Expect (maybe) for John Kelly to resign as chief of staff....

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John Kelly looks like a big rat. Now he looks like a big dishonorable rat. He reminds me of Linda Tripp.
Bull winkle you always post predictions that never come true...

Now, Now, BearBreath....be fair.........I stated from day one that the Trump administration would be the WORST to ever infest the WH......and, you'd have to admit, I am pretty accurate in that prediction.......LOL

You were wrong with that prediction.

Tarzan's little fury friend...the Chimp has that title eteched in stone.
For all you Trump Cultists.......

Why would Kelly allow someone who could NOT get security clearance (because he is a wife beater) handle classified materials????

Answer that simple question or.....just

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You do know -- EVERYONE with a WHouse daily access badge is FULLY FBI vetted and eligible for clearances.. You're making shit up getting brainwashed by CNN.. The press guy is GONE for being charged with a crime. You got nothing but pure speculation on Kelly... It's a theory.. A wimpy one..
Nats future as a fortune teller will be about as great as diarrhea on your wedding night!
You do know -- EVERYONE with a WHouse daily access badge is FULLY FBI vetted and eligible for clearances.. You're making shit up getting brainwashed by CNN.. The press guy is GONE for being charged with a crime. You got nothing but pure speculation on Kelly... It's a theory.. A wimpy one..

except for battlin' rob porter.

he had no clearance because he likes to hit women

good thing i know you're non-partisan


White House aide Rob Porter resigns after allegations from ex-wives
Why should Kelly resign?

Nope don't t think so!:)

Well, no one would ever accuse you of "thinking"

Rob Porter has a record from the VA police for beating up his wife.

This record prevented him from getting security clearance

Porter nonetheless handled classified materials

Kelly his boss thought it was OK because he liked the guy.....

Any more fucked up stupid questions about WHY Kelly should resign?

This is not even true. Hardly ANY of it...

The Rise and Fall of John Kelly's Reputation

In fact, Porter had reportedly not received permanent security clearance because of the order, which is notable because his job was to handle all documents that went to Trump, which included a great deal of classified material. Staffers can receive temporary clearance to view classified material while waiting for final clearance. (White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders refused to comment on the status of Porter’s clearance during Wednesday’s briefing.) Despite these issues, Kelly hired Porter on, kept him, and defended him to the hilt.

So HE DID have a temporary granted clearance or he wouldn't BE in that position. NOBODY is that stupid to violate security protocols in the WHouse. Temporary clearances can be held up because either the applicant or the FBI asked to AMEND the application.. Or there might be pending legal issues.

Cleared persons don't HAVE to be clean as the snowfall.. They just can't be BLACKMAILABLE. Meaning that they've confessed transgressions, personal financial jams, drug/alcohol issues to EVERYONE in their social circle. A lot of personal issues are monitored and counseled as part of the internal affairs of the agency you work for..
I had 18 posts marked for deletion. Many folks violating Z2 rules. So I left a couple and closed the thread.

MAINLY because when the OP starts trolling their OWN thread -- we don't bother to keep it open...
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