Exchange between AOC and Wells Fargo CEO.....

What law did they break? Why not hold law makers accountable. For profit prisons should be outlawed.

Why what?
1. Can't retroactively punish a bank for financing a legal project.
2. It invites wholesale corruption with prisoners/people as the commodity.

Do you believe the prison system as it is isn't corrupted? As far as I'm concerned we should be selling a lot of these assholes to middle eastern countries, because they should not be allowed loose in our society ever again. They're proven they're incapable of having productive lives as individuals. They can't even behave properly IN PRISON without constantly trying to obtain dope or attack and kill other people.

I say fuck 'em.

Those who show potential for rehabilitation would do well in an industrial prison environment learning a trade.


I don't know what to say.

She, in her typical pathetic way, only grandstands and asks loaded questions about absolutely nothing.

Tax dollars at work.

I did absolutely love his responses. He sounded like a patient but weary parent explaining to his slow 5-year-old why he can't stick a fork in a light socket . . . for the tenth time. I'm surprised he didn't pat her on the head and tell her to run along and play with her toys.
She is brilliant. Wall Street Banks and big donors are going to starve the DNC in 2020.

What is odd about her going after all this money is, it's as if her big plans depend on these rich fat cats. She needs their money to save the world.

Interesting, isn't it.

She wasn't planning to ASK for it, though. She was planning on passing laws to just seize it.

I don't know what to say.

She, in her typical pathetic way, only grandstands and asks loaded questions about absolutely nothing.

Tax dollars at work.

What's wrong with holding Wells Fargo accountable for investing in private prisons ? With TAXpayer bailout money I would add.

What is there to "account for" in investing in a business? As he pointed out, THEY aren't running the place.
She is brilliant. Wall Street Banks and big donors are going to starve the DNC in 2020.

What is odd about her going after all this money is, it's as if her big plans depend on these rich fat cats. She needs their money to save the world.

Interesting, isn't it.
If she's a true believer, she can take their shit, throw them in a gulag and do as she likes with the money. Pinheads like her believe money just comes out of printers. It's easier than growing trees. Did you know anyone can be a Trillionaire in Zimbabwe?


She did make it clear that she thinks the government gets money from places other than taxes. :auiqs.jpg:
Laura Ingraham pointed out last night Cotex was looking down the whole time reading scripted questions but there were no scripted follow up questions. That's why she jumped from one subject to the next after the Wells Fargo guy stumped her with each answer. She lacks intellect to ask follow up questions.

I don't know what to say.

She, in her typical pathetic way, only grandstands and asks loaded questions about absolutely nothing.

Tax dollars at work.

What's wrong with holding Wells Fargo accountable for investing in private prisons ?

If they finance your car are they responsible for it's upkeep and liable if you kill someone with it in an accident?


Or to put it in Occasional Cortex's terms, if she served a guy in her bar, and then he picked up some chick there and got her pregnant, would Occasional Cortex owe them child support?
Why should anyone be held accountable for investing in a private prison? It's a business.
From someone who has no clue what prison is like.
"Ruining lives for profit. " What could possibly be wrong about that ?

You might want to write this down somewhere, so you'll remember it.

If you're in prison, you ruined your own life. And that whole "blame someone else for my ruined life" attitude probably has a lot to do with how and why.
Why should anyone be held accountable for investing in a private prison? It's a business.
From someone who has no clue what prison is like.
"Ruining lives for profit. " What could possibly be wrong about that ?

You might want to write this down somewhere, so you'll remember it.

If you're in prison, you ruined your own life. And that whole "blame someone else for my ruined life" attitude probably has a lot to do with how and why.

Oh. The arrogant, out-of-sight, out-of-mind, holier than thou attitude from a compassionate conservative American.....the top of the hypocrisy food-chain.
I believe we all have been enlightened on why AOC was placed on this committee.

She makes Maxine look intellectual.

That's why I think she has to be doing what she does on purpose. For someone to actually be as stupid as AOC appears to be?

She would drown looking up during a rain storm. No one can possibly be that stupid and live that long...

Can they?


Look at the world around you, the people in it, and then you tell us.
Why what?
1. Can't retroactively punish a bank for financing a legal project.
2. It invites wholesale corruption with prisoners/people as the commodity.
The minute you're given a Social Security number you become a commodity.

I was gonna say, in what way is that different if the government is running the prison, or just paying for it?

