Examining the traits of racism.

We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?

Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.

That is why a movie like Black Panther is so potentially powerful for blacks around the world. Showing blacks in that light can speak it into existence by getting young blacks to see and believe that can come true. Rather, what blacks generally see is imagery of black failure and incompetence.....which then becomes the expectation....as opposed to greatness. Keep in mind that many whites want to constantly highlight black failure.

I can see some of your points , still I think the feelings of being superior has its dark sides to it for sure , especially when they are magnified at the expense of others. But they have an attraction, kind of like " Only the strong survive." The animal kingdom lives on that as well. The stronger gets to pass on its genes , the species survives.

And man certainly has that instinct.
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
But that doesnt have much to do with melanin. Just that we came out of africa and we all came form one person 200K years ago (which, i think, is crap anyways)
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
But that doesnt have much to do with melanin. Just that we came out of africa and we all came form one person 200K years ago (which, i think, is crap anyways)
They only way to think a theory is crap is to hold an opposing theory that you are emotionally tied. Given the fact that you are no geneticist, biologist, paleontologist, scientist of any sort.....why to you choose to believe what you believe? Prejudice?
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?

Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.

That is why a movie like Black Panther is so potentially powerful for blacks around the world. Showing blacks in that light can speak it into existence by getting young blacks to see and believe that can come true. Rather, what blacks generally see is imagery of black failure and incompetence.....which then becomes the expectation....as opposed to greatness. Keep in mind that many whites want to constantly highlight black failure.

I can see some of your points , still I think the feelings of being superior has its dark sides to it for sure , especially when they are magnified at the expense of others. But they have an attraction, kind of like " Only the strong survive." The animal kingdom lives on that as well. The stronger gets to pass on its genes , the species survives.

And man certainly has that instinct.

One of my points WAS the dark side (the corollary of the out race inferiority).
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
But that doesnt have much to do with melanin. Just that we came out of africa and we all came form one person 200K years ago (which, i think, is crap anyways)
They only way to think a theory is crap is to hold an opposing theory that you are emotionally tied. Given the fact that you are no geneticist, biologist, paleontologist, scientist of any sort.....why to you choose to believe what you believe?
So you believe we all came from one woman 200K years ago? Lol
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
But that doesnt have much to do with melanin. Just that we came out of africa and we all came form one person 200K years ago (which, i think, is crap anyways)

Well as I stated, the science is there.


And the color of human skin is a part of DNA , no denying that.
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
But that doesnt have much to do with melanin. Just that we came out of africa and we all came form one person 200K years ago (which, i think, is crap anyways)
They only way to think a theory is crap is to hold an opposing theory that you are emotionally tied. Given the fact that you are no geneticist, biologist, paleontologist, scientist of any sort.....why to you choose to believe what you believe?
So you believe we all came from one woman 200K years ago? Lol
I really do not have a dog in the hunt.
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.
You mean an honest discussion about black inferiority to whites? In your utopia you would like to see blacks talked about as inferior without those talking about them as inferior being seen as racist.....but rather TRUTH SPEAKERS....lol. Racism, in your world, is blacks not accepting that they are inferior.
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
But that doesnt have much to do with melanin. Just that we came out of africa and we all came form one person 200K years ago (which, i think, is crap anyways)

Well as I stated, the science is there.

http://ase.tufts.edu/chemistry/hhmi/documents/Protocols/Maternal Ancestry_Introduction_Reworked_Aug_25_2011.pdf

And the color of human skin is a part of DNA , no denying that.
That link lead me to a question, which i googled. I found a very in depth paper. The concept makes a lot more sense now. I completely misunderstood what the concept actually was. Thanks for helping me in my journey! lol
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.

Yes, just yet another trait of racism and its wide range on humanity. Racism has a way of " Quickly bringing a discussion to boil", and I think another trait of it is how some use it like a weapon. Like grabbing a knife and cutting at you and your thoughts.

