Examining the traits of racism.

Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
Last edited:
In 2018 America, there is almost no "racism," at least on the part of most Caucasians.

Most Caucasians do not "hate" anyone because of his/her skin color or eye shape. (Some people of color DO hate people because of his/her skin color or eye shape.)


What is often called "racism": is, in fact, fear.

And that fear -- IMHO -- is justified.

Why do many people (of all ethnicities) fear living in "certain" neighborhoods?

Well, they fear dangerous dogs running loose, they fear loud parties all night, they fear teenagers who may break into their homes, they fear drug dealing, etc.

No one likes that kind of neighborhood.

In fact, those people who are living there try to leave it as soon as they have enough money.

Now, if a Caucasian says that he does not wish to live in such a neighborhood, s/he is immediately called the R-word.

That has nothing to do with "hating" any ethnicity.

It has all to do with FEAR.


We all know that famous quotation attributed to the Rev. Mr. Jesse Jackson. He said that if he were walking down the street at night and heard someone behind him, he would be MORE afraid if the person behind him were of his own ethnicity than if that person were Caucasian. Should the Rev. Mr. Jackson be labeled with the R-word? Of course, not. He was expressing an emotion that we ALL would have in such a situation: FEAR.
In 2018 America, there is almost no "racism," at least on the part of most Caucasians.

Most Caucasians do not "hate" anyone because of his/her skin color or eye shape. (Some people of color DO hate people because of his/her skin color or eye shape.)


What is often called "racism": is, in fact, fear.

And that fear -- IMHO -- is justified.

Why do many people (of all ethnicities) fear living in "certain" neighborhoods.

Well, they fear dangerous dogs running loose, they fear loud parties all night, they fear teenagers who may break into their homes, they fear drug dealing, etc.

No one likes that kind of neighborhood.

In fact, those people who are living there try to leave it as soon as they have enough money.

Now, if a Caucasian says that he does not wish to live in such a neighborhood, s/he is immediately called the R-word.

That has nothing to do with "hating" any ethnicity.

It has all to do with FEAR.


We all know that famous quotation attributed to the Rev. Mr. Jesse Jackson. He said that if he were walking down the street at night and heard someone behind him, he would be MORE afraid if the person behind him were of his ethnicity than if that person were Caucasian. Should the Rev. Mr. Jackson be labeled with the R-word? Of course, not. He was expressing an emotion that we ALL would have in such a situation: FEAR.

I agree fear is a definite part of it, however I think much of the things some Whites fear and flee from in Blacks, already exist within their own offspring. And we cannot run from our own problems. It would make no difference to me what race a trouble maker is, but I think its just more expressed racism when we try to imply that just a particular race is making the trouble all by themselves.

I could make a case that Blacks were put into a position to have to live in poverty in sections of America and crime arouse from being placed into that. In some cases made to live like rats trying to survive; ( if you can get ahold of the short film Rat race which compares this historical drama unfolding in early Baltimore.)
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!

Well Blacks are capable of doing the same thing the Whites did , both evil and good. In human history , as was in ancient Egypt, slavery and rule by war was just how most dominant civilizations did it. Which is why I am of the view that Blacks were among the first civilizations to start doing this mess. And many Blacks here just can't yet see that. Its because racism carries with it the ability to" Blind those affected by it , to the whole history of it." They get so enraged about how they were treated, they think that their race could not treat others like that, when simple history has already shown it; so they go into denial.

Admiting faults can be a source of strength and truth , even for just oneself. Much less your own race, many Whites are in just as much denial.
Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
In 2018 America, there is almost no "racism," at least on the part of most Caucasians.

Most Caucasians do not "hate" anyone because of his/her skin color or eye shape. (Some people of color DO hate people because of his/her skin color or eye shape.)


What is often called "racism": is, in fact, fear.

And that fear -- IMHO -- is justified.

Why do many people (of all ethnicities) fear living in "certain" neighborhoods?

Well, they fear dangerous dogs running loose, they fear loud parties all night, they fear teenagers who may break into their homes, they fear drug dealing, etc.

No one likes that kind of neighborhood.

In fact, those people who are living there try to leave it as soon as they have enough money.

Now, if a Caucasian says that he does not wish to live in such a neighborhood, s/he is immediately called the R-word.

That has nothing to do with "hating" any ethnicity.

It has all to do with FEAR.


