Example of what cops have to deal with.

Just pure ignorant street shit.

Thanks for the post. The woman is a COMPLETE dumbshit, I.Q,. MAYBE 75. Just dreadful.

But but but according to the Cultural Marxists she iz a Black wimmens and as she iz Black she iz SUPERIOR to us Whitey's :abgg2q.jpg:

Remember Rule 101 that the Cultural Marxists brainwashed these low IQ zoo animals with is:

We Wuz Kangz :abgg2q.jpg:
Black women are always complaining that a lot of black men marry women from other races instead of them.
She is a perfect example of why they do. ... :cool:

But but but Black wimmens surely are better at making fried chicken and slicing watermelon :smoke:
Black women are always complaining that a lot of black men marry women from other races instead of them.
She is a perfect example of why they do. ... :cool:
I don't know. Left wing white women are simply too dumb to take serious. They are the worst types of stupid too.

They are stupid people who think they are smarter than people who are far smarter.

Like me, it doesn't mean I am all that smart. However by right butt cheek is smarter than the smartest left wing white woman.

This about sums them up.


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