Expect "moral outrage" by Trump acolytes over a 3rd-rate comedian?

Saturday night's moronic bashing of the Trump administration DID offer a brief respite from:

Mueller's investigation
The Russian lawyer's admission of being an "informant" for the Kremlin
Cohen's future singing of interesting "arias"
Stormy Daniel's allegations
The upcoming deadline of the deal with Iran
KJU wanting to get a free, MAGA hat from Trump when they meet
Dr. Jackson's departure
Mulvaney and Pruitt's screwing of the taxpayers' coffers (all in the pursuit of swmap draining.)

Should I go on?
Yes I agree Nate..I am sick of it already.. Every station has it as their top story..
'Embrace The Suck'.....

Had it been a Conservative comedienne at a Barry Dinner, attacking his spokesman, you guys would be talking about nothing else, applauding the media for staying on it. :p
Yeah, she's a "lady." Sure. Your comment is funny. She's just a dumb slut who works being a mouthpiece for a dumb slut who hates women. She's too ignorant to even realize this.
...speaking of 'hates women'....

I didn't realize it is ok to call women 'dumb sluts' as long as they are in certain political parties / support certain political parties....

Saturday night's moronic bashing of the Trump administration DID offer a brief respite from:

Mueller's investigation
The Russian lawyer's admission of being an "informant" for the Kremlin
Cohen's future singing of interesting "arias"
Stormy Daniel's allegations
The upcoming deadline of the deal with Iran
KJU wanting to get a free, MAGA hat from Trump when they meet
Dr. Jackson's departure
Mulvaney and Pruitt's screwing of the taxpayers' coffers (all in the pursuit of swmap draining.)

Should I go on?
Yes I agree Nate..I am sick of it already.. Every station has it as their top story..
'Embrace The Suck'.....

Had it been a Conservative comedienne at a Barry Dinner, attacking his spokesman, you guys would be talking about nothing else, applauding the media for staying on it. :p

Well she put Sanders, Conway on the spot ...Stupid..I am sure she is hiding out today. it is okif you know that your going to be roasted...

I have no doubt, that Trump cultists will foolishly be outraged over the bad (and not at all funny) behavior of a 3rd rate comedian at last Saturday's dinner.

Never mind that this so-called comedian did basically echo the same childish and derogatory "sense of humor" often expressed by our POTUS both verbally and through his tweets.

There are much more crucial issues to be discussed, and the poor behavior of a classless comedian is not worth the time.........unless one is wanting to obfuscate the current messes and possible ethical scandals surrounding this corrupt administration.

Yet, you start a thread about a meaningless classless comedian that isn't worth the time. LOL!!!!

I say 32 states next time around.

This might help your cause.....Try it!!!.....lol

Yeah, she's a "lady." Sure. Your comment is funny. She's just a dumb slut who works being a mouthpiece for a dumb slut who hates women. She's too ignorant to even realize this.
...speaking of 'hates women'....

I didn't realize it is ok to call women 'dumb sluts' as long as they are in certain political parties / support certain political parties....


Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "slut," but she's paid, isn't she? And she's paid for being the mouthpiece for a confessed whore. She's the daughter of a guy who has mostly made his career out of hating women and who is a leader of a religious sect that worships the human penis. Now she defends a political party consisting of people who hate women and worship the penis; people who hate who and what she is. What can I say?
Why waste time being outraged over unfunny people being unfunny?

Maybe you should listen to how people react instead of assuming what they will do
I have no doubt, that Trump cultists will foolishly be outraged over the bad (and not at all funny) behavior of a 3rd rate comedian at last Saturday's dinner.

Never mind that this so-called comedian did basically echo the same childish and derogatory "sense of humor" often expressed by our POTUS both verbally and through his tweets.

There are much more crucial issues to be discussed, and the poor behavior of a classless comedian is not worth the time.........unless one is wanting to obfuscate the current messes and possible ethical scandals surrounding this corrupt administration.
Rodeo Clown Fired for Obama Mask - BBC

Did the President ever speak about that clown?

In 2013 Trump wasn't on the radar so if he did say anything it probably wasn't newsworthy at the time. I don't think Obama said anything about the burning Bush effigies or effigies of Bush hanging, just as Clinton and Obama said nothing about the Trump effigies being burned.

It's all offensive to me however the burning and the hanging ones are much more offensive than a guy in a mask at a rodeo.
I have no doubt, that Trump cultists will foolishly be outraged over the bad (and not at all funny) behavior of a 3rd rate comedian at last Saturday's dinner.

Never mind that this so-called comedian did basically echo the same childish and derogatory "sense of humor" often expressed by our POTUS both verbally and through his tweets.

