Expect "moral outrage" by Trump acolytes over a 3rd-rate comedian?

Just when people might think he's running out of material...
y'all resupply.

To the "cheers" of Trump cult members....like you....

Tell you what, let Trump run on the platform of hating the media....except for FOX, of course.....lol
For every laugh you get from someone who already hates trump, 5 people on the fence will be disgusted by the progressives's behavior.

And if it changes 1-2 of them from voting democrat to republican in the midterms, that blue wave will wash feebly onto shore.

You're "correct".......Maybe after Saturday night's stupid event, Trump's approval ratings will climb all the way to 36%.......LOL
An explosion of pseudo-moral outrage should be expected from the Trumpflakes and Trumpkins'.

Their Dear Leader is acting like the Petty Tyrant he has always been.

It's what they love about him.

Is anyone who has seen Wolfe, ever, surprised at her performance?

Any Trumpflakes seen her before? Were you surprised?

That's funny coming from the guy who's had Obama's cock in his mouth for going on ten years now.

Way to keep it classy, Trumpkin.
For every laugh you get from someone who already hates trump, 5 people on the fence will be disgusted by the progressives's behavior.

And if it changes 1-2 of them from voting democrat to republican in the midterms, that blue wave will wash feebly onto shore.

You're "correct".......Maybe after Saturday night's stupid event, Trump's approval ratings will climb all the way to 36%.......LOL

Dodge, duck dip, dive and dodge.

You are a 1/2 trick pony, nothing more.
I have no doubt, that Trump cultists will foolishly be outraged over the bad (and not at all funny) behavior of a 3rd rate comedian at last Saturday's dinner.

Never mind that this so-called comedian did basically echo the same childish and derogatory "sense of humor" often expressed by our POTUS both verbally and through his tweets.

There are much more crucial issues to be discussed, and the poor behavior of a classless comedian is not worth the time.........unless one is wanting to obfuscate the current messes and possible ethical scandals surrounding this corrupt administration.

And a comedian and private citizen being vulgar, crude, and offensive doesn't compare to a president doing the same.
This was not ok behavior..this dumb woman played right into Trump's behavior to continue on about the press.. I couldn't believe what I was hearing this morning...
Had a Republican comedian said those thing about Obama, our friend Jake would have them charged with sedition -- and treason
Saturday night's moronic bashing of the Trump administration DID offer a brief respite from:

Mueller's investigation
The Russian lawyer's admission of being an "informant" for the Kremlin
Cohen's future singing of interesting "arias"
Stormy Daniel's allegations
The upcoming deadline of the deal with Iran
KJU wanting to get a free, MAGA hat from Trump when they meet
Dr. Jackson's departure
Mulvaney and Pruitt's screwing of the taxpayers' coffers (all in the pursuit of swamp draining.)

Should I go on?
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I have no doubt, that Trump cultists will foolishly be outraged over the bad (and not at all funny) behavior of a 3rd rate comedian at last Saturday's dinner.

Never mind that this so-called comedian did basically echo the same childish and derogatory "sense of humor" often expressed by our POTUS both verbally and through his tweets.

There are much more crucial issues to be discussed, and the poor behavior of a classless comedian is not worth the time.........unless one is wanting to obfuscate the current messes and possible ethical scandals surrounding this corrupt administration.
Rodeo Clown Fired for Obama Mask - BBC

Did the President ever speak about that clown?

Since you said "president" you obviously are not talking about the current one.

No, president Obama never talked about the unjustifiably fired rodeo clown.

If he ever had had any decency he should have.
I have no doubt, that Trump cultists will foolishly be outraged over the bad (and not at all funny) behavior of a 3rd rate comedian at last Saturday's dinner.

Never mind that this so-called comedian did basically echo the same childish and derogatory "sense of humor" often expressed by our POTUS both verbally and through his tweets.

There are much more crucial issues to be discussed, and the poor behavior of a classless comedian is not worth the time.........unless one is wanting to obfuscate the current messes and possible ethical scandals surrounding this corrupt administration.
Rodeo Clown Fired for Obama Mask - BBC

Did the President ever speak about that clown?

Since you said "president" you obviously are not talking about the current one.

No, president Obama never talked about the unjustifiably fired rodeo clown.

If he ever had had any decency he should have.

Since the incident happened in 2013, of Course it was President Obama. Furthermore the Clown was barred by some association in Missouri, but got plenty of job offers in Texas and all over the South. Perhaps President Obama should have spoken out about protecting the 1st amendment rights of even a lowly clown. One thing for sure is that is that didn't bother him enough to use the power of the Presidency to ridicule the clown or use the opportunity to vilify and denounce the opposition.
Just when people might think he's running out of material...
y'all resupply.

