almost has its own " Language", if we notice. The evolution of language definitely has to do with developing a nation ; a civilization. Most contemporary linguist commonly agree that our language is experiencing some deterred undisciplined direction. How we talk to each other is a mirror of how racist we can become toward each other; I mean look at the examples here in this thread.

Our language is becoming more and more littered with racist overtones , some more hidden than others.
Subtitles Needed for Kumbaya Cartoons

Translated from PC Speak, "racism" means adultism, realism, and talentism.

Makes one wonder can evil have talent?

Polanski, Evil and Creativity: Does Talent Redeem Bad Behavior?
Grandmasters at Checkers

Talent creates; evil destroys. These frauds are opportunistic; they concentrate all their energies into their evil and simple-minded passions, appearing to be geniuses and called "geniuses" by degenerate misfits.
Racism is far more logical.

Reasons being.

1.) There's no evidence of racial equality.

2.) Therefor what's the logic of supporting racially inferior people?

3.) What's the logic of supporting other races equal to, or above your own?

4.) What's the logic of ignoring the data? Why do the Liberal arguments fall through, like Colonialism can't explain the African condition due to Ethiopia, and Liberia not really being colonized, nor can the high Black murder rate be explained by poverty such as majority Black, wealthy Prince George's County, Maryland having a high murder rate.

5.) The lower IQ of African Americans is clearly not proportionate, I mean many groups with lower incomes have much higher IQ's, from Chinese, to Poles, to Hungarians, to Estonians.
Equality does not exist in nature. If it did, Darwin would be wrong. It is a human construct, obviously.
Troublemaking Tolerance

It is part of the Death Wish, including letting wreckers have power over us.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
Bigotry and racism manifest as a consequence of ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Those ignorant of other peoples, cultures, and races will invariably become fearful of that which they are ignorant of and do not understand.

Over time that fear becomes hate, and hate soon becomes racism.

Actually, as a self admitted Racist, you're so way off it's not funny.

As a racist, I can only shut off racism by actually ignoring of stimuli (Ignorance)

If I calculate data, or see a pattern, the clear conclusion is racism, that doesn't necessarily have to include hate, nor fear.

But, in order to limit my racism, I actually have to stop thinking, and relax, and not notice things.

Actually being against Racism, seems to be the real ignorance.

I actually think anti-Racists are generally people with very limited intellects, especially in terms of abstract thought, and perceptive ability.

So you are suggesting that racism is a sign of intelligence?
Nerds Are Manufactured Confetti

If the intelligent swallow their pride, they choke their talent. A High IQ who becomes a Liberal self-destructs.
"Most contemporary linguist commonly agree that our language is experiencing some deterred undisciplined direction."

The same is true of all language. Always has been.
One of the traits of racism is putting down your fellow man for various reasons , one of which can be race and culture. And we miss out seriously on that, because different cultures are so enriching.
In examining the traits of racism, one tenant is when we totally misunderstand " The others conscious mindset in how they think." Being Black myself, I think this is perhaps my greatest level of racism is how I myself misunderstand how Whites judge Blacks. I should say " Some Whites." I just don't get how some of them really consciously see what they see in us. And not so much those popular connotations like " Were all lazy and inherently dependant on them." But what gets me are those who really believe they are superior and some how have more natural intelligence than we do. As if intelligence comes as a result of skin color??

I think when a person thinks that their culture is " Greater than others because of pigmentation", something is seriously wrong with that. And many different cultures in history have been guilty of this. But some Whites have really taken that to extreme and mastered it.

Its a very strange way to think.
In examining the traits of racism, one tenant is when we totally misunderstand " The others conscious mindset in how they think." Being Black myself, I think this is perhaps my greatest level of racism is how I myself misunderstand how Whites judge Blacks. I should say " Some Whites." I just don't get how some of them really consciously see what they see in us. And not so much those popular connotations like " Were all lazy and inherently dependant on them." But what gets me are those who really believe they are superior and some how have more natural intelligence than we do. As if intelligence comes as a result of skin color??

I think when a person thinks that their culture is " Greater than others because of pigmentation", something is seriously wrong with that. And many different cultures in history have been guilty of this. But some Whites have really taken that to extreme and mastered it.

Its a very strange way to think.

I wouldn't call you a racist. You might have a prejudice but that is not racism. I really think people need to examine how things came to be instead of trying to make things the same when they come from different experiences between the races.
In examining the traits of racism, one tenant is when we totally misunderstand " The others conscious mindset in how they think." Being Black myself, I think this is perhaps my greatest level of racism is how I myself misunderstand how Whites judge Blacks. I should say " Some Whites." I just don't get how some of them really consciously see what they see in us. And not so much those popular connotations like " Were all lazy and inherently dependant on them." But what gets me are those who really believe they are superior and some how have more natural intelligence than we do. As if intelligence comes as a result of skin color??

I think when a person thinks that their culture is " Greater than others because of pigmentation", something is seriously wrong with that. And many different cultures in history have been guilty of this. But some Whites have really taken that to extreme and mastered it.

Its a very strange way to think.

I wouldn't call you a racist. You might have a prejudice but that is not racism. I really think people need to examine how things came to be instead of trying to make things the same when they come from different experiences between the races.

Well I do have some prejudice yes; knowing its there I think helps one overcome it; realize your problems.
In examining the traits of racism, one tenant is when we totally misunderstand " The others conscious mindset in how they think." Being Black myself, I think this is perhaps my greatest level of racism is how I myself misunderstand how Whites judge Blacks. I should say " Some Whites." I just don't get how some of them really consciously see what they see in us. And not so much those popular connotations like " Were all lazy and inherently dependant on them." But what gets me are those who really believe they are superior and some how have more natural intelligence than we do. As if intelligence comes as a result of skin color??

