Examining the traits of racism.

....depends on their cultural history......are they living in grass huts/no alphabet/no technology/etc??
Just like I thought. More obfuscation. When child is born in America, they have no culture, no language....just instincts. Hence, I am saying that if the white people born in America, since 1600, experienced in degree and kind what black children born into this land experienced, would whites be any better, worse or the same as blacks are today socioeconomically?
the whites of 1600 were much more advanced than the Africans of 1600
yes--they would be better

A white newborn in 1600 was more advanced than a black newborn in 1600? How? What did nature provide the white newborn that it did not equip the black newborn with, in regards to its ability to learn and prosper?

Birth is a RESTART. You are not born with knowledge or culture....you pick it up from your environment. Blacks and whites born in America in 1600 should have had access to the same culture, learning, etc, needed to prosper. Its irrelevant what was going on in Africa once a child is born in America.....America is where the child will learn. European society being more advanced than African society is not transferred. Whatever your society has learned and created, a child is not born with it, but has to LEARN it. Hence, white and black children born in America should theoretically have had access to what America had to offer in terms of knowledge and culture.
....depends on their cultural history......are they living in grass huts/no alphabet/no technology/etc??
Just like I thought. More obfuscation. When child is born in America, they have no culture, no language....just instincts. Hence, I am saying that if the white people born in America, since 1600, experienced in degree and kind what black children born into this land experienced, would whites be any better, worse or the same as blacks are today socioeconomically?
the whites of 1600 were much more advanced than the Africans of 1600
yes--they would be better

A white newborn in 1600 was more advanced than a black newborn in 1600? How? What did nature provide the white newborn that it did not equip the black newborn with, in regards to its ability to learn and prosper?

Birth is a RESTART. You are not born with knowledge or culture....you pick it up from your environment. Blacks and whites born in America in 1600 should have had access to the same culture, learning, etc, needed to prosper. Its irrelevant what was going on in Africa once a child is born in America.....America is where the child will learn. European society being more advanced than African society is not transferred. Whatever your society has learned and created, a child is not born with it, but has to LEARN it. Hence, white and black children born in America should theoretically have had access to what America had to offer in terms of knowledge and culture.
sure --the whites are evil/racists--blacks perfect angels..that's your main point every time.....that's the MSM....that's what the NFL players want you to believe....and Obama/etc
How is saying that a black child born in America, in 1600, was innately equal to a white child and did not genetically inherit any knowledge or culture through there DNA......saying that blacks are perfect angels and whites are evil?
?? what did you just say??
ok--you won't admit blacks are racist--will you? it's all about the EVIL whites--isn't it?

The Hyksos were said to be well trained and well-armed, and were credited with introducing the horse and chariot to Egypt. The Egyptian forces of the time were exclusively infantry armed with copper weapons. Assuming the Hyksos invaded with cavalry and chariots, scale armor, bronze weapons, and composite bows, the Egyptians would have been completely outclassed. Whether the Hyksos entered Egypt in one major invasion or through a gradual buildup of population (both theories are proposed), it is almost unthinkable that the Egyptians could have given them much serious military opposition. Moreover, if the Hyksos’ forces included Arabs, then camel-borne troops would also have been used, which would have been a complete surprise to the defenders.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
Bigotry and racism manifest as a consequence of ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Those ignorant of other peoples, cultures, and races will invariably become fearful of that which they are ignorant of and do not understand.

Over time that fear becomes hate, and hate soon becomes racism.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
Bigotry and racism manifest as a consequence of ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Those ignorant of other peoples, cultures, and races will invariably become fearful of that which they are ignorant of and do not understand.

Over time that fear becomes hate, and hate soon becomes racism.

Well it certainly is ignorance.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
Bigotry and racism manifest as a consequence of ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Those ignorant of other peoples, cultures, and races will invariably become fearful of that which they are ignorant of and do not understand.

Over time that fear becomes hate, and hate soon becomes racism.

Take your cuckservative racial pandering back upstairs where it belongs.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
Bigotry and racism manifest as a consequence of ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Those ignorant of other peoples, cultures, and races will invariably become fearful of that which they are ignorant of and do not understand.

Over time that fear becomes hate, and hate soon becomes racism.
Only the ignorant believe this garbage.
Who knows what the shelf life of world racism will be , but it is a rage within itself, its tenacles far reaching in our past and present. As I unpack it in my life and hopefully some in this thread, it rears its ugly head in my own consciousness , so I consider it a very real dynamic. I think my personal racism is decreasing, and that mostly because I want and desire it to. I no longer want any of it in me , but I just don't know how possible that is.

But I will never stop trying;

Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
Preppies' Puppets, Pawns, and Pit Bulls

America was developed from a useless wilderness occupied by obsolete Stone Age tribes, who were no more evolved than the Africans. The pioneers, the true Founding Fathers, developed raw nature into a highly advanced, prosperous, and stable society. These greatest of Americans came here from the despised and excluded classes of Europe. So America proves that racial supremacy is valid and birth-class supremacy is not. That is why your race is championed only by the spoiled snobs who will spell death to American civilization.
Last edited:
Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
Preppies' Puppets, Pawns, and Pit Bulls

America was developed from a useless wilderness occupied by obsolete Stone Age tribes, no more evolved than the Africans. The pioneers, the true Founding Fathers, developed raw nature into to a highly advanced, prosperous, and stable society. These greatest of Americas came here from the despised and excluded classes of Europe. So America proves that racial supremacy is valid and birth-class supremacy is not. That is why your race is championed only by the spoiled snobs who will spell death to American civilization.

