Expelled Oklahoma U fraternity to sue university, possibly President Boren

You have no understanding of the first amendment

It never says there can be no consequences for what you say

Expulsion is one of those consequences
Yes, in fact the First Amendment is all about consequences. In fact, that is the entire point. It protects you from the State abridging your right to free speech, such as in a State institution implementing speech codes and levying punishment upon you for your speech.

I know this and I am not even an American. Your Bill of Rights is still one of the few things I love about your country and admire them for.

Looks like you need a refresher on your own Constitution

Legally, the University doesn't have a leg to stand on.


Expulsion of student for distributing on campus a publication assertedly containing "indecent speech" proscribed by a bylaw of a state university's Board of Curators held an impermissible violation of her First Amendment free speech rights since the mere dissemination of ideas on a state university campus cannot be proscribed in the name of "conventions of decency."

Certiorari granted; 464 F.2d 136, reversed.
FindLaw Cases and Codes
You have no concept of freedom of speech. It prohibits the government from taking action against you for what you might say

It does nothing to protect you from the consequences of your actions
Oklahoma University is the government, it is a public university and a state institution, and thus held to the first amendment.

So yes, the 1st Amendment absolutely protects you from the consequences of government action against you.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.
No, you are all immoral. You want to ruin people's lives and throw them out of school because they make politically incorrect jokes with friends in private. You are bad people without a moral compass.

I'd say your morality is in question here. When the time comes, God isn't going to look more favorably upon you for being a tacit supporter of racism, rather than simply just another rabid bigot.
Yea I am the one going to hell because I don't support your over the top and repressive speech codes for edgy jokes. Ok buddy, whatever you say :rolleyes-41:. Solid argument bro.
Yes, in fact the First Amendment is all about consequences. In fact, that is the entire point. It protects you from the State abridging your right to free speech, such as in a State institution implementing speech codes and levying punishment upon you for your speech.

I know this and I am not even an American. Your Bill of Rights is still one of the few things I love about your country and admire them for.

Looks like you need a refresher on your own Constitution

Legally, the University doesn't have a leg to stand on.

FindLaw Cases and Codes
You have no concept of freedom of speech. It prohibits the government from taking action against you for what you might say

It does nothing to protect you from the consequences of your actions
Oklahoma University is the government, it is a public university and a state institution, and thus held to the first amendment.

So yes, the 1st Amendment absolutely protects you from the consequences of government action against you.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.
I guarantee they will always have more money than you ever will. It is interesting though, you want to financially damage people for life for engaging in wrong speak. What a measured reaction...
No, you are all immoral. You want to ruin people's lives and throw them out of school because they make politically incorrect jokes with friends in private. You are bad people without a moral compass.

I'd say your morality is in question here. When the time comes, God isn't going to look more favorably upon you for being a tacit supporter of racism, rather than simply just another rabid bigot.
Yea I am the one going to hell because I don't support your over the top and repressive speech codes for edgy jokes. Ok buddy, whatever you say :rolleyes-41:. Solid argument bro.

What a pompous simpleton you are. You wanted to talk about morality, so what about it? Do even know what your morality is based on? Do you conduct yourself by a code of ethics? Do you have any sense of honor? Do you know what any of these words actually mean? Or are they just semantic props for someone like you?
You have no concept of freedom of speech. It prohibits the government from taking action against you for what you might say

It does nothing to protect you from the consequences of your actions
Oklahoma University is the government, it is a public university and a state institution, and thus held to the first amendment.

So yes, the 1st Amendment absolutely protects you from the consequences of government action against you.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.
I guarantee they will always have more money than you ever will. It is interesting though, you want to financially damage people for life for engaging in wrong speak. What a measured reaction...

You can't guarantee anything because you don't know anything, and not only about the law or the Constitution.
No, you are all immoral. You want to ruin people's lives and throw them out of school because they make politically incorrect jokes with friends in private. You are bad people without a moral compass.

I'd say your morality is in question here. When the time comes, God isn't going to look more favorably upon you for being a tacit supporter of racism, rather than simply just another rabid bigot.
Yea I am the one going to hell because I don't support your over the top and repressive speech codes for edgy jokes. Ok buddy, whatever you say :rolleyes-41:. Solid argument bro.

What a pompous simpleton you are. You wanted to talk about morality, so what about it? Do even know what your morality is based on? Do you conduct yourself by a code of ethics? Do you have any sense of honor? Do you know what any of these words actually mean? Or are they just semantic props for someone like you?
You have no honor or decency, that much is obvious. You are a piece of shit and a hysterical control freak that likes to use the power of the State to punishing people who make edgy jokes. If you think using the power of the State to harm people who use speech you don't like is moral than you have a skewed moral compass.
Oklahoma University is the government, it is a public university and a state institution, and thus held to the first amendment.

