Exc: Rabbi of Russia helped oligarch to steal 2 $ Billions!


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
Exclusive: Chabad's Chief Rabbi Of Russia Part Of A $2 Billion Swindle, Alleged Victim Claims

Rabbi-berel-lazar Arcadi Gaydamak says Chabad's chief rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, helped Chabad oligarch Lev Leviev steal $2 billion dollars from him. And he also says both men have failed to answer repeated summonses from a Moscow beit din.

Exclusive: Avoiding Judgment In A 2 Billion Dollar Swindle?
Arcadi Gaydamak says Chabad's chief rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, helped Chabad oligarch Lev Leviev steal $2 billion dollars from him. And Gaydamak says both Lazar and Leviev are in violation of repeated summonses issued by a Moscow beit din.

In early 1993, Angola was deep in a decades-long civil war between the Russian-backed government and U.S.-South Africa-Brazil-and Portugal-backed-rebels. Arcadi Gaydamak the Russian-Israeli-French-Canadian businessman, was asked by the government to sell Angola's oil, a difficult task due to the disruption the war caused.

Gaydamak entered the Angola oil business and prospered.

Eventually, the rebels lost much of their western support, in part due to their role in human rights violations. 500,000 people are thought to have been killed in the civil war, with many more wounded and maimed.

UNITA, the leading rebel faction, supported its war by illegally selling diamonds. Many were moved by a middleman through the diamond cartel De Beers.

The UN imposed sanctions that were meant to stop UNITA's diamond trafficking. Even so, of the $4 billion dollars in diamonds illegally trafficked during that time, UNITA is estimated to have sold $3.72 billion, 93% of the total.

It's a story btwn mafia, gangster Arcadi Gaydamak himself is wanted by french authorities he is accused of weapon trafficking !, he finds refuge in "israel"!



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