To the "cheers" of Trump cult members....like you....

Tell you what, let Trump run on the platform of hating the media....except for FOX, of course.....lol

He did...and he won.

And because of you folks, he'll win again.

Everybody is offering apologies to the Sanders gal this morning
and she is getting massive credit from the media for putting up
with that garbage.

Folks from the NYT, NBC, ABC, those people are outraged by
what went on. Now granted they may not be outraged by what was
said, but by how it makes all of them look.

They behaved, thru that slut they hired, just exactly how Trump
portrays them all...bias liberals, incapable of separating their personal
beliefs from their profession.

Some of the media are calling for an end to that dinner. That's how bad
it fucked all of them.

People aren't going to accept apologies. The damage has already been
done. The Donald has been saying this is how they are...and because
Some wanted to cover the event live, thinking it would hurt Trump, it
wound up showing the American people that The Donald is a prophet.

The Sanders gal came out a big winner. She sat there and took it when
she could have gotten up and left. That was impressive. And those aren't
my words, Nat...those are the words from the NYT.

The Daily Briefing today is not going to be very entertaining, because the\
entire media, thru their own doing, has been shamed beyond repair.

It will be interesting to see if one of them will stand up and apologize to
that gal.

Somebody in some PR room has got to be telling them...THEY MUST

I say 32 states next time around.
Sarah Sanders is a very smart classy LADY. The left can't shake her and it's driving them bonkers.
Saturday night's moronic bashing of the Trump administration DID offer a brief respite from:

Mueller's investigation
The Russian lawyer's admission of being an "informant" for the Kremlin
Cohen's future singing of interesting "arias"
Stormy Daniel's allegations
The upcoming deadline of the deal with Iran
KJU wanting to get a free, MAGA hat from Trump when they meet
Dr. Jackson's departure
Mulvaney and Pruitt's screwing of the taxpayers' coffers (all in the pursuit of swmap draining.)

Should I go on?
Yes I agree Nate..I am sick of it already.. Every station has it as their top story..
Just when people might think he's running out of material...
y'all resupply.

To the "cheers" of Trump cult members....like you....

Tell you what, let Trump run on the platform of hating the media....except for FOX, of course.....lol

He did...and he won.

And because of you folks, he'll win again.

Everybody is offering apologies to the Sanders gal this morning
and she is getting massive credit from the media for putting up
with that garbage.

Folks from the NYT, NBC, ABC, those people are outraged by
what went on. Now granted they may not be outraged by what was
said, but by how it makes all of them look.

They behaved, thru that slut they hired, just exactly how Trump
portrays them all...bias liberals, incapable of separating their personal
beliefs from their profession.

Some of the media are calling for an end to that dinner. That's how bad
it fucked all of them.

People aren't going to accept apologies. The damage has already been
done. The Donald has been saying this is how they are...and because
Some wanted to cover the event live, thinking it would hurt Trump, it
wound up showing the American people that The Donald is a prophet.

The Sanders gal came out a big winner. She sat there and took it when
she could have gotten up and left. That was impressive. And those aren't
my words, Nat...those are the words from the NYT.

The Daily Briefing today is not going to be very entertaining, because the\
entire media, thru their own doing, has been shamed beyond repair.

It will be interesting to see if one of them will stand up and apologize to
that gal.

Somebody in some PR room has got to be telling them...THEY MUST

I say 32 states next time around.

Dream On!
'Expect "moral outrage" by Trump acolytes over a 3rd-rate comedian?'

Retired HoF Baseball player Mike Schmidt was helping commentate a baseball game recently. Someone brought up a dishwasher - the electric kind - in discussion. Schmidt, making a joke, said he had one at home - his wife. He then said his comment would be taken badly, especially by the #MeToo crowd.

Sure enough, they took to twitter to bombard him and MLB with complaints of being offended and 'scarred' by his insulting, degrading comments.

THIS is a great example of 'snowflakes'.

Of course, in this new era of Political Correctness, liberals are trying to pull back the curtain of 'PC' and return the country to 'normalcy'. For instance, racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic comments are now allowed...but only in DNC e-mails. 'Offensive comments' are no longer 'offensive'...as long as you confine them to Conservatives, Christians, or Donald Trump. And 'Fat-Shaming' is once again OK, as long as you are talking about Sarah Sanders....

Way to go, Liberals.
Sarah Sanders is a very smart classy LADY. The left can't shake her and it's driving them bonkers.

Yeah, she's a "lady." Sure. Your comment is funny. She's just a dumb slut who works being a mouthpiece for a dumb slut who hates women. She's too ignorant to even realize this.

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