So yes, the 1st Amendment absolutely protects you from the consequences of government action against you.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.
I guarantee they will always have more money than you ever will. It is interesting though, you want to financially damage people for life for engaging in wrong speak. What a measured reaction...

You can't guarantee anything because you don't know anything, and not only about the law or the Constitution.
Yea, coming from a group of people that think some unspecified "code of conduct" trumps the 1A and case law, I don't think you are a position to call yourself on anything as it pertains to the Constitution.

Also, this isn't just a question of what the law is, this is a moral question. Sorry, speech codes, particularly for things said in private among friends are repressive. You are just a really stupid person if you support expelling someone for jokes made in private.
They were clearly punished by the State for their speech. The so called "breach" of the "code of conduct" was their speech.

The 1st Amendment protects those students who disseminate "indecent material" on campus from action by the State, so it certainly protects students who make edgy jokes at private functions from action by the State.

well, no, not really. You try distributing kiddy porn on a campus and see how fast you are out of there.

These drunk frat boys don't have a leg to stand on.

They didn't call her names, they didn't call for her death. THey just asked her if she could remain unbiased on a student court having strong opinions in favor of Israel.

Which they admitted were inappropriate to ask.

Roth, Manjot Singh, Sofia Moreno Haq and Negeen Sadeghi-Movahed, USAC members who were all present at the Feb. 10 meeting, later apologized for focusing on Beyda's Jewish background during the confirmation process.

UCLA Chancellor Gene D. Block said in a campuswide email last week that "council members unfairly questioned the fitness of a USAC Judicial Board applicant" because she was Jewish.

Not quite up there with singing about lynching someone.
They were clearly punished by the State for their speech. The so called "breach" of the "code of conduct" was their speech.

The 1st Amendment protects those students who disseminate "indecent material" on campus from action by the State, so it certainly protects students who make edgy jokes at private functions from action by the State.

well, no, not really. You try distributing kiddy porn on a campus and see how fast you are out of there.

These drunk frat boys don't have a leg to stand on.
False equivalency, child pornography isn't protected by the first amendment and is illegal, whereas a students' speech is and saying n!gger isn't illegal.

How many of these stupid false equivalencies do you have in your arsenal?

Tell us more :lol:
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

Good kids don't sing about lynching people.
Yes they do, good kids make edgy jokes in private all the time. Immoral control freaks that want to punish them, and use the State to do so, are bad people. Good people aren't repressive tyrannical assholes like you.
The SAE national organization fearing politically correct retribution taking private action to mitigate fall out does not justify the State violating these kids' rights.

Are you now saying college education is a "Right"?

When did that happen?

Does that mean you are cool with government paying for it?
No one said college education is a right. A student has a right to free speech and to not have it violated by the State, which includes State universities, this has been established on legal grounds and is clear from a moral perspective for anyone that supports a free society as well.
False equivalency, child pornography isn't protected by the first amendment and is illegal, whereas a students' speech is and saying n!gger isn't illegal.

How many of these stupid false equivalencies do you have in your arsenal?

Tell us more

Well, if they didn't produce the kiddy porn, isn't it a violation of the first Amendment to not let them distribute it?

Incidently, universities HAVE expelled students for doing adult porn.
No, you are all immoral. You want to ruin people's lives and throw them out of school because they make politically incorrect jokes with friends in private. You are bad people without a moral compass.

They ruined their own lives by singing that song.

so much for the "Party of Personal Responibility".
Yea, I must be a republican because I oppose speech codes, cogent analysis. What a strong argument :lol:. I am not even an American you twit.

But yea, tell us more about how these evil southern white kids were literally lynching blacks and how they did it for Mitt Romney and the Kochtopus and hated President Butt Naked :lol:.
Yes they do, good kids make edgy jokes in private all the time. Immoral control freaks that want to punish them, and use the State to do so, are bad people. Good people aren't repressive tyrannical assholes like you.

No, they don't. This isn't an edgy joke. This is a racist slur. These are little punks and they are getting exactly what they deserve.
False equivalency, child pornography isn't protected by the first amendment and is illegal, whereas a students' speech is and saying n!gger isn't illegal.

How many of these stupid false equivalencies do you have in your arsenal?

Tell us more

Well, if they didn't produce the kiddy porn, isn't it a violation of the first Amendment to not let them distribute it?

Incidently, universities HAVE expelled students for doing adult porn.
No, distributing child porn is a crime as well and not protected by the first amendment, whereas a students' speech is and saying nagger isnt a crime.

Which universities?
Yes they do, good kids make edgy jokes in private all the time. Immoral control freaks that want to punish them, and use the State to do so, are bad people. Good people aren't repressive tyrannical assholes like you.

No, they don't. This isn't an edgy joke. This is a racist slur. These are little punks and they are getting exactly what they deserve.
You deserve a beating to within an inch of your life and being left in a gutter.

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