Expelled Oklahoma U fraternity to sue university, possibly President Boren

March 12, 2015: "The local chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is planning to pursue legal action against the University of Oklahoma, and possibly OU President David Boren.

The group has hired high-profile attorney, Stephen Jones to represent them.

Jones told NewsChannel 4 the group is outraged over President Boren shutting down the fraternity house and branding all SAE members as racists and bigots.

Jones says the two students who were expelled because of the incident have apologized sincerely for their remarks, and now the incident is being exploited."

OU SAE to sue university possibly President Boren KFOR.com

They have no standing since the parent fraternity withdrew their charter

They are no longer SAE....rightfully so

Was a national charter explicitly required for residence in said hall? Was any process in said agreement skipped to get them out of the residence?

There will never be a n*gger in SAE!
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

You can hang em from a tree but they'll never sign with me
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

[Dean Wormer's plotting to get rid of Delta House]
Greg Marmalard: But Delta's already on probation.
Dean Vernon Wormer: They are? Well, as of this moment, they're on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!

You can't argue with Double Secret Probation
March 12, 2015: "The local chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is planning to pursue legal action against the University of Oklahoma, and possibly OU President David Boren.

The group has hired high-profile attorney, Stephen Jones to represent them.

Jones told NewsChannel 4 the group is outraged over President Boren shutting down the fraternity house and branding all SAE members as racists and bigots.

Jones says the two students who were expelled because of the incident have apologized sincerely for their remarks, and now the incident is being exploited."

OU SAE to sue university possibly President Boren KFOR.com

They have no standing since the parent fraternity withdrew their charter

They are no longer SAE....rightfully so

Was a national charter explicitly required for residence in said hall? Was any process in said agreement skipped to get them out of the residence?

There will never be a n*gger in SAE!
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

You can hang em from a tree but they'll never sign with me
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

[Dean Wormer's plotting to get rid of Delta House]
Greg Marmalard: But Delta's already on probation.
Dean Vernon Wormer: They are? Well, as of this moment, they're on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!

You can't argue with Double Secret Probation

I can certainly see why that would make a black person think twice about joining SAE, but only a pussy would refuse to attend an entire university over that.
That's not a government agencies call to make. I know you don't give a shit about process (there's that fascist thing again) but government has rules it has to follow, i.e. the constitution.

They had a totally fair hearing. they had evidence, they asked the guys if they said that shit and they bounced their asses.

Works for me.

Ah, kanagroo justice, the favorite of the fascist.
Coming from a liberal that is proof racism is left wing and not right.
March 12, 2015: "The local chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is planning to pursue legal action against the University of Oklahoma, and possibly OU President David Boren.

The group has hired high-profile attorney, Stephen Jones to represent them.

Jones told NewsChannel 4 the group is outraged over President Boren shutting down the fraternity house and branding all SAE members as racists and bigots.

Jones says the two students who were expelled because of the incident have apologized sincerely for their remarks, and now the incident is being exploited."

OU SAE to sue university possibly President Boren KFOR.com

They have no standing since the parent fraternity withdrew their charter

They are no longer SAE....rightfully so

Was a national charter explicitly required for residence in said hall? Was any process in said agreement skipped to get them out of the residence?

There will never be a n*gger in SAE!
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

You can hang em from a tree but they'll never sign with me
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

[Dean Wormer's plotting to get rid of Delta House]
Greg Marmalard: But Delta's already on probation.
Dean Vernon Wormer: They are? Well, as of this moment, they're on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!

You can't argue with Double Secret Probation

You didn't answer the question.
March 12, 2015: "The local chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is planning to pursue legal action against the University of Oklahoma, and possibly OU President David Boren.

The group has hired high-profile attorney, Stephen Jones to represent them.

Jones told NewsChannel 4 the group is outraged over President Boren shutting down the fraternity house and branding all SAE members as racists and bigots.

Jones says the two students who were expelled because of the incident have apologized sincerely for their remarks, and now the incident is being exploited."

OU SAE to sue university possibly President Boren KFOR.com

They have no standing since the parent fraternity withdrew their charter

They are no longer SAE....rightfully so

Was a national charter explicitly required for residence in said hall? Was any process in said agreement skipped to get them out of the residence?