We all know that famous quotation attributed to the Rev. Mr. Jesse Jackson. He said that if he were walking down the street at night and heard someone behind him, he would be MORE afraid if the person behind him were of his own ethnicity than if that person were Caucasian. Should the Rev. Mr. Jackson be labeled with the R-word? Of course, not. He was expressing an emotion that we ALL would have in such a situation: FEAR.
You keep emphasizing HATE as the metric of "racism". Hate is not the metric of racism, beliefs of racial superiority and inferiority is the prime metric. You do not have to hate someone to believe the are inferior. In fact, people often LOVE things that they see as inferior. They may love their pets, but they believe that their pets are inferior to humans. This is why you can love someone of another race, yet, still be a racist. You can have friends of another race, and still be a racist. Its not how you feel about the individuals that you know personally, its what you feel and assume about the ones you don't know.
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure. Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?
Typical Trick Logic of Anti-White Slander

What makes you think that the original human Africans were Black? Just because the area of origin is Black now doesn't prove anything.

The science is just there man;


The science or research is not finished;

Earliest Human Remains Outside Africa Were Just Discovered in Israel | Science | Smithsonian

Scientists make find that could rewrite human history

but its where we are now.
I was surprised to find this;

Cheddar Man proves first Irishman was dark skinned with blue eyes

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
blacks have --
enslaved/murdered/warred on/committed genocide/urinated/crapped/etc--all the same things whites have done--no hypothetical about that
..why don't you link the specific thread /posts you are yakking about
When a civilization begins, it begins in groups of different individuals, each of which are capable of doing anything to affect the group behavior; but mainly its leaders will lead the direction. Any human culture is capable of doing and most have done evil in this life. And any group that thinks its group is an exception to this, is just in denial.
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure. Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure. Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?

Everything happens for a Reason. True or False?
Every effect has a CAUSE. True or False?
Every action produces a reaction. True or False?

Where does EXCUSE fit in the above? There is no such thing as an EXCUSE, given the above. Either something is true or it is false. Its TRUE that whites have histrionically oppressed blacks. Its true that oppression was an ACTION that manifested a REACTION upon blacks. What was that reaction in terms of economics, culture, psychological, sociology, geography, etc?
..we have undeniably proved Africa is a shithole
..above/near Africa we have the Middle East which is a shithole ranking a little better than Africa
..then farther north we have the Balkans-a little better than the ME--but they have had many tribal/ethnic problems up until the 90s
...then, farther north, you have Europe and Scandinavia which have been the most stable and prosperous in recent times
why is this?
better yet--lets have a separate thread on this
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
blacks have --
enslaved/murdered/warred on/committed genocide/urinated/crapped/etc--all the same things whites have done--no hypothetical about that
..why don't you link the specific thread /posts you are yakking about
I don't have to link anything. I will ask you again. If whites experienced what blacks experienced, in terms of racial oppression, in the time and space that blacks experienced it, would whites be any different socioeconomically than blacks today? Would they have less problems than blacks have today, the same or more?
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure. Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure. Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?

Everything happens for a Reason. True or False?
Every effect has a CAUSE. True or False?
Every action produces a reaction. True or False?

Where does EXCUSE fit in the above? There is no such thing as an EXCUSE, given the above. Either something is true or it is false. Its TRUE that whites have histrionically oppressed blacks. Its true that oppression was an ACTION that manifested a REACTION upon blacks. What was that reaction in terms of economics, culture, psychological, sociology, geography, etc?
If you can't think of any new excuses for black failure, do the jungle-bunny civilization stuff. That never gets old.
..we have undeniably proved Africa is a shithole
..above/near Africa we have the Middle East which is a shithole ranking a little better than Africa
..then farther north we have the Balkans-a little better than the ME--but they have had many tribal/ethnic problems up until the 90s
...then, farther north, you have Europe and Scandinavia which have been the most stable and prosperous in recent times
why is this?
better yet--lets have a separate thread on this
You have NEVER even been to Africa...so the only thing you are going off of is selection bias fueled by a racist mind. I have been to Ghana and I would not call Ghana a Sh!t hole....at least not what I experienced.
We Owe Blacks Absolutely Nothing

The New Age PC anthropologists are trying to say that Whites came from an undistinguished Black tribe that, through a random series of accidents rather than anything that would give them credit for doing, wound up wandering farther and farther north. Reaching Europe, their skin turned white. In Europe, through no character trait of their own, they lucked into a Land of Plenty and achieved things any other race with their luck would have done, too.

Continuing this narrative, Whites again wandered into America and have dishonestly taken credit for a unique development of its abundant resources. Do these vindictive pseudo-intellectual misfits seriously expect us to believe that if Blacks had been the ones to discover and emigrate to America, our nation would have become just as prosperous and stable?

A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
blacks have --
enslaved/murdered/warred on/committed genocide/urinated/crapped/etc--all the same things whites have done--no hypothetical about that
..why don't you link the specific thread /posts you are yakking about
I don't have to link anything. I will ask you again. If whites experienced what blacks experienced, in terms of racial oppression, in the time and space that blacks experienced it, would whites be any different socioeconomically than blacks today? Would they have less problems than blacks have today, the same or more?
....depends on their cultural history......are they living in grass huts/no alphabet/no technology/etc??
A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure. Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?
A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
Could you possibly make more excuses for black failure. Try to think of something novel instead of repeating the same tired stuff. while slightly amusing in the short term, it gets extremely monotonous after a while.

