Exit Polls: Half of Clinton Voters Will Not Support Obama

It tells me they're schizophrenic.

There are such people as Independents, you know. People like myself who are not registered to a party because they don't believe in partisanship, they vote based on the issues.

There are a dozen Democrats I would never support for President, Joe Biden, Dennis Kucinich, many, many more. And there are a dozen Republicans I would support for President, and John McCain is one of them, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell...

It's not based on the color of their banners, it's based on what they stand for. I don't like what Obama stands for. There are many issues I agree with him on, but there are many, many, many things about him I find untrustworthy. I would rather vote for McCain, knowing what he's capable of, than vote for Obama, not knowing what he could do in 4 years.

Tell me, Allie, if it were Ron Paul against...say....Hillary, Obama, or Gore, would you vote for him over any of those three? Really?
careful, the doeton.. clearly, you are making points that indicate that you hate women. If I were you, i'd throw your wallet at a woman asap or face the internet messageboard consequence.
The AIPAC angle was in reference to the misogynist (i.e. shogun) argument with Clemtrissa (sompin like that) on another thread.

Contrissa said the reason Clinton voted for da war was she's in AIPAC's pocket.

the misogynist said her vote was simply matter of Senator Clinton being a gullible bitch.

in this thread shogun came in with the comment bout how he'd like to see Sen. Clinton go the way of Joe Lieberman...

Hence i thought perhaps the shogun was now admitting the truth in AIPAC angle.
i would not be surprised to see it play out this way. but i also cant imagine the rest of the democratic party forgiving her for essentially giving the repubs the election just so she can run again in 4 years.

If anyone is "giving the republicans the election" it's Obama. He will galavanize people to vote against him; whereas, I have seen several conservatives at least give the idea of voting for Hillary a chance.

Just out of curiosity is this the preview of the Dem gameplan? Y'all always have to play the victim and have a bad guy to villify in the event of a loss. Going to turn on your own this time?
If anyone is "giving the republicans the election" it's Obama. He will galavanize people to vote against him; whereas, I have seen several conservatives at least give the idea of voting for Hillary a chance.

Just out of curiosity is this the preview of the Dem gameplan? Y'all always have to play the victim and have a bad guy to villify in the event of a loss. Going to turn on your own this time?

Gunny is absolutely right. It is Obama that is screwing the Democrats out of this election. When paired against someone as experienced and respected as McCain, Obama is the last person you want on that ballot. His overly extreme liberalism will kill this election for Democrats. Some Republicans think McCain is too liberal, and actually see Hillary as a more conservative choice. Think they'll feel the same about Obama? Dream on. They'll take McCain over Obama anyday.

It's around the 10th paragraph down. There was another article with more exit polls, but I can't find it. I'll provide those links as soon as I find them.

Here's all the exit poll results:


I find it comical that so many said they won't vote for Obama if he wins the nomination, yet 54% still think he can win it. Moral of the story: voters are confused as to what the hell is going on.

It's kinda sad really democrats think North Carolina will hold the same importance as Ohio, Pa or NJ. I think they will have a sad awakening in the general election.
Hillary has the most fire out of the three candidates, imo. I'm tellin ya dems, Obama is too far left.
Hillary has the most fire out of the three candidates, imo. I'm tellin ya dems, Obama is too far left.

It's not his placement on the socio-political line that's the problem. He's almost policy for policy with Hillary Clinton who is suddenly beloved of the right.

It's his color that's the problem for middle class white folk. And I think that's sad.
There are such people as Independents, you know. People like myself who are not registered to a party because they don't believe in partisanship, they vote based on the issues.

There are a dozen Democrats I would never support for President, Joe Biden, Dennis Kucinich, many, many more. And there are a dozen Republicans I would support for President, and John McCain is one of them, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell...

It's not based on the color of their banners, it's based on what they stand for. I don't like what Obama stands for. There are many issues I agree with him on, but there are many, many, many things about him I find untrustworthy. I would rather vote for McCain, knowing what he's capable of, than vote for Obama, not knowing what he could do in 4 years.

Tell me, Allie, if it were Ron Paul against...say....Hillary, Obama, or Gore, would you vote for him over any of those three? Really?

I don't know. Honestly, I don't know that much about Ron Paul.

I vote issues, too. I have yet to see a Dem who shares my views on them. I can handle Hillary. I think Obama would take us headlong into disaster on so many fronts it's insane.

So I'd consider Hillary over Paul, if he's just so out there I couldn't stomach him. Hillary's a known evil, and she's smart enough to learn from her mistakes. And there's always the hope that now that she's got more money than God she might actually use the office of the presidency for something other than personal gain.
I don't know. Honestly, I don't know that much about Ron Paul.

I vote issues, too. I have yet to see a Dem who shares my views on them. I can handle Hillary. I think Obama would take us headlong into disaster on so many fronts it's insane.

So I'd consider Hillary over Paul, if he's just so out there I couldn't stomach him. Hillary's a known evil, and she's smart enough to learn from her mistakes. And there's always the hope that now that she's got more money than God she might actually use the office of the presidency for something other than personal gain.