I think when a person thinks that their culture is " Greater than others because of pigmentation", something is seriously wrong with that. And many different cultures in history have been guilty of this. But some Whites have really taken that to extreme and mastered it.

Its a very strange way to think.

I wouldn't call you a racist. You might have a prejudice but that is not racism. I really think people need to examine how things came to be instead of trying to make things the same when they come from different experiences between the races.

Well I do have some prejudice yes; knowing its there I think helps one overcome it; realize your problems.

I do agree but I don't really like how whites try interpreting things like this. I wasn't born thinking I am black, white people told us we were black and there were places we were not welcome. Now you get enough of that, you will have a prejudice. Whites made up the things they believe about us and built a system to maintain their advantage based upon that prejudice. They ignore this to try making how we see things the same as them but we come from different places. So when I consider where my prejudice comes from , I think it's wrong for whites to tell me how I am a racist because whatever prejudice I have is due to the way whites have treated me, not because I was taught false teaching and then treated people badly based on those false teachings.
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In examining the traits of racism, one tenant is when we totally misunderstand " The others conscious mindset in how they think." Being Black myself, I think this is perhaps my greatest level of racism is how I myself misunderstand how Whites judge Blacks. I should say " Some Whites." I just don't get how some of them really consciously see what they see in us. And not so much those popular connotations like " Were all lazy and inherently dependant on them." But what gets me are those who really believe they are superior and some how have more natural intelligence than we do. As if intelligence comes as a result of skin color??

I think when a person thinks that their culture is " Greater than others because of pigmentation", something is seriously wrong with that. And many different cultures in history have been guilty of this. But some Whites have really taken that to extreme and mastered it.

Its a very strange way to think.

I wouldn't call you a racist. You might have a prejudice but that is not racism. I really think people need to examine how things came to be instead of trying to make things the same when they come from different experiences between the races.

Well I do have some prejudice yes; knowing its there I think helps one overcome it; realize your problems.
There is nothing wrong with having prejudices. You have them about everything and they keep you safe. My thing is this dream about the "good white person". Hell I'm pretty sure there are some out there but just like I wouldnt climb into a dumpster to get some food I'm not going to search for a good white person. I'd much rather spend that energy on connecting with like minded Black people to build our Black communities than trying to make a white friend.
In examining the traits of racism, one tenant is when we totally misunderstand " The others conscious mindset in how they think." Being Black myself, I think this is perhaps my greatest level of racism is how I myself misunderstand how Whites judge Blacks. I should say " Some Whites." I just don't get how some of them really consciously see what they see in us. And not so much those popular connotations like " Were all lazy and inherently dependant on them." But what gets me are those who really believe they are superior and some how have more natural intelligence than we do. As if intelligence comes as a result of skin color??

I think when a person thinks that their culture is " Greater than others because of pigmentation", something is seriously wrong with that. And many different cultures in history have been guilty of this. But some Whites have really taken that to extreme and mastered it.

Its a very strange way to think.

I wouldn't call you a racist. You might have a prejudice but that is not racism. I really think people need to examine how things came to be instead of trying to make things the same when they come from different experiences between the races.

Well I do have some prejudice yes; knowing its there I think helps one overcome it; realize your problems.
There is nothing wrong with having prejudices. You have them about everything and they keep you safe. My thing is this dream about the "good white person". Hell I'm pretty sure there are some out there but just like I wouldnt climb into a dumpster to get some food I'm not going to search for a good white person. I'd much rather spend that energy on connecting with like minded Black people to build our Black communities than trying to make a white friend.

I'm down with that but if you are going to be white and my friend you will accept me and you will accept that I oppose white racism. You will understand I am not going to sugar coat my disdain for such racism to say things you can accept or easy for you to hear. If you can't do that,go on elsewhere.
In examining the traits of racism, one tenant is when we totally misunderstand " The others conscious mindset in how they think." Being Black myself, I think this is perhaps my greatest level of racism is how I myself misunderstand how Whites judge Blacks. I should say " Some Whites." I just don't get how some of them really consciously see what they see in us. And not so much those popular connotations like " Were all lazy and inherently dependant on them." But what gets me are those who really believe they are superior and some how have more natural intelligence than we do. As if intelligence comes as a result of skin color??

I think when a person thinks that their culture is " Greater than others because of pigmentation", something is seriously wrong with that. And many different cultures in history have been guilty of this. But some Whites have really taken that to extreme and mastered it.

Its a very strange way to think.

I wouldn't call you a racist. You might have a prejudice but that is not racism. I really think people need to examine how things came to be instead of trying to make things the same when they come from different experiences between the races.

Well I do have some prejudice yes; knowing its there I think helps one overcome it; realize your problems.
There is nothing wrong with having prejudices. You have them about everything and they keep you safe. My thing is this dream about the "good white person". Hell I'm pretty sure there are some out there but just like I wouldnt climb into a dumpster to get some food I'm not going to search for a good white person. I'd much rather spend that energy on connecting with like minded Black people to build our Black communities than trying to make a white friend.

I'm down with that but if you are going to be white and my friend you will accept me and you will accept that I oppose white racism. You will understand I am not going to sugar coat my disdain for such racism to say things you can accept or easy for you to hear. If you can't do that,go on elsewhere.

Takes a good friend to see your pain.

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