Example:USA Rules & Regulations destroying job growth...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For example are you aware that PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

So just this ONE OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers by hiring just ONE worker or 16 the business owner must have 2 water closets!

Hesitancy because due to more and more rules and regulations coming from this administration at a rate Since 2008 the government has spent 54 billion dollars on regulatory agencies at a 16% growth rate.

Since President Obama took office regulatory agency employment climbed 13% to more than 281,000 regulatory employees. During the same period all other employment shrank by 5.6%.

By 2008 the cost to the private economy to comply with federal regulations was 1.75 trillion dollars. 4200 more regulations are waiting for approval in the pipeline, not counting the EPA, the new health care bill, and the Dodd-Frank legislation. It is not known yet how much more those will add?
The 1.75 trillion dollar red tape economy | Washington Times Communities

So businesses have NO idea what it will cost to add new employees because of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank Act, and all the new rules and regulations!
Why hire people if you have to spend thousands more in following OSHA,EPA,and all the other alphabet soup rules and regulations!
Fat foxes guardin' the hen house collectin' their fat paychecks...
U.S. Gov't Financial Regulators Earn Tax-Funded Salaries of $225,000-Plus
October 25, 2011 – Federal employees at several financial regulatory agencies – including the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) – are earning six-figure salaries and taking home bonuses up to $5,000, according to federal records obtained by Judicial Watch. At least 228 such regulators make $225,000 a year.
In comparison, members of Congress make $174,000 a year; the Speaker of the House makes $223,500; and the majority and minority leaders pull in $193,400 a year. The records, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), show the number of employees at five of the six major financial regulatory agencies. In addition to the CFPB, the personnel documents come from Wall Street regulatory agencies including the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Treasury Department, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The forms reveal that hundreds of regulators earn in excess of $225,000 per year, not counting bonus income awarded by some of the agencies.

The CFPB – created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulation law – has hired a dozen employees at more than $225,000 per year, Judicial Watch reported on Tuesday. The massive new financial regulator has also hired a college student intern, paying her $42,036 per year, despite being listed as a “student trainee” in federal records. The CFTC has 26 employees earning at least $225,000 per year. That agency blocked out most of the data on the forms it released to Judicial Watch. It did not block out the amounts it paid in bonuses, however, revealing that it paid between $400 and $5,000 in cash bonuses to employees making $225,000 per year or more. The CFTC would not release the exact salaries of the employees to whom it gave bonuses but all of the records pertained to employees making $225,000 per year or more.

The OCC reported that it had 85 employees making $225,000 or more, but blacked-out the names of those employees as well as the reasons for paying them such high salaries. Typically, the agencies reported both the names of its highly paid employees and the legal authority that justified the high salaries. The Treasury Department reported only two high-salaried employees, choosing also to withhold their names. The SEC had the most high-salaried employees, reporting that they paid 103 employees salaries of $225,000 per year or more. In all, the financial agencies reported a total of 228 employees making $225,000 or more per year, not including bonuses.

The only financial regulator that refused to respond to the FOIA request filed by Judicial Watch was the Federal Reserve, which claimed that it did not use normal government personnel records. The Fed also did not provide Judicial Watch with the personnel records it said it did use. The documents, known as SF-50 forms, are government employment records that show how much employees earn in annual salary. “These new salary records are bound to cause controversy. No wonder Washington, D.C. is the wealthiest area of the country,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “And the secrecy surrounding basic salary information of public employees shows an arrogance of power and contempt for transparency in an administration that promised the very opposite.”

Are you opposed to the notion of requiring sanitary conditions for American workers, or do you just think the numbers should be different?

Also, just to be clear, a facility with 16 employees on site would need two toilets, not two bathrooms.
BS- the things bothering businesses are Pub fear mongering, and gov't obstruction and no compromise disfunction, not to mention Pub bankers! Confederacy of a-holes and dunces doing all the can to stall the economy to get the black guy...Pub Dupes!!

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