As human natures reaches for the top, it thinks the bottom is too crowded with lesser beings. So it steps on them , like using them as steps to propel themselves higher. I think that is what created the Women's Liberation movement", women just got tired of men stepping all over them for all our selfish reasons.
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
But that doesnt have much to do with melanin. Just that we came out of africa and we all came form one person 200K years ago (which, i think, is crap anyways)

Well as I stated, the science is there.

http://ase.tufts.edu/chemistry/hhmi/documents/Protocols/Maternal Ancestry_Introduction_Reworked_Aug_25_2011.pdf

And the color of human skin is a part of DNA , no denying that.
That link lead me to a question, which i googled. I found a very in depth paper. The concept makes a lot more sense now. I completely misunderstood what the concept actually was. Thanks for helping me in my journey! lol

Your welcome, I first misunderstood it myself years ago. I think it is interesting, I still continue to look at it from time to time.
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
But that doesnt have much to do with melanin. Just that we came out of africa and we all came form one person 200K years ago (which, i think, is crap anyways)

Well as I stated, the science is there.

http://ase.tufts.edu/chemistry/hhmi/documents/Protocols/Maternal Ancestry_Introduction_Reworked_Aug_25_2011.pdf

And the color of human skin is a part of DNA , no denying that.
That link lead me to a question, which i googled. I found a very in depth paper. The concept makes a lot more sense now. I completely misunderstood what the concept actually was. Thanks for helping me in my journey! lol

Your welcome, I first misunderstood it myself years ago. I think it is interesting, I still continue to look at it from time to time.
It doesnt make sense at all until you understand what the "eve" actually is
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.

Yes, just yet another trait of racism and its wide range on humanity. Racism has a way of " Quickly bringing a discussion to boil", and I think another trait of it is how some use it like a weapon. Like grabbing a knife and cutting at you and your thoughts.

As human natures reaches for the top, it thinks the bottom is too crowded with lesser beings. So it steps on them , like using them as steps to propel themselves higher. I think that is what created the Women's Liberation movement", women just got tired of men stepping all over them for all our selfish reasons.
You actually agree with that? That is like suggesting a black person moving into a white neighborhood is an attempt to make white people leave the neighborhood. Ergo, who chooses to shut down the debate, the person claiming racism or the person accused of racism? The goal is not to get you to move or to end the debate.....that is just how many whites react to the situation. I mean, how does someone claiming an argument is racist force the other person to end the debate? I can almost guarantee you that the person claiming racism does not want the debate to end......but the person being called out for being racist decides to move out the neighborhood, metaphorically speaking.
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.

Yes, just yet another trait of racism and its wide range on humanity. Racism has a way of " Quickly bringing a discussion to boil", and I think another trait of it is how some use it like a weapon. Like grabbing a knife and cutting at you and your thoughts.

As human natures reaches for the top, it thinks the bottom is too crowded with lesser beings. So it steps on them , like using them as steps to propel themselves higher. I think that is what created the Women's Liberation movement", women just got tired of men stepping all over them for all our selfish reasons.
You actually agree with that? That is like suggesting a black person moving into a white neighborhood is an attempt to make white people leave the neighborhood. Ergo, who chooses to shut down the debate, the person claiming racism or the person accused of racism? The goal is not to get you to move or to end the debate.....that is just how many whites react to the situation. I mean, how does someone claiming an argument is racist force the other person to end the debate? I can almost guarantee you that the person claiming racism does not want the debate to end......but the person being called out for being racist decides to move out the neighborhood, metaphorically speaking.

Well in some fights there is no winner, just as in debate. I rarely let others chase me away from debate , I have to really get tired of them before I leave. Racist debate has its own peculiar dynamic , it can become repulsive as it begins its boil. And some just seem to grow tired of the heat it generates.
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.

Yes, just yet another trait of racism and its wide range on humanity. Racism has a way of " Quickly bringing a discussion to boil", and I think another trait of it is how some use it like a weapon. Like grabbing a knife and cutting at you and your thoughts.