There will never be a n*gger in SAE!
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

You can hang em from a tree but they'll never sign with me
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

[Dean Wormer's plotting to get rid of Delta House]
Greg Marmalard: But Delta's already on probation.
Dean Vernon Wormer: They are? Well, as of this moment, they're on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!

You can't argue with Double Secret Probation

You didn't answer the question.

You mean a process other than Double Secret Probation?

Well, they were formally expelled by the dean and notified they could formally contest by today
The Fraternity had their charter revoked and were thus unable to sustain any contract they have for use of University facilities

But I will go with Double Secret Probation
March 12, 2015: "The local chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is planning to pursue legal action against the University of Oklahoma, and possibly OU President David Boren.

The group has hired high-profile attorney, Stephen Jones to represent them.

Jones told NewsChannel 4 the group is outraged over President Boren shutting down the fraternity house and branding all SAE members as racists and bigots.

Jones says the two students who were expelled because of the incident have apologized sincerely for their remarks, and now the incident is being exploited."

OU SAE to sue university possibly President Boren KFOR.com

They have no standing since the parent fraternity withdrew their charter

They are no longer SAE....rightfully so

Was a national charter explicitly required for residence in said hall? Was any process in said agreement skipped to get them out of the residence?

There will never be a n*gger in SAE!
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

You can hang em from a tree but they'll never sign with me
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

[Dean Wormer's plotting to get rid of Delta House]
Greg Marmalard: But Delta's already on probation.
Dean Vernon Wormer: They are? Well, as of this moment, they're on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!

You can't argue with Double Secret Probation

But if the University did nothing, they could have faced a Title VI lawsuit from the Civil rights act of 1964 by allowing racial discrimination. Thus hurting their image as a university and potentially losing federal funds.

The university was put in a rock and a hard place. However, the fraternity national chapter disbanned the fraternity before OU kicked them off campus so it's going to be a tough win. Also, those students were kicked off for "Creating a hostile education environment" so that's likely going to be upheld because its obvious that they did.

The school would not be liable because they did not endorse what the Frat did.

"Creating a Hostile Environment" Charges are merely an attempted end run around the 1st amendment.

But if they didn't kick them out, the public opinion would be they implicitly endorse the mentality of the fraternity.

That hurts recruiting not only for football but for their university as well. Why risk the future of your university on 2 idiots?

So you want to deny people due process and constitutional rights because of Football?

So the mob wins every time? So only speech everyone likes is protected?

Do you people even consider what you are proposing?

What's next? We expel Christians who oppose gay marriage because it creates a "hostile environment"?

If they are doing something overt like Westboro baptist church type protest constantly on campus, then yes they are creating a hostile environment.
Yes. Inside the privacy of their frat gatherings they're creating a hostile environment.

Once it hits youtube, it's no longer private.
I don't think anyone has a problem with the Fraternity losing its charter to be on campus. However, expelling the individual students is a different matter. Will any black students be expelled from the university if they show up in a youtube vidieo singing a rap song that has the N-word in it? I bet not.

Also, the President of the university seems to be judge, jury and executioner in this story. What happened to due process before punishment was imposed on these students. They are given the opportunity to appeal the decision after the fact, but that's different.

Their due process is right here...


LOL. so he goes to the EEO Officer, who works for the President, and gets told 'fuck off." THAT's due process to you?

Fuck you, you fucking fascist.

They can formally contest and bring an attorney of their choosing. Have they contested?
But if the University did nothing, they could have faced a Title VI lawsuit from the Civil rights act of 1964 by allowing racial discrimination. Thus hurting their image as a university and potentially losing federal funds.

The university was put in a rock and a hard place. However, the fraternity national chapter disbanned the fraternity before OU kicked them off campus so it's going to be a tough win. Also, those students were kicked off for "Creating a hostile education environment" so that's likely going to be upheld because its obvious that they did.

The school would not be liable because they did not endorse what the Frat did.

"Creating a Hostile Environment" Charges are merely an attempted end run around the 1st amendment.

But if they didn't kick them out, the public opinion would be they implicitly endorse the mentality of the fraternity.

That hurts recruiting not only for football but for their university as well. Why risk the future of your university on 2 idiots?

So you want to deny people due process and constitutional rights because of Football?

So the mob wins every time? So only speech everyone likes is protected?

