Exchange between AOC and Wells Fargo CEO.....


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

I don't know what to say.

She, in her typical pathetic way, only grandstands and asks loaded questions about absolutely nothing.

Tax dollars at work.
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So why shouldn't AOC be held accountable for every crap hole slum in Puerto Rico, or any other country with people of brown skin. After all then, if brown people are's her fault.
That's pretty much the analogy she uses. Use a reversal on her and turn her problem back on her.
The DNC is going to wake up to see all of it's billionaire donors and corporate donors giving all of it's money to the CPUSA or to the republicrats.

Thanks AOC, you're doing a wonderful job destroying the democrook mafia.

Ocasio-Cortez tries to knock out Wells Fargo CEO during questioning — and embarrasses herself instead

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) tried to grill the CEO of Wells Fargo during his testimony before Congress on Tuesday but it resulted in embarrassing video for the upstart freshman congresswoman.

Timothy Sloan testified in the House Financial Services Committee Hearing meant to hold "megabanks" accountable. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) chairs the committee and headed the hearing.

Ocasio-Cortez first tried to tie the bank to family separations at the border, but Sloan simply denied they had any direct involvement.

"Why was the bank involved in the caging of children and financing the caging of children to begin with?" Ocasio-Cortez asked.

"I don't know how to answer that question because we weren't," Sloan replied flatly.

"Uh, so in finan... you've, you were financing, involved in debt financing in CoreCivic and GEO group, correct?" Ocasio-Cortez continued, referring to two public prison firms.

"For a period of time, we were involved in financing one of the firms, we are not anymore," Sloan said. "I'm not familiar with the specific assertion you are making, we were not involved in that."

Ocasio-Cortez then turned to global warming issues surrounding the financing of various oil pipelines.

She asked if Wells Fargo should pay for spills from the Keystone XL pipeline, but Sloan responded that they didn't directly finance that pipeline. She had to move on.

Ocasio-Cortez then asked if they should be liable for global warming effects from their pipeline financing.

"I don't know how'd you calculate that, congresswoman," Sloan replied.

"Say from spills, or when we have to reinvest in infrastructure building sea walls from the erosion uh, of," Ocasio-Cortez stammered, "um, from the erosion of infrastructure or cleanups, wildfires, et cetera."

"Related to that pipeline?" Sloan asked. "I'm not aware that there's been any of what you've described that's occurred that's related to that pipeline."

Ocasio-Cortez, clearly growing impatient, demanded to know why Wells Fargo shouldn't pay for clean up from theoretical spills in the future that haven't happened yet.

"Because we don't operate the pipeline," he responded, "we provide financing to the company that's operating the pipeline."

Despite being unable to corner the CEO, Ocasio-Cortez declared victory on social media and demanded that those who disagree with her stop debating and simply cave to her demands.
Everything is the bank's fault, and poor antifa snowflakes and socialists didnu nothing.

We should have had laws on how to export such anti-American individuals out the country. Let her actually have to demonstrate her preference for Venezuela and socialism.
She is brilliant. Wall Street Banks and big donors are going to starve the DNC in 2020.
She is brilliant. Wall Street Banks and big donors are going to starve the DNC in 2020.

What is odd about her going after all this money is, it's as if her big plans depend on these rich fat cats. She needs their money to save the world.

Interesting, isn't it.
Filthy ass attention whore.
“I’m Brown, you’re not, you’re not allowed to make make me look like the ignorant fool that I am....YOU FASCIST MISOGYNIST RACIST!”
Thanks AOC, you're doing a wonderful job destroying the democrook mafia.

Well at least after the democrook mafia merges with the Republican one there won't be any misunderstandings about who the bad guys are.
Thanks AOC, you're doing a wonderful job destroying the democrook mafia.

Well at least after the democrook mafia merges with the Republican one there won't be any misunderstandings about who the bad guys are.

Who are the bad guys?