The Psychology of Racism

Prof: White Anti-Racism Shares Traits with White Nationalist Hate Groups
Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
Preppies' Puppets, Pawns, and Pit Bulls

America was developed from a useless wilderness occupied by obsolete Stone Age tribes, no more evolved than the Africans. The pioneers, the true Founding Fathers, developed raw nature into to a highly advanced, prosperous, and stable society. These greatest of Americas came here from the despised and excluded classes of Europe. So America proves that racial supremacy is valid and birth-class supremacy is not. That is why your race is championed only by the spoiled snobs who will spell death to American civilization.
Sounds like a overly complex white boy excuse for being criminals.
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure? Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?
Blacks Are Decoys. That's Why They Don't Matter, Never Have, and Never Will.

Black spokesmen are ventriloquists' dummies fed their lines by spoiled, sheltered, and snobbish Whiteys Hating Whitey. You'll have to address his Masters if you want him to be supplied with new guilt-mongering texts.
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure? Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?
Blacks Are Decoys. That's Why They Don't Matter, Never Have, and Never Will.

Black spokesmen are ventriloquists' dummies fed their lines by spoiled, sheltered, and snobbish Whiteys Hating Whitey. You'll have to address his Masters if you want him to be supplied with new guilt-mongering texts.

This man was not a dummie;

The Characteristics of the Negro People - Wikisource, the free online library
Racism almost has its own " Language", if we notice. The evolution of language definitely has to do with developing a nation ; a civilization. Most contemporary linguist commonly agree that our language is experiencing some deterred undisciplined direction. How we talk to each other is a mirror of how racist we can become toward each other; I mean look at the examples here in this thread.

Our language is becoming more and more littered with racist overtones , some more hidden than others.
Subtitles Needed for Kumbaya Cartoons

Translated from PC Speak, "racism" means adultism, realism, and talentism.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
Preppies' Puppets, Pawns, and Pit Bulls

America was developed from a useless wilderness occupied by obsolete Stone Age tribes, no more evolved than the Africans. The pioneers, the true Founding Fathers, developed raw nature into to a highly advanced, prosperous, and stable society. These greatest of Americas came here from the despised and excluded classes of Europe. So America proves that racial supremacy is valid and birth-class supremacy is not. That is why your race is championed only by the spoiled snobs who will spell death to American civilization.

The Psychology of Racism

Prof: White Anti-Racism Shares Traits with White Nationalist Hate Groups
No One Will Go Off-Script in This Tilted Debate

It's easy for you to keep preaching your wish-fulfillment ideology, because even your opponents have been intimidated into believing that there is something morally wrong with racism. But instead of trying to prove that they are not racists, awakened Whites should challenge the baiters and shamers with, "So what? There's nothing wrong with being racist; It is a rational conclusion based on a group's general behavior."
Racism almost has its own " Language", if we notice. The evolution of language definitely has to do with developing a nation ; a civilization. Most contemporary linguist commonly agree that our language is experiencing some deterred undisciplined direction. How we talk to each other is a mirror of how racist we can become toward each other; I mean look at the examples here in this thread.

Our language is becoming more and more littered with racist overtones , some more hidden than others.
Subtitles Needed for Kumbaya Cartoons

Translated from PC Speak, "racism" means adultism, realism, and talentism.

Makes one wonder can evil have talent?

Polanski, Evil and Creativity: Does Talent Redeem Bad Behavior?
Racism is far more logical.

Reasons being.

1.) There's no evidence of racial equality.

2.) Therefor what's the logic of supporting racially inferior people?

3.) What's the logic of supporting other races equal to, or above your own?

4.) What's the logic of ignoring the data? Why do the Liberal arguments fall through, like Colonialism can't explain the African condition due to Ethiopia, and Liberia not really being colonized, nor can the high Black murder rate be explained by poverty such as majority Black, wealthy Prince George's County, Maryland having a high murder rate.

5.) The lower IQ of African Americans is clearly not proportionate, I mean many groups with lower incomes have much higher IQ's, from Chinese, to Poles, to Hungarians, to Estonians.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
Bigotry and racism manifest as a consequence of ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Those ignorant of other peoples, cultures, and races will invariably become fearful of that which they are ignorant of and do not understand.

Over time that fear becomes hate, and hate soon becomes racism.

Actually, as a self admitted Racist, you're so way off it's not funny.

As a racist, I can only shut off racism by actually ignoring of stimuli (Ignorance)

If I calculate data, or see a pattern, the clear conclusion is racism, that doesn't necessarily have to include hate, nor fear.

But, in order to limit my racism, I actually have to stop thinking, and relax, and not notice things.

Actually being against Racism, seems to be the real ignorance.

I actually think anti-Racists are generally people with very limited intellects, especially in terms of abstract thought, and perceptive ability.
Racism is far more logical.

Reasons being.

1.) There's no evidence of racial equality.

2.) Therefor what's the logic of supporting racially inferior people?

3.) What's the logic of supporting other races equal to, or above your own?

4.) What's the logic of ignoring the data? Why do the Liberal arguments fall through, like Colonialism can't explain the African condition due to Ethiopia, and Liberia not really being colonized, nor can the high Black murder rate be explained by poverty such as majority Black, wealthy Prince George's County, Maryland having a high murder rate.

5.) The lower IQ of African Americans is clearly not proportionate, I mean many groups with lower incomes have much higher IQ's, from Chinese, to Poles, to Hungarians, to Estonians.
Equality does not exist in nature. If it did, Darwin would be wrong. It is a human construct, obviously.

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