Something new for a change, eh?

Everything happens for a Reason. True or False?
Every effect has a CAUSE. True or False?
Every action produces a reaction. True or False?

Where does EXCUSE fit in the above? There is no such thing as an EXCUSE, given the above. Either something is true or it is false. Its TRUE that whites have histrionically oppressed blacks. Its true that oppression was an ACTION that manifested a REACTION upon blacks. What was that reaction in terms of economics, culture, psychological, sociology, geography, etc?
If you can't think of any new excuses for black failure, do the jungle-bunny civilization stuff. That never gets old.
Yeah.....Excuse = anything that includes the history of what whites have done to blacks in explaining the condition of blacks.
Racism almost has its own " Language", if we notice. The evolution of language definitely has to do with developing a nation ; a civilization. Most contemporary linguist commonly agree that our language is experiencing some deterred undisciplined direction. How we talk to each other is a mirror of how racist we can become toward each other; I mean look at the examples here in this thread.

Our language is becoming more and more littered with racist overtones , some more hidden than others.
A valid point, I understand. I don't know what Blacks would have done if history reversed itself in America , we may have been just as enslaving toward Whites if we enslaved them?? We enslaved our own in Africa, if we did that, I don't find it hard to believe we would enslave other races. I think its more human nature, any race would have done it perhaps. Or we can at least say all races are " capable of doing things like that."

The current thinking in science is that all civilizations migrated out of Africa, but that is slowly showing other evidence that may eventually dispute even that; the research is just not over yet.

Let me also state that I think we all " Owe each other some things as races toward each other"; such as respect, dignity, peace, a sharing of views , to show some reasonable care for each others offspring and not harm each other. Its a shame if we have to demand those things from each other. I mean just the basic tenants of humanity are owed I would say. Because when we put each other into positions of having to demand them or fight for them, it is really from that position first comes the greed of asking for too much.

I also think that Blacks are again " Capable" of developing much of the things Whites did in America, we helped you do it don't forget. But Whites did a great job developing America, absolutely no doubt there; I mean its already done history which cannot be removed.
..it's hard to believe the blacks would not do the same if the roles were reversed
..also the same with the Native Americans against the whites--many NA tribes decimated/displaced/tortured/warred on/etc other tribes long before the whites came
..Shaka Zulu murdered many of his own and conquered other tribes
..I had a Kenyan friend and he agreed the Africans fought over territory/etc--but he said that was ''different'' !!!!
Ahhhhhh....I get it. The negative things whites are known for doing, blacks would do the same if the roles were reversed. Got it. Yet, when I asked you and others would whites be in the same position as blacks if rolls were reversed beginning in the 1600's........ you all skirted answering the question saying it was not based upon facts and was too hypothetical. Of course many of you believe that whites could endure the exact same experience, as a race, that blacks did in America, but come out much better than blacks. You imply this all the time when you talk about the experience of the Irish, Chinese, Jews or others. You bring them up to suggest that there have been groups that have gone through what blacks have.....and look at them now compared to blacks. Again, you and the others are simply racist.
blacks have --
enslaved/murdered/warred on/committed genocide/urinated/crapped/etc--all the same things whites have done--no hypothetical about that
..why don't you link the specific thread /posts you are yakking about
I don't have to link anything. I will ask you again. If whites experienced what blacks experienced, in terms of racial oppression, in the time and space that blacks experienced it, would whites be any different socioeconomically than blacks today? Would they have less problems than blacks have today, the same or more?
....depends on their cultural history......are they living in grass huts/no alphabet/no technology/etc??
Just like I thought. More obfuscation. When child is born in America, they have no culture, no language....just instincts. Hence, I am saying that if the white people born in America, since 1600, experienced in degree and kind what black children born into this land experienced, would whites be any better, worse or the same as blacks are today socioeconomically?
..we have undeniably proved Africa is a shithole
..above/near Africa we have the Middle East which is a shithole ranking a little better than Africa
..then farther north we have the Balkans-a little better than the ME--but they have had many tribal/ethnic problems up until the 90s
...then, farther north, you have Europe and Scandinavia which have been the most stable and prosperous in recent times
why is this?
better yet--lets have a separate thread on this
You have NEVER even been to Africa...so the only thing you are going off of is selection bias fueled by a racist mind. I have been to Ghana and I would not call Ghana a Sh!t hole....at least not what I experienced.
AKIP, you are denying the undeniable
Africa is undeniable the world's biggest shithole--everyone in the world knows this
they get the same information as you and I do....

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