Excellent article why the US is fed up with illegal aliens

Granny says, "Dat's right - she gonna vote fer Ol' Bobby...

Bobby Jindal: ‘Immigration Without Assimilation Is Invasion’
August 31, 2015 | Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that people who want to come to the United States should learn English and adopt our values, because “immigration without assimilation is invasion.”
“One of the things I have been emphasizing, as the son of immigrants who came here legally, we need to insist on assimilation. In Europe, they're not doing that. They have got huge problems. Immigration without assimilation is invasion. That can weaken our country,” Jindal said. “We don't need to go down the path of Europe. Let's insist on being the melting pot. Let's forget this politically correct, left notion that we're not a melting pot anymore.”

Host John Dickerson asked Jindal, “Let me ask you a question about immigration, a topic that is much in conversation among Republicans. We know all Republicans candidates want to secure the border, but after that, there is the question of what to do with the undocumented workers who are in the United States. “You said on CNN recently, you said, ‘I think American people will be pragmatic and compassionate about the people here.’ What does that mean about the 11 million, 12 million undocumented workers who are here now?” Jindal asked. “I think the reason voters don't want a comprehensive approach, a gang of eight approach, is we tried that in the '80s. We were told, deal with it comprehensive, and we would get a secure border. That didn't happen. That's why I think it's right to sequence these things. Secure the border first, and then we can have the discussion about the folks that are here, but the bottom line is this,” Jindal said.

“A smart immigration policy makes our country stronger. We need to insist. People that want to come to our country should come legally, should learn English, should adopt our values, roll up their sleeves and get to work. One of the things I have been emphasizing, as the son of immigrants who came here legally, we need to insist on assimilation,” Jindal said. “In Europe, they're not doing that. They have got huge problems. Immigration without assimilation is invasion. That can weaken our country. We don't need to go down the path of Europe. Let's insist on being the melting pot. Let's forget this politically correct, left notion that we're not a melting pot anymore,” he added. “But you said you want a compassionate treatment of the illegal immigrants here now. So, is deportation, which is the Donald Trump plan, would you say that's compassionate?” asked Dickerson.

“Well, look, like I said, secure the border first, put an end to the sanctuary cities. I have said hold the mayors and councilman, hold them criminally liable for the crimes committed by people that shouldn't be here illegally in the first place. After we have done that -- and it would only take six months to secure the border,” said Jindal. “I know left says we can't get it done. That's ridiculous. If we're serious about this, it won't be perfect, but we can get this done in six months. Then we can have the conversation about folks that are here illegally,” he added.

Bobby Jindal: ‘Immigration Without Assimilation Is Invasion’

See also:

U.S. Ambassador: 17,000 Syrian Refugees Waiting to Come Here
August 31, 2015 | U.S. Ambassador Brett McGurk said that 17,000 Syrian refugees have applied to enter the U.S. and that the nation will likely take in “more” of them next year. “We took in about 1,500 last year. We think we’ll take in more next year,” McGurk, who serves as the deputy special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, said Sunday on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd.
McGurk’s comments came in response to Todd’s question about whether the U.S. would increase the number of refugees it takes in from Syria. “The United States takes in more refugees than any country around the world. We took in about 70,000 refugees last year, 20,000 asylum seekers. We have about 17,000 Syrian refugee applicants now to come into the U.S.,” he said. "We took in about 1,500 last year. We think we'll take in more next year," he said.

McGurk went on to discuss the refugee issue as part of a broader effort to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). "But this is a global challenge. President Obama spoke about this with [German] Chancellor [Angela] Merkel last month. I'm going to be in Brussels in a couple of weeks with Gen. [John] Allen talking to the EU [European Union] about this problem.

"At the UNGA later this month, the U.N. General Assembly, President Obama's going to get together all the leaders of the international coalition..." "[T]he humanitarian line of effort is one of the key lines of effort in the fight against ISIL, it’s not just military. It’s restricting the control of foreign fighters, it’s humanitarian, it’s taking away its finances, and it’s rebutting its propaganda in the social media,” McGurk said.

U.S. Ambassador: 17,000 Syrian Refugees Waiting to Come Here
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I concur, great article. Immigration without documentation IS invasion, and for these same folks NOT to acclimate is further insult. And race isn't any excuse.The politically correct liberal pandering excuses and dodges are as thin as gossamer and just as flimsy.
for these same folks NOT to acclimate is further insult....

It's just your imagined insult, as immigrants today are assimilating just as those before them did.

Not so, my dear Watson/Einstein. The immigrants of yesteryear assimilated by hard work, getting their citizenship by studying and taking a history test, learning our language, and most of all, fitting in. Immigrants today don't assimilate at all! They get everything free on the taxpayers dime, most don't work, don't strive for citizenship, don't learn the language, and certainly make no attempt to fit in. I'm sick to death of trying to make a simple phone call and having to sit through a Spanish interpretation before getting routed. I'm also sick of how absolutely rude immigrants behave. At the top of my list are Asians. Ever notice how they have stone faces, won't smile when you smile at them, won't exchange pleasantries, not to mention can't drive a car? They can certainly manufacture them, but they sure can't drive them.
certainly make no attempt to fit in.....

Also, of course, false. People like you have been saying things like that since the beginning of the Republic. Someone probably whined about your own ancestors in like fashion.
. I'm sick to death of trying to make a simple phone call and having to sit through a Spanish interpretation before getting routed......

Complain to the company trying to cater to as many customers as possible. Don't complain to non-native English speakers about that one.
People that think the immigrants of today do not assimilate into our culture clearly do not know very many immigrants, recent or otherwise. That nonsensical claim is as old as the hills.
for these same folks NOT to acclimate is further insult....

It's just your imagined insult, as immigrants today are assimilating just as those before them did.
I just came off of jury duty, and they needed court appointed and sworn in Spanish to English interpreters. Some twenty odd years back, the first case I served on, same thing. I am not experiencing immigrant acclimation, everything but. They seem to be avoiding it. Please don't insult my intelligence. They ARE NOT acclimating and we aren't doing anything to convince them they should...
The defendant, whom was found guilty of a felony, will serve two years and will be deported to Mexico. Didn't look anyone in the jury in the eye, we all knew this was an immigration issue, not a criminal one per such. Sad, if he had JUST immigrated legally, and tried to acclimate things might have went better for this bloke.
Yes, they are. Just as those before them did. If you feel like something has changed, it's you.

I will give you one, and only one, warning...do NOT troll my threads the way you are doing, and do NOT one-line repeatedly 5-10 posts at a time.

Cut the shit or I will come down on you with the Lord's Fury, and given the high number of fuckbags in my sig banned for trying me, you'll find your stay here to be cut very short. You have been warned.

Drop the nonsense, and address the thread topic. As I said, immigrants today are assimilating just as those who came before them did.

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