expelled for reporting rape? our WTF moment


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
TOMBALL, Texas—When Rachel Bradshaw-Bean claimed she had been raped in the band room of her high school in Texas, school officials sprang into action—and kicked her out of school.

"I felt like a criminal," she said, describing the December 2010 incident in her first extended interview on the crisis and aftermath. Accused of "public lewdness," she was sent to a special school for students with discipline problems, along with the boy she said had assaulted her. "I saw him there all the time," she said.

Kicked out of high school for 'public lewdness' after reporting rape - U.S. News

long interesting read.....
From your link the sex was consensual per the police

she got what she wanted but then wanted her 15 of fame and got tossed for it

The police said it was consensual, eh? Were they there? Did they they hand out condoms?

Maybe the police could not determine what happened, so they arrived at a conclusion that they could have not possibly known and even admitted as much.
TOMBALL, Texas—When Rachel Bradshaw-Bean claimed she had been raped in the band room of her high school in Texas, school officials sprang into action—and kicked her out of school.

"I felt like a criminal," she said, describing the December 2010 incident in her first extended interview on the crisis and aftermath. Accused of "public lewdness," she was sent to a special school for students with discipline problems, along with the boy she said had assaulted her. "I saw him there all the time," she said.

Kicked out of high school for 'public lewdness' after reporting rape - U.S. News

long interesting read.....

There's a really alarming stat in the US military about reporting rape. Something like 75% of those who report it suffer some negative consequence for doing so. And it's such a big problem with how often it happens that the fallout from reporting it is making it look like our military has a defacto pro-rape position.

Sexual Assault in the Military: 97.5% Of All Military Rapes Aren't Punished - PolicyMic

I never knew our culture was as dark-hearted as this.
From your link the sex was consensual per the police

she got what she wanted but then wanted her 15 of fame and got tossed for it

The police said it was consensual, eh? Were they there? Did they they hand out condoms?

Maybe the police could not determine what happened, so they arrived at a conclusion that they could have not possibly known and even admitted as much.

The police said it was consensual because the rapist said it was consensual.

Who raped her? Who was the rapist? He wrote her a note that said "you weak" which leads me to believe that he is black. They don't use articles in their speech. Or use them incorrectly. It didn't say "you are weak" which would indicate a particular ethnic speech pattern.

The girl is a Christian and a Mormon. Reason enough to destroy her. Rape in high school is a serious problem.

From the article:
There were some 3,800 reported incidents of sexual battery and 800 reported incidents of rape or attempted rape in public high schools in the 2007-8 school year, according to a Department of Education letter to educators in 2011. (The department sends such letters periodically to issue policy guidance.) Calling the sexual violence a "call to action for the nation," the department reminded schools of their Title IX responsibilities, including the obligation to launch an internal investigation into reports of sexual assault to ensure a safe environment for students. Another requirement: appointing a Title IX coordinator to ensure compliance with the law.

Maybe we should just move to something more palatable, like a rape isn't a rape unless four men testify as witnesses. Or just legalize rape as teen sex. And teen sex is acceptable isn't it? If she doesn't agree isn't she just being a moralizing prude?
There's a really alarming stat in the US military about reporting rape. Something like 75% of those who report it suffer some negative consequence for doing so. And it's such a big problem with how often it happens that the fallout from reporting it is making it look like our military has a defacto pro-rape position.

Sexual Assault in the Military: 97.5% Of All Military Rapes Aren't Punished - PolicyMic

I never knew our culture was as dark-hearted as this.

Bullshit. Women were put in line units for the sole purpose of producing crap stories like this. Next it will be the queers wailing about being picked on and left behind. You turds are destroying the finest fighting force this world has ever seen. An "equal opportunity officer" from DOD just told troop at Camp Shelby the word "Christmas" can not be used in a CHRISTMAS event. This is the stinkin progs in action once again at the urging of the muslim queer in the White House. Bah humbuggers.
Ya, one thing has everything to do with the other. And of course your denial proves two things: one, there is no rape problem in the military, and two, you're part of the problem.
Mixing men and women, gays and straight people all together sending them on life or death situations. Who couldn't see trouble coming? Sheesh
She said that she was raped and she very well could have been, but it is also possible that she was just trying to get the guy into trouble for a reason that only she would know. No matter what happened, to me, she never should have been placed where the guy was sent to. They should have been completely separated so that they didn't have to see each other anymore because one way or another, something did take place between the two of them.