Have you given up the Russian shit or are you still clinging to that straw that the propagandists promoted in order to take away the democrats shady dealings with the Russians?
Ocasio-Cortez tries to knock out Wells Fargo CEO during questioning — and embarrasses herself instead

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) tried to grill the CEO of Wells Fargo during his testimony before Congress on Tuesday but it resulted in embarrassing video for the upstart freshman congresswoman.

Timothy Sloan testified in the House Financial Services Committee Hearing meant to hold "megabanks" accountable. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) chairs the committee and headed the hearing.

Ocasio-Cortez first tried to tie the bank to family separations at the border, but Sloan simply denied they had any direct involvement.

"Why was the bank involved in the caging of children and financing the caging of children to begin with?" Ocasio-Cortez asked.

"I don't know how to answer that question because we weren't," Sloan replied flatly.

"Uh, so in finan... you've, you were financing, involved in debt financing in CoreCivic and GEO group, correct?" Ocasio-Cortez continued, referring to two public prison firms.

"For a period of time, we were involved in financing one of the firms, we are not anymore," Sloan said. "I'm not familiar with the specific assertion you are making, we were not involved in that."

Ocasio-Cortez then turned to global warming issues surrounding the financing of various oil pipelines.

She asked if Wells Fargo should pay for spills from the Keystone XL pipeline, but Sloan responded that they didn't directly finance that pipeline. She had to move on.

Ocasio-Cortez then asked if they should be liable for global warming effects from their pipeline financing.

"I don't know how'd you calculate that, congresswoman," Sloan replied.

"Say from spills, or when we have to reinvest in infrastructure building sea walls from the erosion uh, of," Ocasio-Cortez stammered, "um, from the erosion of infrastructure or cleanups, wildfires, et cetera."

"Related to that pipeline?" Sloan asked. "I'm not aware that there's been any of what you've described that's occurred that's related to that pipeline."

Ocasio-Cortez, clearly growing impatient, demanded to know why Wells Fargo shouldn't pay for clean up from theoretical spills in the future that haven't happened yet.

"Because we don't operate the pipeline," he responded, "we provide financing to the company that's operating the pipeline."

Despite being unable to corner the CEO, Ocasio-Cortez declared victory on social media and demanded that those who disagree with her stop debating and simply cave to her demands.

She sure came out second best to that CEO. Hell any seasoned CEO could make her look like an idiot.

Her questions were idiotic and she sure didn't research any of them.

What a dingbat.
Laura Ingraham pointed out last night Cotex was looking down the whole time reading scripted questions but there were no scripted follow up questions. That's why she jumped from one subject to the next after the Wells Fargo guy stumped her with each answer. She lacks intellect to ask follow up questions.
Laura Ingraham pointed out last night Cotex appeared to have been reading scripted questions but there were no scripted follow up questions. That's why she jumped from one subject to the next after the Wells Fargo guy stumped her with each answer. She lacks intellect to ask follow up questions.

Give her a probably took her three days to find a crayon and think up the one question
She is brilliant. Wall Street Banks and big donors are going to starve the DNC in 2020.

What is odd about her going after all this money is, it's as if her big plans depend on these rich fat cats. She needs their money to save the world.

Interesting, isn't it.
If she's a true believer, she can take their shit, throw them in a gulag and do as she likes with the money. Pinheads like her believe money just comes out of printers. It's easier than growing trees. Did you know anyone can be a Trillionaire in Zimbabwe?

Laura Ingraham pointed out last night Cotex appeared to have been reading scripted questions but there were no scripted follow up questions. That's why she jumped from one subject to the next after the Wells Fargo guy stumped her with each answer. She lacks intellect to ask follow up questions.

Give her a probably took her three days to find a crayon and think up the one question
Believe me! She did not think up one question.

I don't know what to say.

She, in her typical pathetic way, only grandstands and asks loaded questions about absolutely nothing.

Tax dollars at work.

What's wrong with holding Wells Fargo accountable for investing in private prisons ?

If they finance your car are they responsible for it's upkeep and liable if you kill someone with it in an accident?

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