There are much more crucial issues to be discussed, and the poor behavior of a classless comedian is not worth the time.........unless one is wanting to obfuscate the current messes and possible ethical scandals surrounding this corrupt administration.
Rodeo Clown Fired for Obama Mask - BBC

Did the President ever speak about that clown?

Since you said "president" you obviously are not talking about the current one.

No, president Obama never talked about the unjustifiably fired rodeo clown.

If he ever had had any decency he should have.

Since the incident happened in 2013, of Course it was President Obama. Furthermore the Clown was barred by some association in Missouri, but got plenty of job offers in Texas and all over the South. Perhaps President Obama should have spoken out about protecting the 1st amendment rights of even a lowly clown. One thing for sure is that is that didn't bother him enough to use the power of the Presidency to ridicule the clown or use the opportunity to vilify and denounce the opposition.

I expressed my doubts because I never heard any of your ilk ever refer to the current commander-in-chief as "President".
Had it been a Conservative comedienne at a Barry Dinner, attacking his spokesman, you guys would be talking about nothing else, applauding the media for staying on it.

Someday....when you grow up.......you too will learn that some things aren't funny, regardless of partisanship biases.....
Yet, you start a thread about a meaningless classless comedian that isn't worth the time. LOL!!!!


The reason I started this thread was because they were FIVE threads by right wingers (your friends?) who were "outraged" that the so-called "funny lady" was not taken out to the back and shot, for basically doing what Trump does every fucking day. ..........(one also has to wonder what the hell drew you to this "trivial' thread in the first place.....lol)
Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "slut," but she's paid, isn't she? And she's paid for being the mouthpiece for a confessed whore. She's the daughter of a guy who has mostly made his career out of hating women and who is a leader of a religious sect that worships the human penis. Now she defends a political party consisting of people who hate women and worship the penis; people who hate who and what she is. What can I say?

WOW.....no partisan hate-driven rant there.....

Considering how the Democrats were exposed as racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites by the hacking and release of their own personal e-mails...

Considering the DNC's own personal Congressional Committee using tax dollars to pay for the silence of victims of criminally sexual deviant Democrat Politicians, going back decades, was exposed last year...

Considering a former Democrat President was a career-long sexual deviant who had preyed on women - sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, raping them, and having adulterous affairs - the 1st sitting President to have to testify in a trial, to be found in violation of Contempt of court for unethical behavior in trying to deceive the court about his sexual misconduct with a woman, resulting in his Impeachment in the House...

Considering a former 1st Lady, Senator, and Sect of State was that President's life-long Enabler, who attacked, bullied, and silenced his victims....

I would say your preference for the Democratic Party is highly questionable....unless you yourself prefer treating women that way....which I am not saying you do.

Your views just seem a 'tad' bit misguided / partisan to me....
Yeah, she's a "lady." Sure. Your comment is funny. She's just a dumb slut who works being a mouthpiece for a dumb slut who hates women. She's too ignorant to even realize this.
...speaking of 'hates women'....

I didn't realize it is ok to call women 'dumb sluts' as long as they are in certain political parties / support certain political parties....


Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "slut," but she's paid, isn't she? And she's paid for being the mouthpiece for a confessed whore. She's the daughter of a guy who has mostly made his career out of hating women and who is a leader of a religious sect that worships the human penis. Now she defends a political party consisting of people who hate women and worship the penis; people who hate who and what she is. What can I say?

Say anything you feel you must.

The more you say, the more you prove that you are a worthless progressive.

Pardon the redundancy.
It's not just about "moral outrage", it's about the cess-pool the mainstream media has become. Comedians, including offensive comedians, are a dime a dozen but they have no place at what is supposed to be a celebration of the 1st Amendment and freedom of the press. It's just more hate filled sleaze sponsored by democrats.
t's not just about "moral outrage", it's about the cess-pool the mainstream media has become.

Thank you for EXCLUDING Fox, Breibart, and all the "Pundits" blogs out of the "media" label........lol
'Roseanne Barr Smacks Down ‘A**hole’ Michelle Wolf: ‘Comedy Comes From Love, Not Hate’

'Actress Roseanne Bar smacked down comedienne Michelle Wolf, teaching her the three rules of comedy after Wolf’s disastrous display of vile jokes at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.'

1. “First rule of comedy: NEVER target someone more famous than U who is in the audience. U will lose the entire crowd.”

2. “Second rule of comedy: comedy comes from LOVE, not from HATE! If u feel hate, you won’t get laughs”

3. “Third rule of comedy: the comic has to be the ‘asshole’ not the audience'”

As it turns out, although unintentional, Wolf did turn out to be the '@-hole'. :p

The WH explained afterwards that their intent was to have comedy that brought people together. Wolf proved Liberals are not about bringing people together. They are about dividing people, about spreading hate and division.

Roseanne Barr Smacks Down ‘A**hole’ Michelle Wolf: 'Comedy Comes From Love, Not Hate'

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