God bless you always!!!

TOMBALL, Texas—When Rachel Bradshaw-Bean claimed she had been raped in the band room of her high school in Texas, school officials sprang into action—and kicked her out of school.

"I felt like a criminal," she said, describing the December 2010 incident in her first extended interview on the crisis and aftermath. Accused of "public lewdness," she was sent to a special school for students with discipline problems, along with the boy she said had assaulted her. "I saw him there all the time," she said.

Kicked out of high school for 'public lewdness' after reporting rape - U.S. News

long interesting read.....

Texas. Can you imagine if the guy was rich or a good football player? She'd be crucified.
TOMBALL, Texas—When Rachel Bradshaw-Bean claimed she had been raped in the band room of her high school in Texas, school officials sprang into action—and kicked her out of school.

"I felt like a criminal," she said, describing the December 2010 incident in her first extended interview on the crisis and aftermath. Accused of "public lewdness," she was sent to a special school for students with discipline problems, along with the boy she said had assaulted her. "I saw him there all the time," she said.

Kicked out of high school for 'public lewdness' after reporting rape - U.S. News

long interesting read.....

There's a really alarming stat in the US military about reporting rape. Something like 75% of those who report it suffer some negative consequence for doing so. And it's such a big problem with how often it happens that the fallout from reporting it is making it look like our military has a defacto pro-rape position.

Sexual Assault in the Military: 97.5% Of All Military Rapes Aren't Punished - PolicyMic

I never knew our culture was as dark-hearted as this.

Raped military women were always afraid of being accused of being lesbians....now that threat is no longer useful to rapists.
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Ah yes, good ol' Conservative legitamate rape. Damn, wonder if they will lose an even higher percentage of the women's votes in the next couple of elections.
There's a really alarming stat in the US military about reporting rape. Something like 75% of those who report it suffer some negative consequence for doing so. And it's such a big problem with how often it happens that the fallout from reporting it is making it look like our military has a defacto pro-rape position.

Sexual Assault in the Military: 97.5% Of All Military Rapes Aren't Punished - PolicyMic

I never knew our culture was as dark-hearted as this.

Bullshit. Women were put in line units for the sole purpose of producing crap stories like this. Next it will be the queers wailing about being picked on and left behind. You turds are destroying the finest fighting force this world has ever seen. An "equal opportunity officer" from DOD just told troop at Camp Shelby the word "Christmas" can not be used in a CHRISTMAS event. This is the stinkin progs in action once again at the urging of the muslim queer in the White House. Bah humbuggers.

So...were you the gun high-fiving the others as they "pulled a train" on a teenage girl, or were you part of the train?

You truly are a despicable turd.
There's a really alarming stat in the US military about reporting rape. Something like 75% of those who report it suffer some negative consequence for doing so. And it's such a big problem with how often it happens that the fallout from reporting it is making it look like our military has a defacto pro-rape position.

Sexual Assault in the Military: 97.5% Of All Military Rapes Aren't Punished - PolicyMic

I never knew our culture was as dark-hearted as this.

Bullshit. Women were put in line units for the sole purpose of producing crap stories like this. Next it will be the queers wailing about being picked on and left behind. You turds are destroying the finest fighting force this world has ever seen. An "equal opportunity officer" from DOD just told troop at Camp Shelby the word "Christmas" can not be used in a CHRISTMAS event. This is the stinkin progs in action once again at the urging of the muslim queer in the White House. Bah humbuggers.

I've heard nasty stories of that. A woman is transferred in and no one knows if it's a real transfer or someone targeted for a lesson.
The girl is a Christian and a Mormon. Reason enough to destroy her. Rape in high school is a serious problem.

I hate to say it, but this could have been consensual and she claimed rape to prevent her parents from being ashamed of her. Its not the first time.
Ya, one thing has everything to do with the other. And of course your denial proves two things: one, there is no rape problem in the military, and two, you're part of the problem.

Spent 15 years in the Marine Corps, 9 of it as a leader of troops. In different Units and organizations. NOT once did anyone report a rape. NOT ONCE. No rapes occurred in any command I was in as evidenced by no one being charged with said crime. I served in both 2nd and 3rd Divisions and 2nd and 3rd FSSG. Lot of women in FSSG commands. My last command had a woman CO, and still no charges of rape.

Both Divisions I was in Headquarters so we had lots of women too. Yet never a reported rape. Yet I am to belief it is an epidemic?

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