Exclusive BB Megathread: 2 legal giants have a discussion about the stolen documents: America's Mayor Rudy W Giuliani & Prof Emeritus Alan Derschowitz

Oh yea sure you Trump cons have no problem saying both sides are bad when we are talking about how bad Republicans are.

I think Trump is finally going to get a felony. Then you can stop worshiping him because he won't be able to run. He couldn't be charged back when Michael Cohen went to jail for paying off Stormy Daniels because he was a sitting president but the statute of limitation isn't up on that. Why should Michael Cohen go to jail and not Trump?

Meanwhile, Trump has 3 other "witch hunts" going on.

Did you know this?

Many Republican officials don’t want Donald Trump around ― but they’re also too afraid to publicly challenge him, according to Atlantic journalist McKay Coppins.
“They all wanted him gone, but nobody wanted to confront him directly,” Coppins said Monday on CNN. “There is just this fear that if they go after him or if they try to rally around somebody else they’ll spark a backlash from his base.”

Journalist Reports Pro-MAGA GOP Insiders Secretly 'Can't Wait Until This Guy Dies'​

“I was taken aback by how often I heard this,” McKay Coppins said on CNN.

Party insiders are hoping something happens to remove Trump from the scene, such as an indictment.
But there’s also another secret hope among those silent anti-Trump Republicans.

“You have a lot of folks who are just wishing for [Trump’s] mortal demise,” former Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) told Coppins, according to his report in The Atlantic. “I want to be clear: I’m not in that camp. But I’ve heard from a lot of people who will go onstage and put on the red hat, and then give me a call the next day and say, ‘I can’t wait until this guy dies.’”
Asked about that on CNN, Coppins said it’s not the only time he heard that sentiment.
“I was taken aback by how often I heard this,” he said. “I thought it was kind of a morbid, dark joke at first. But I heard it so often that it started to become clear that this was actually what a lot of Republicans believe and it just speaks to the desperation in the party.”

why dont you prove i worship trump bobo.....then maybe you will see how stupid you look when you cant......
biden had an even longer time to make copies.....his useless son probly showed them to his crack smoking friends.....
Here's the difference between Trump's top secret documents and every other President or VP who had them in their homes

Prosecutors in the special counsel's office have presented compelling preliminary evidence that former President Donald Trump knowingly and deliberately misled his own attorneys about his retention of classified materials after leaving office, a former top federal judge wrote Friday in a sealed filing, according to sources who described its contents to ABC News.

Prosecutors showed "sufficient" evidence that Trump "intentionally concealed" the existence of additional classified documents from Corcoran, sources said, putting Corcoran in an unwitting position to deceive the government.
why dont you prove i worship trump bobo.....then maybe you will see how stupid you look when you cant......
Watch you defend him.

Did you vote for whoever ran against Bush? You're an idiot. Did you vote for Hillary or Biden? No? Then you worship Trump. Or you don't get just how criminal he is. Too much Fox News I guess.
Watch you defend him.

Did you vote for whoever ran against Bush? You're an idiot. Did you vote for Hillary or Biden? No? Then you worship Trump. Or you don't get just how criminal he is. Too much Fox News I guess.
who tells you all this bullshit bobo?....and idiots should not call others idiots....and quit watching fox news...it can make you stupid...oops to late...
who tells you all this bullshit bobo?....and idiots should not call others idiots....and quit watching fox news...it can make you stupid...oops to late...
You sound like a republican here.
You didn't vote for Gore or Kerry or Obama or Hillary.

You're a Republican. Even if you don't vote or vote 3rd party. That's good enough for Republicans. They love it when poor people don't vote. Next best thing.
You sound like a republican here.
You didn't vote for Gore or Kerry or Obama or Hillary.

You're a Republican. Even if you don't vote or vote 3rd party. That's good enough for Republicans. They love it when poor people don't vote. Next best thing.
as usual more bobo talk....cant prove anything...just talk....
What I find funny is Trump made a big deal about how Hillary mishandled classified information. Then come to find out he was mishandling classified information too. And all his cabinet members were doing official business on their personal cell phones.

And Republicans didn't mind the hypocrisy one bit. Not one bit.
He has had his license to practice law suspended pending review.

Remember when Trump first said he was going to surround himself with all the best and brightest and then systematically fired them or they quit on him? Or they went to jail?

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