Not to mention she'd make Putin shake in his boots.
It's not his placement on the socio-political line that's the problem. He's almost policy for policy with Hillary Clinton who is suddenly beloved of the right.

It's his color that's the problem for middle class white folk. And I think that's sad.

There are some differences in the two, jillian. Color, race, has no bearing on my vote. It's the substance and ideology. Now, are you saying that some of your own party are having a difficult time with Obama's skin color? And truthfully, I'm not playing into the pundits wishing for one candidate over the other.
There are some differences in the two, jillian. Color, race, has no bearing on my vote. It's the substance and ideology. Now, are you saying that some of your own party are having a difficult time with Obama's skin color? And truthfully, I'm not playing into the pundits wishing for one candidate over the other.

If you look at their votes (Iraq excluded and it doesn't count, b/c obama had nothing at stake at the time) they're almost identical.

Do I think some of my party are having a problem with skin color? What I think is that all the Rev Wright stuff has made some people uncomfortable. Me? I don't think it will affect the type of president obama will be. (Though I thought Hillary would have been a very good president). But yea, and I've wondered if things would have been different had super tuesday happened AFTER the rev wright stuff.

On the other hand, I think once the dem party unites behind one candidate, a lot of it will go by the wayside.

what won't happen is that obama won't get republican cross-overs, hillary might have gotten some. but obama WILL get the youth vote out in droves, which Hillary woudn't have. So I think it might be a wash. Time wil tell.

And I found the pundits wishing for particular candidates to be annoying, to tell the truth.
If you look at their votes (Iraq excluded and it doesn't count, b/c obama had nothing at stake at the time) they're almost identical.

Do I think some of my party are having a problem with skin color? What I think is that all the Rev Wright stuff has made some people uncomfortable. Me? I don't think it will affect the type of president obama will be. (Though I thought Hillary would have been a very good president). But yea, and I've wondered if things would have been different had super tuesday happened AFTER the rev wright stuff.

On the other hand, I think once the dem party unites behind one candidate, a lot of it will go by the wayside.

what won't happen is that obama won't get republican cross-overs, hillary might have gotten some. but obama WILL get the youth vote out in droves, which Hillary woudn't have. So I think it might be a wash. Time wil tell.

And I found the pundits wishing for particular candidates to be annoying, to tell the truth.

but has the youth historically gone to the general elections to vote for president?

yes, they rally, yes they are vocal before every election, and i admit they seem really hyped this time....but, unless things change drastically, the youth very well may follow the trend they have set for themselves, historically....and that is to be excited ahead of time, but fail us when it comes to actually voting in the general election....so, we will see on the new youth added to the voter rolls!

If you look at their votes (Iraq excluded and it doesn't count, b/c obama had nothing at stake at the time) they're almost identical.

Do I think some of my party are having a problem with skin color? What I think is that all the Rev Wright stuff has made some people uncomfortable. Me? I don't think it will affect the type of president obama will be. (Though I thought Hillary would have been a very good president). But yea, and I've wondered if things would have been different had super tuesday happened AFTER the rev wright stuff.

On the other hand, I think once the dem party unites behind one candidate, a lot of it will go by the wayside.

what won't happen is that obama won't get republican cross-overs, hillary might have gotten some. but obama WILL get the youth vote out in droves, which Hillary woudn't have. So I think it might be a wash. Time wil tell.

And I found the pundits wishing for particular candidates to be annoying, to tell the truth.

Stepping onto the other side, if Hillary bows out in the next few days, weeks, what you say may come to pass. IF however, she shows Clinton spine and holds to August, good luck in the general.
but has the youth historically gone to the general elections to vote for president?

yes, they rally, yes they are vocal before every election, and i admit they seem really hyped this time....but, unless things change drastically, the youth very well may follow the trend they have set for themselves, historically....and that is to be excited ahead of time, but fail us when it comes to actually voting in the general election....so, we will see on the new youth added to the voter rolls!


I think this time they're much more excited by the candidate. I suspect if college polling places don't get half the voting machines they need (and leading to impossible waits) that the kids will vote.
Stepping onto the other side, if Hillary bows out in the next few days, weeks, what you say may come to pass. IF however, she shows Clinton spine and holds to August, good luck in the general.

Depends on whether she uses this time to go after McCain or continues to focus on Obama. If she trashes Obama and it goes to the convention, there will be hostility because people will perceive her as setting up for 4 years from now.
Depends on whether she uses this time to go after McCain or continues to focus on Obama. If she trashes Obama and it goes to the convention, there will be hostility because people will perceive her as setting up for 4 years from now.

Jillian, she cannot really go after McCain until she slays Obama. She cannot really slay Obama until, well had to be done before yesterday. She's lost.
She is not going to continue until August. I give her a month...max. She has no money, no support, and the pundits and the Democratic machine are increasingly against her. I wouldn't be surprised if she lost WV, or at least it became a LOT closer than it is now.

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