Exclusive: Paul Ryan Quietly Requested Obamacare Cash

that's nice. Now show me in the letter where he asked for funding from Obamacare, or show me something official stating the requested funding would ONLY be available via Obamacare.

HHS oversees Obamacare. The grant Ryan requested was funded directly by the Affordable Care Act, better known simply as healthcare reform or Obamacare

Yes, we all know that HHS oversees Obamacare. What no one has yet to prove with actual evidence, is that the funding Ryan was requesting for the facility would have ONLY been available via Obamcare. Show me something official... you know.. from HHS... that states the funding would ONLY have been available from Obamacare. Simply saying it over and over doesn't make it a fact.

It should be easy to prove. Shouldn't it?

that's nice. Now show me in the letter where he asked for funding from Obamacare, or show me something official stating the requested funding would ONLY be available via Obamacare.

oh boy, you are going for this angle huh? The literal defense.
Why would Ryan deny then admit he did send the letter?

thats guilt. but you defend your little crush.

no idea, ask Ryan, I'm not his keeper.

Now, can you prove the money would ONLY have been available through Obamacare? Something from HHS stating such should be child's play to produce for someone of your limitless mental faculties.
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Now, can you prove the money would ONLY have been available through Obamacare? Something from HHS stating such should be child's play to produce for someone of your limitless mental faculties.
Conservative should change his board name to Turnip.
Conservative should change his board name to Turnip.

Now, can you prove the money would ONLY have been available through Obamacare? Something from HHS stating such should be child's play to produce for someone of your limitless mental faculties.
Conservative should change his board name to Turnip.

Now, can you prove the money would ONLY have been available through Obamacare? Something from HHS stating such should be child's play to produce for someone of your limitless mental faculties.

It doesn't matter where it COULD have come from - what matters is where it did come from. Apparently you don't know much about the Affordable Care Act.

It ain't rocket science...
Ryan first denied responsibility for the stimulus grant requests, but later confessed that his office had sent the letters.

Republicans have praised Ryan for his willingness to embrace unpopular cuts to government programs and for being a “consistent conservative.” The fact that Ryan has privately pleaded with the Obama administration for government grants from the president’s signature policy accomplishments, however, could unravel that conceit.

... but later confessed that his office had sent the letters.

why send the letters in the first place if he then denys having sent them when they become public?

- typical "Wisconsin" Republican ....

The star of the democrat convention Bill Clinton had sodomy in the Oval Office and abused women all of his professional life and left wingers still support him but get a thrill out of "exposing" Ryan for trying to get federal funding? The world is upside down and bas-ackwards to liberals.
Conservative should change his board name to Turnip.

Now, can you prove the money would ONLY have been available through Obamacare? Something from HHS stating such should be child's play to produce for someone of your limitless mental faculties.

It doesn't matter where it COULD have come from - what matters is where it did come from. Apparently you don't know much about the Affordable Care Act.

It ain't rocket science...

You're missing the point, dumb ass.

The most important part of your accusations is that he requested the money from Obamacare funds.

The letter he sent makes no mention of Obamacare or Obamacare funds.

The post that claims "the Affordable Care Act provides for a sweeping expansion of such clinics, including $9.5 billion for operating costs to existing community health centers and $1.5 billion for new construction" offers no proof that Ryan asked for the money via Obamacare.

You're seriously telling me that there was no federal grant money available for this type of use, PRIOR to Obamacare? Then why was the appeal made to the same department at HHS that has been in charge of those issues since 1982. No grants were available from 1982, until the Obamacare came into being, even though there was a specific department ion HHS that dealt with grant requests?

You guys are pathetically stupid.

EDIT: as to where the money DID come from, A... I've seen nothing from HHS that says the money Ryan requested actually DID come from Obamacare funding. B... If he did not know the funding would come from Obamacare, then it isn't really his fault, dumb asses. If I ask Shitting Bull for $75.00, and after she gives it to me and I spend it I discover that she got the money by mugging a nun, how is it MY fault that she got the money from mugging a nun?
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Don't you think Ryan knows where such funds come from? Come on, get real.
On December 10, 2010, Ryan penned a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services to recommend a grant application for the Kenosha Community Health Center, Inc to develop a new facility in Racine, Wisconsin, an area within Ryan’s district. “The proposed new facility, the Belle City Neighborhood Health Center, will serve both the preventative and comprehensive primary healthcare needs of thousands of new patients of all ages who are currently without healthcare,” Ryan wrote.

Pity republicans can’t take credit for acts of responsible governance – they are compelled to adhere blindly to inane conservative dogma that government is always ‘the enemy.’
Don't you think Ryan knows where such funds come from? Come on, get real.

Answer the question, Shitting Bull.

CAN you prove the funding came from Obamacare, with something other than a left-tard blog posting claiming it did.. you know, something from HHS?
Shortly after Romney announced that Ryan would be joining him on the Republican ticket this year, the Boston Globe revisited a story showing how Ryan quietly lobbied the Obama administration for stimulus grants. Ryan voted against the proposal and denounced it to the press without disclosing his requests for stimulus cash.

Ryan first denied responsibility for the stimulus grant requests, but later confessed that his office had sent the letters.

From the OP link.

that's nice. Now show me in the letter where he asked for funding from Obamacare, or show me something official stating the requested funding would ONLY be available via Obamacare.

oh boy, you are going for this angle huh? The literal defense.
Why would Ryan deny then admit he did send the letter?

thats guilt. but you defend your little crush.

That is the angle the lying OP takes.

Offer it up asshole, or shut up.
Shortly after Romney announced that Ryan would be joining him on the Republican ticket this year, the Boston Globe revisited a story showing how Ryan quietly lobbied the Obama administration for stimulus grants. Ryan voted against the proposal and denounced it to the press without disclosing his requests for stimulus cash.

Ryan first denied responsibility for the stimulus grant requests, but later confessed that his office had sent the letters.

From the OP link.

So, he did NOT request Obamacare money, but stimulus money. That means everyone on the libtard side of the fence in this thread LIED when they swore up and down that Ryan requested OBAMACARE money.

Thank you for admitting your FAIL, Shitting Bull.

Unless of course now you're all going to claim the stimulus and Obamacare are the same thing.
Shortly after Romney announced that Ryan would be joining him on the Republican ticket this year, the Boston Globe revisited a story showing how Ryan quietly lobbied the Obama administration for stimulus grants. Ryan voted against the proposal and denounced it to the press without disclosing his requests for stimulus cash.

Ryan first denied responsibility for the stimulus grant requests, but later confessed that his office had sent the letters.

From the OP link.

Telling how conservatives must feel ashamed for doing the right thing.

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