Do you people even consider what you are proposing?

What's next? We expel Christians who oppose gay marriage because it creates a "hostile environment"?

If they are doing something overt like Westboro baptist church type protest constantly on campus, then yes they are creating a hostile environment.

So again, we are back to limiting and punishing speech because we don't like it. Who gets to decide who's offended status outranks who's?

Hostile environments are an attempt to extend fighting words restrictions to non fighting words situations.

How do you know they aren't "fighting words"? Also, public safety defense. You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded movie theater because of the public safety hazard. Given the totality of race relations in this country right now (which exists before Ferguson before you go on your "Obama created the racial divide" nonsense), there could be protests but if the school did nothing, the student body could have been at a public risk and the OU property could have been vandalized or destroyed. So to prevent damages, they had to expel the students.

There is never a slam dunk 100% right case. As my old law professor said, court battles are typically a "collision of two right answers" and the court has to make a call.

More than likely if it gets bad, OU will settle.

I don't think anyone has a problem with the Fraternity losing its charter to be on campus. However, expelling the individual students is a different matter. Will any black students be expelled from the university if they show up in a youtube vidieo singing a rap song that has the N-word in it? I bet not.

Also, the President of the university seems to be judge, jury and executioner in this story. What happened to due process before punishment was imposed on these students. They are given the opportunity to appeal the decision after the fact, but that's different.

If you don't understand the difference between rap stars and black people using the N word and white people using the word and adding "Hang them from a tree" in a song, then you truly do not understand the history of the N word. How it was used as an insult to demean people of color for centuries, that they were only 3/5ths of a person (endorsed by the US constitution no less), and that they couldn't receive the same education that white people received.
March 12, 2015: "The local chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is planning to pursue legal action against the University of Oklahoma, and possibly OU President David Boren.

The group has hired high-profile attorney, Stephen Jones to represent them.

Jones told NewsChannel 4 the group is outraged over President Boren shutting down the fraternity house and branding all SAE members as racists and bigots.

Jones says the two students who were expelled because of the incident have apologized sincerely for their remarks, and now the incident is being exploited."

OU SAE to sue university possibly President Boren KFOR.com

They have no standing since the parent fraternity withdrew their charter

They are no longer SAE....rightfully so

Was a national charter explicitly required for residence in said hall? Was any process in said agreement skipped to get them out of the residence?

There will never be a n*gger in SAE!
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

You can hang em from a tree but they'll never sign with me
There will never be a n*gger in SAE

[Dean Wormer's plotting to get rid of Delta House]
Greg Marmalard: But Delta's already on probation.
Dean Vernon Wormer: They are? Well, as of this moment, they're on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!

You can't argue with Double Secret Probation

The 1978 case Blutarsky vs Wormer established the right of a University to unilaterally impose Double Secret Probation on unruly fraternities, in this case Delta Tau Chi

It is this precedent that has been applied against SAE
Stephen Jones attorney - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yep same one that defended McVeigh....they got a good attorney...he couldn't save McVeigh from the Feds coverup but he tried.

Are you wearing your tin foil hat?
The Oklahoma City Bombing - Were there additional explosive charges and additional bombers WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
Those to ignorant to ask questions have no room to talk about people being crazy
You are a nut case.
Stephen Jones attorney - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yep same one that defended McVeigh....they got a good attorney...he couldn't save McVeigh from the Feds coverup but he tried.

Are you wearing your tin foil hat?
The Oklahoma City Bombing - Were there additional explosive charges and additional bombers WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
Those to ignorant to ask questions have no room to talk about people being crazy

Save it for the "conspiracy" section.
The content is irrelevant. The relevance to this conversation is do YOU think the school has the right to ban the flag from being displayed inside a student's dorm room?
Next Christian crosses will be banned from dorm rooms. Tis a slippery slope and liberals are quite happy sliding down it.
The content is irrelevant. The relevance to this conversation is do YOU think the school has the right to ban the flag from being displayed inside a student's dorm room?
Next Christian crosses will be banned from dorm rooms. Tis a slippery slope and liberals are quite happy sliding down it.
Then white girls will start having sex with Black guys.....wait thats already happening.
Perhaps Jaminston Winston should have been expelled from FSU for his "F@$k her in the pu$$y antics.


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