Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg ?

I am glad I did not read this thread. The few PC post, I did read, like the one above, shows I made the correct decision not to waste time on another PoliticalChic nut job rant calling all liberals and particularly the ones from over a half century ago were and are still today communist attempting to bring down America and turn it over to the evil forces of the FDR/STALIN Conspiratorial Cabal, Inc.

PC never fails to deliver

Another thread that does nothing to support her wild claims in the title.....Cut and paste, rant, call names, go off topic, declare victory

Rinse, repeat

".... does nothing to support her wild claims in the title...."

Proverbs 12:22 The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

In spite of numerous opportunities, you failed miserably to provide any evidence that Ethel was involved in the spread of atomic secrets

Yet another failed thread on your part
I am glad I did not read this thread. The few PC post, I did read, like the one above, shows I made the correct decision not to waste time on another PoliticalChic nut job rant calling all liberals and particularly the ones from over a half century ago were and are still today communist attempting to bring down America and turn it over to the evil forces of the FDR/STALIN Conspiratorial Cabal, Inc.

PC never fails to deliver

Another thread that does nothing to support her wild claims in the title.....Cut and paste, rant, call names, go off topic, declare victory

Rinse, repeat

".... does nothing to support her wild claims in the title...."

Proverbs 12:22 The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

In spite of numerous opportunities, you failed miserably to provide any evidence that Ethel was involved in the spread of atomic secrets

Yet another failed thread on your part

Simply one more lie in the guise of another 'is not' post.
You have no family connection for that time on American history

You have one gooked up view of American history

Were the Rosenberg's family of yours? Is treason genetic? Is that how you became a traitor, Batshit?
In spite of numerous opportunities, you failed miserably to provide any evidence that Ethel was involved in the spread of atomic secrets

Yet another failed thread on your part

It's too bad she wasn't tried in a court of law...

Oh wait.

Standard Disclaimer: Not all democrats are traitors, I'm sure with sufficient time and computing power, one can be found who isn't...
And another Liberal admitting that they have no way to respond to the clear and undeniable thesis.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives are no different in their aims from the communists....

...and only marginally different in their methods.

I think one reason the left is invigorated is that at a fundamental level there is little difference between Obama giving nukes to Iran, an enemy dedicated to the destruction of America, and what the Rosenbergs did.

Treason to democrats is heroic, as they fight to end the bourgeoisie (middle class) pigs and the decadent West.
In spite of numerous opportunities, you failed miserably to provide any evidence that Ethel was involved in the spread of atomic secrets

Yet another failed thread on your part

Hard evidence for Ethel’s guilt can be found in the Venona decrypts of KGB messages to its operatives in the U.S., and in the notebooks of KGB files meticulously copied in the 1990s by Alexander Vassiliev,who fled Russia in 1996 and had them smuggled into London.

A Nov. 21, 1944, Venona decrypt has Julius telling the KGB that he and his wife both recommend the recruitment of Ruth Greenglass, David’s wife. On Nov. 27, KGB agent Leonid Kvasnikov cabled that they considered Ethel “sufficiently well developed politically. Knows about her husband’s work” as well as that of other agents. He characterizes her “positively and as a devoted person.”

In Vassiliev’s notebooks, an entry from the KGB says about Julius that “His wife knows about her husband’s work and personally knows ‘Twain’ and ‘Callistratus.’ [code names of Soviet agents.] She could be used independently, but she should not be overworked. Poor health.” Another entry, about a meeting held on May 12, 1944 with Ruth, Ethel and Julius, reports that when told by Julius that they had to keep silent, “Ethel here interposed to stress the need for utmost care and caution in informing David of the work in which Julius was engaged and that for his own safety all other political discussion and activity on his part should be subdued.”
The Rosenbergs, both of them, were loathsome. They betrayed their country to serve one of the worst dictators in history - Stalin.

New York City Honors Communist Monster -- Ethel Rosenberg| National Review Online

yes a conservative or libertarian would have assumed Stalin was evil. A liberal assumed he was Uncle Joe or Santa Claus delivering good things to all from the magical govt.

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

And sure enough, the current NYC city council.....authoring a paean to Ethel Rosenberg....what more proof is necessary?

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