EXCELLENT Article On The State Of The dimocrap Party

Obama has made it impossible for a black person of either gender (or mixed gender, for that matter) to be elected president for at least 150 years.

For that we might give Him thanks.

HOWEVER, the same cannot be said for what he has done to Democrat Party chances at the presidency. At best his performance has made us safe from that for eight, possibly twelve years at best.

Well I guess we can cross Ben Carson off the list according to you.

I don't think you realize what a racist statement that is, not everyone will judge black people by how Obama has done in the presidency.
But no one will vote for a black person just because he is black.
Whixh is some kind of improvement.
Ok...so democrats are scum. That makes the GOP saviors correct? Pro wealthy, anti education, anti social security and Medicare(touch that and see how you do) will surely save this country. I get it now. I am happily part of the problem. I love my SS, I use the hell out of my Medicare, 35 years ago I belonged to my private sector union and we fought hard and wide versus the pricks that tried to short change us. Yes you will save us.
If concluding that Obama has rendered all blacks unacceptable as presidential timber for 150 years is racist then so be it. Fact is he has tarred them all, Democrat or Republican, with the same brush. Pity, though, that it's blacks being tarred when the real problem is not his race; it's his (Democrat) party that's the root cause. Still, it's easier to identify a person by their colour than by their party unless they're wearing some kind or label - or maybe clown suit.
Oh, this is perfect.

What a beautiful text book case of a sentence constructed by someone who is thoroughly and willfully self-deluded.

Not allowing emotion to interfere. And then calls them the "dimocrap" party.

Wonderful! Just...wonderful.

I'm sure whatever followed was completely objective... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Eat a dick, snowflake
Tsk Tsk so emotional. Stop being such a little girl
I think last November spoke volumes about the democrat party.

And that was AFTER the complete and utter FOOLS in the moronic Tea Party talked us into shutting down the goobermint.

After that little mindless stunt, we lost 30 points in popularity.

Can you imagine what it would look like if douchebags like Ted Mr Haney Cruz hadn't badgered us into shutting down the goobermint?

And that is also what led to the (long overdue) purging of the Tea Party in all Senate Races in 2014.

We just can't take anymore idiots like Todd 'Legitimate Rape' Akin and Richard 'God Wanted You To Be Raped' Mourdock.

dimocrap scum are easy to beat. They're scumbags. What hurts us is the Tea Party scumbags nad th back-stabbing liberturdians; who will cry like stuck pigs if they can't have their way.

We need to eliminate both from the Party. We do that and we can't lose another race to dimocrap scum.

They got nothing. They accomplished nothing.


I think you are wrong about the shut down. Either no one cared or they thought itwas about time.
I hit on an idea reading the posts. How about most of the governmental function go private? At least in competition with. Much like FedX and UPS are in competition with USPS. In the computer age there is little reason a notary public couldn't issue drivers licenses. State store, which are the only alcohol outlet in some states, are nothing more then a monopoly which the government would not allow in private. So let the private sector open State stores in competition and see who wins.

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