The Problem with Private Prisons — Justice Policy Institute

Any money saved by corporate-run prisons only benefits the corporations themselves, and these corporations are willing to go to extreme and horrifying lengths to preserve these profits. One particularly notorious example of this is the 2009 “Kids for Cash” scandal, in which two judges in Pennsylvania were revealed to have been accepting money from the owner of two private juvenile detention centers in return for sentencing juvenile offenders to time in those centers. Children were sentenced to time in detention centers for offenses like shoplifting DVDs or failing to appear at hearings they were never notified of.
I believe we all have been enlightened on why AOC was placed on this committee.

She makes Maxine look intellectual.

That's why I think she has to be doing what she does on purpose. For someone to actually be as stupid as AOC appears to be?

She would drown looking up during a rain storm. No one can possibly be that stupid and live that long...

Can they?


It's possible. She beat Crowley because only 16% of her district voted in the primary. That was Crowley's fault. Now she
really thinks she is somebody.

What I don't understand is why Democrats want to feature her. She is poison.

I think that originally they wanted to feature her because she was young and pretty and attention-getting. Now I think they just don't have much of a choice.
Why should anyone be held accountable for investing in a private prison? It's a business.
From someone who has no clue what prison is like.
"Ruining lives for profit. " What could possibly be wrong about that ?

You might want to write this down somewhere, so you'll remember it.

If you're in prison, you ruined your own life. And that whole "blame someone else for my ruined life" attitude probably has a lot to do with how and why.

Oh. The arrogant, out-of-sight, out-of-mind, holier than thou attitude from a compassionate conservative American.....the top of the hypocrisy food-chain.

I don't think I'm better than you because I'm conservative, Chuckles. I think it because I actually am. And if you feel judged because someone who has managed to follow the laws her whole life tells you the self-evident truth that making bad choices and refusing to own them is to blame for a bad life . . . GOOD. It's clearly long past time you felt judged for your stupidity and lack of responsibility.

Let me get right on not giving a shit that someone I have no respect for doesn't like me.

I don't know what to say.

She, in her typical pathetic way, only grandstands and asks loaded questions about absolutely nothing.

Tax dollars at work.

What's wrong with holding Wells Fargo accountable for investing in private prisons ? With TAXpayer bailout money I would add.

Hold them accountable for what? Private prisons are a legal entity entitled to do business in the United States.
If they finance your car are they responsible for it's upkeep and liable if you kill someone with it in an accident?
It's immoral what they're doing, and politicians like Hillary and Trump are all for it.
Trump’s First Year Has Been the Private Prison Industry’s Best
Although, to Hillary's credit, even though she's taken FPP money before, there's this;
Private Prison CEO Unconcerned About Hillary Clinton’s Pledge to End His Industry
Locking up criminals is immoral in your world view?
Why what?
1. Can't retroactively punish a bank for financing a legal project.
2. It invites wholesale corruption with prisoners/people as the commodity.
The minute you're given a Social Security number you become a commodity.

I was gonna say, in what way is that different if the government is running the prison, or just paying for it?

The Problem with Private Prisons — Justice Policy Institute

Any money saved by corporate-run prisons only benefits the corporations themselves, and these corporations are willing to go to extreme and horrifying lengths to preserve these profits. One particularly notorious example of this is the 2009 “Kids for Cash” scandal, in which two judges in Pennsylvania were revealed to have been accepting money from the owner of two private juvenile detention centers in return for sentencing juvenile offenders to time in those centers. Children were sentenced to time in detention centers for offenses like shoplifting DVDs or failing to appear at hearings they were never notified of.
So, you realize that what you described is called a 'corruption' case and the corruption was a government employee, specifically a Judge?
Why what?
1. Can't retroactively punish a bank for financing a legal project.
2. It invites wholesale corruption with prisoners/people as the commodity.
The minute you're given a Social Security number you become a commodity.

I was gonna say, in what way is that different if the government is running the prison, or just paying for it?

The Problem with Private Prisons — Justice Policy Institute

Any money saved by corporate-run prisons only benefits the corporations themselves, and these corporations are willing to go to extreme and horrifying lengths to preserve these profits. One particularly notorious example of this is the 2009 “Kids for Cash” scandal, in which two judges in Pennsylvania were revealed to have been accepting money from the owner of two private juvenile detention centers in return for sentencing juvenile offenders to time in those centers. Children were sentenced to time in detention centers for offenses like shoplifting DVDs or failing to appear at hearings they were never notified of.
So, you realize that what you described is called a 'corruption' case and the corruption was a government employee, specifically a Judge?

Two judges. Yes of course.

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