Exchange between AOC and Wells Fargo CEO.....

Locking up criminals is immoral in your world view?
Flooding the streets with drugs then profiting from locking people up at taxpayers expense because of laws that should not exist, and throwing nonviolent kids into dangerous prisons along side violent felons is very fucking immoral, obviously to anyone with a soul.

Blah blah "I fucked up, but I'M the victim!"

Someone hold a gun to your head and force you to do drugs, shithead? No? Okay, then it's frankly irrelevant what tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory you cook up about how XYZ "flooded the streets with drugs" and therefore it's THEIR fault that you had them/sold them/took them. Lots of other people, living in the exact same country with the exact same apocryphal "flooding" managed to have nothing to do with drugs and to break no laws whatsoever.

So guess what? You do the crime, you do the time, and it's still YOUR fault. And there's still not person one here who has any interest in justifying their morality or possession of a soul to the likes of you. That works a whole lot better when you're a person whose opinion matters to someone.
There are compulsive people in this world. There are people who have psyche issues in this world. We are a first world nation that has an avenue for people to numb their brains. Alcohol does it also. We can convert a percentage of prisons into forced rehabs for addicts who are not violent. Take them away from the general prison population and go through the whole drug rehab spiel while doing time as a prisoner even giving courses for jobs. Then clean their record up and see what happens. If recidivism happens then go from there. Drugs cost our economy a of of money.

I have no problem with looking for more effective ways to deal with issues.

I have zero interest in "everyone else is responsible for my bad decisions" as part of it.

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