Exchange between AOC and Wells Fargo CEO.....

Thanks AOC, you're doing a wonderful job destroying the democrook mafia.

Well at least after the democrook mafia merges with the Republican one there won't be any misunderstandings about who the bad guys are.

There isn't now, except among stupid people.

They're pretty much ALL bad. The only ones who shouldn't be in prison are the few who are trying to undermine federal power and transfer it back to the states where it belongs.

I think the DNC is utterly rotten to the core, fully corrupted and beyond redemption. The GOP isn't too far behind.
I believe we all have been enlightened on why AOC was placed on this committee.

She makes Maxine look intellectual.

I don't know what to say.

She, in her typical pathetic way, only grandstands and asks loaded questions about absolutely nothing.

Tax dollars at work.

What's wrong with holding Wells Fargo accountable for investing in private prisons ? With TAXpayer bailout money I would add.

What law did they break? Why not hold law makers accountable. For profit prisons should be outlawed.
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If they finance your car are they responsible for it's upkeep and liable if you kill someone with it in an accident?
It's immoral what they're doing, and politicians like Hillary and Trump are all for it.
Trump’s First Year Has Been the Private Prison Industry’s Best
Although, to Hillary's credit, even though she's taken FPP money before, there's this;
Private Prison CEO Unconcerned About Hillary Clinton’s Pledge to End His Industry

It's banking. Occasional Kotex looked like the ignorant tool she is
I believe we all have been enlightened on why AOC was placed on this committee.

She makes Maxine look intellectual.

That's why I think she has to be doing what she does on purpose. For someone to actually be as stupid as AOC appears to be?

She would drown looking up during a rain storm. No one can possibly be that stupid and live that long...

Can they?

TRUTH: AOC is pandering to the open borders racist Democrats who want to change America into a Latino country.
Thank goodness these banks and millionaires have you good little footsoldiers being human shields for them. The way the system and, in fact, the entire world is stacked against them, they surely would not get fair justice any other way.

Typically, republican shills in congress and governorships would have to do all of this light work. But they are now freed up to focus on their lobbyists and protecting Trump from investigations. So the fruits of you efforts are wide-ranging.
Why what?
1. Can't retroactively punish a bank for financing a legal project.
2. It invites wholesale corruption with prisoners/people as the commodity.
The minute you're given a Social Security number you become a commodity.

Hmm big difference. Everyone get a SSN. Not everyone gets lock up. Now those that do the locking up make a profit based on the number of people they have locked up. The incentive is there for them to share some of those profits with the people who make the laws or who enforce the laws. There would also be no incentive for the for profit prisons to try any type of rehab or prisoner reform. Prisoner recidivism is also a profit motive whereas the public interest is the exact opposite. we want to reform them we don't want repeat offenders.
TRUTH: AOC is pandering to the open borders racist Democrats who want to change America into a Latino country.

Also the racist, totalitarian, Stalinist "Justice Democrats" who wrote those idiotic questions want to dictate as to who a bank can loan money to and who the bank cannot loan money to. Banking is already heavily regulated obviously, but imagine a "green new deal" that prevents banks from loaning to legal entities who are on the "Justice Democrats'" hit list or simply a person on the SPLC hit list. We all laugh at Donkey Face Cow Fart Cortez, but she and her handlers are hellbent on attacking our democracy.
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Is there anything...anything this ditz knows anything about?....hello?
I believe we all have been enlightened on why AOC was placed on this committee.

She makes Maxine look intellectual.

That's why I think she has to be doing what she does on purpose. For someone to actually be as stupid as AOC appears to be?

She would drown looking up during a rain storm. No one can possibly be that stupid and live that long...

Can they?


It's possible. She beat Crowley because only 16% of her district voted in the primary. That was Crowley's fault. Now she
really thinks she is somebody.

What I don't understand is why Democrats want to feature her. She is poison.
A law maker that thinks the world is one gigantic rube-goldberg machine.

Can't wait to see her blame the moms of the wells fargo execs for popping those corrupt little puppies out.....

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