As human natures reaches for the top, it thinks the bottom is too crowded with lesser beings. So it steps on them , like using them as steps to propel themselves higher. I think that is what created the Women's Liberation movement", women just got tired of men stepping all over them for all our selfish reasons.
You actually agree with that? That is like suggesting a black person moving into a white neighborhood is an attempt to make white people leave the neighborhood. Ergo, who chooses to shut down the debate, the person claiming racism or the person accused of racism? The goal is not to get you to move or to end the debate.....that is just how many whites react to the situation. I mean, how does someone claiming an argument is racist force the other person to end the debate? I can almost guarantee you that the person claiming racism does not want the debate to end......but the person being called out for being racist decides to move out the neighborhood, metaphorically speaking.

Well in some fights there is no winner, just as in debate. I rarely let others chase me away from debate , I have to really get tired of them before I leave. Racist debate has its own peculiar dynamic , it can become repulsive as it begins its boil. And some just seem to grow tired of the heat it generates.

I think the disconnect is that what some people view as TRUTHS others interpret as racist. In other words, some people believe that a truth cannot be racist and if people believe strongly that blacks inferiority is a TRUTH, then they reject claims that they are being racist. However, nothing in the official definition of racism mentions TRUTHS. What people think are TRUTHS is actually no more than a strong belief or faith in your second hand source of the information.
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability obviously leads to superior thoughts developing in others. Rare is the human who can rightly balance these thoughts without prejudice. It can be like a firecracker exploding inside your head and leave you with more damage than you think. Then we take that damage and still try to reason with others our distorted views.

And wonder why they can't seem to agree.
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.
You mean an honest discussion about black inferiority to whites? In your utopia you would like to see blacks talked about as inferior without those talking about them as inferior being seen as racist.....but rather TRUTH SPEAKERS....lol. Racism, in your world, is blacks not accepting that they are inferior.

No, in my utopia white racial identity would no longer be demonized and forbidden by the media and elected officials. We would be treated like everyone else who are allowed to have group aspirations instead of being held to an impossible standard.
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.
You mean an honest discussion about black inferiority to whites? In your utopia you would like to see blacks talked about as inferior without those talking about them as inferior being seen as racist.....but rather TRUTH SPEAKERS....lol. Racism, in your world, is blacks not accepting that they are inferior.

No, in my utopia white racial identity would no longer be demonized and forbidden by the media and elected officials. We would be treated like everyone else who are allowed to have group aspirations instead of being held to an impossible standard.

You cannot get treated like everyone else if you are not in the condition of everyone else. If you want to be able to do what blacks do then suffer the problems that blacks suffer in degree and or kind.
Accusations of racism are just a means to shut down debate and avoid honest discussion.

Yes, just yet another trait of racism and its wide range on humanity. Racism has a way of " Quickly bringing a discussion to boil", and I think another trait of it is how some use it like a weapon. Like grabbing a knife and cutting at you and your thoughts.

As human natures reaches for the top, it thinks the bottom is too crowded with lesser beings. So it steps on them , like using them as steps to propel themselves higher. I think that is what created the Women's Liberation movement", women just got tired of men stepping all over them for all our selfish reasons.
You actually agree with that? That is like suggesting a black person moving into a white neighborhood is an attempt to make white people leave the neighborhood. Ergo, who chooses to shut down the debate, the person claiming racism or the person accused of racism? The goal is not to get you to move or to end the debate.....that is just how many whites react to the situation. I mean, how does someone claiming an argument is racist force the other person to end the debate? I can almost guarantee you that the person claiming racism does not want the debate to end......but the person being called out for being racist decides to move out the neighborhood, metaphorically speaking.

Well in some fights there is no winner, just as in debate. I rarely let others chase me away from debate , I have to really get tired of them before I leave. Racist debate has its own peculiar dynamic , it can become repulsive as it begins its boil. And some just seem to grow tired of the heat it generates.

I think the disconnect is that what some people view as TRUTHS others interpret as racist. In other words, some people believe that a truth cannot be racist and if people believe strongly that blacks inferiority is a TRUTH, then they reject claims that they are being racist. However, nothing in the official definition of racism mentions TRUTHS. What people think are TRUTHS is actually no more than a strong belief or faith in your second hand source of the information.

Is there an official definition that defines Blacks as inferior that has a real leg to stand on?

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