experts say Trump will have a landslide win in nov !

Are you kidding! Biden held Tara Reade against the wall and finger fucked her!
Normally I would believe what the woman claims. But Reade just screwed the california DA that used her as an expert witness, only to find out she lied about her credentials, thus subjecting the cases she testified in to being declared a mistrial. She also lied about how long she worked for Bidens office. She said 3 years, he said more like 9 months. which means she claimed she stayed there for over a year after the alleged assault.

OR, it means that Biden is wrong/lying. Seems interesting to me that you consider, "Biden says" to be definitive proof of something.
The question isn't if there are women willing to let a celebrity assault them. It's the morals of a person who would use their celebrity to assault women.
No, it's the morals - or lack thereof - of people like you who only discover the existence of "morals" when it conveniently allows them to attack their political opponents. Or are you going to try to tell me you don't believe in the concept of "consenting adults", and "my body, my choice"? Spend a lot of time railing at the immorality of extra-marital sex, do you?
From rock stars, to sports stars to movie stars. When they use their celebrity to corrupt young women into sexual relations that may not be illegal, but I don't find them fit to be a moral authority after that.

One wonders why you were dumb enough to consider any of them "moral authorities" to start with.

And frankly, I really doubt you spend any time ranting and speechifying against extra-marital sexual activity.
Spend a lot of time railing at the immorality of extra-marital sex, do you?
I would never vote for somebody where their adultery has been proven. I believe in innocent until proven guilty, but once proven, that's strike three.

Would you vote for a proven adulterer?

Well, then, you're a moron who's spending far too much time Gladys Kravitzing around in other people's personal lives, and not nearly enough time worrying about things that actually matter to you.
even though the economy slowed because of the pandemic voters have not forgotten the economic boom before it struck ! and those policies that ushered in said boom are still in place and they will still be there after the pandemic ends ! Trump to Win Landslide in 2020? - Election Central

Dateline: "Published: Oct. 15, 2019 at 4:20 p.m. ET"
Oh how things can change on a dime.
Or on the head of a virus cell that gets dismissed as being "under control".
Or on the intel that Donald turned a blind eye to Putin paying to have our soldiers killed. Money trail has been confirmed.
Donald is toast.
She also lied about how long she worked for Bidens office. She said 3 years, he said more like 9 months. which means she claimed she stayed there for over a year after the alleged assault.
OR, it means that Biden is wrong/lying. Seems interesting to me that you consider, "Biden says" to be definitive proof of something.
When I found out Reade lied about how long she worked for Biden that set out a red flag. That's something that wasn't vouched by Biden, but by the congressional records.
COVID Killed Trump's chances of winning.

Nope. Trump dropping the ball on COVID is what's killing his chances.

Trumps war on the coronavirus has had more fatalities than the US in WW I.

Trump did nothing of the sort. You're just hoping that if you keep shouting it over and over, people will accept it.

So you're still defending Captain Clorox?
Gonna' vote for a guy who asked a nationally known scientist about injecting disinfectant directly into the body?
127,000 dead in 121 days, even Rwanda is doing a better job and they have little access to technology like ours.
Fish rots from the head, bitch. Get over your Orange Turd.
even though the economy slowed because of the pandemic voters have not forgotten the economic boom before it struck ! and those policies that ushered in said boom are still in place and they will still be there after the pandemic ends ! Trump to Win Landslide in 2020? - Election Central

Dateline: "Published: Oct. 15, 2019 at 4:20 p.m. ET"
Oh how things can change on a dime.
Or on the head of a virus cell that gets dismissed as being "under control".
Or on the intel that Donald turned a blind eye to Putin paying to have our soldiers killed. Money trail has been confirmed.
Donald is toast.


Leftists still define truth and reality based solely on how badly they think they can hurt Trump with it.
She also lied about how long she worked for Bidens office. She said 3 years, he said more like 9 months. which means she claimed she stayed there for over a year after the alleged assault.
OR, it means that Biden is wrong/lying. Seems interesting to me that you consider, "Biden says" to be definitive proof of something.
When I found out Reade lied about how long she worked for Biden that set out a red flag. That's something that wasn't vouched by Biden, but by the congressional records.

That whole Tara Reade thing has gone away because she was lying.
Now, we got a money trail for Stormy Daniels.
And 25 women who have come forward accusing Donald, who admitted to Howard Stern that he liked to lurk around the dressing rooms at the Miss Universe pageants.
He's a dirty old man in the least and a predator at worst.
even though the economy slowed because of the pandemic voters have not forgotten the economic boom before it struck ! and those policies that ushered in said boom are still in place and they will still be there after the pandemic ends ! Trump to Win Landslide in 2020? - Election Central

Dateline: "Published: Oct. 15, 2019 at 4:20 p.m. ET"
Oh how things can change on a dime.
Or on the head of a virus cell that gets dismissed as being "under control".
Or on the intel that Donald turned a blind eye to Putin paying to have our soldiers killed. Money trail has been confirmed.
Donald is toast.


Leftists still define truth and reality based solely on how badly they think they can hurt Trump with it.

You should try getting in touch with reality. It appears you're a stranger to it.
From rock stars, to sports stars to movie stars. When they use their celebrity to corrupt young women into sexual relations that may not be illegal, but I don't find them fit to be a moral authority after that.
One wonders why you were dumb enough to consider any of them "moral authorities" to start with.

Actors, musicians and sports stars are some of our most listened to moral authorities. But only the one's who keep their noses clean. So actors like Fred Thompson or Ronald Reagan were moral authorities.
She also lied about how long she worked for Bidens office. She said 3 years, he said more like 9 months. which means she claimed she stayed there for over a year after the alleged assault.
OR, it means that Biden is wrong/lying. Seems interesting to me that you consider, "Biden says" to be definitive proof of something.
When I found out Reade lied about how long she worked for Biden that set out a red flag. That's something that wasn't vouched by Biden, but by the congressional records.

Feel free to show, rather than tell. Trust is for people worthy of respect, which means you have to provide three verifiable sources every time you state that the sky is blue. Please remember your place.
The whole narrative about Joe Biden being a child molester has also fallen off the right wing propaganda wagon.
Some questions that the lying scumbags couldn't answer:
Where are the charges against him? None.
Why have no parents of those kids spoken up?
Watch the video and you'll see the parents leaning in and smiling.
It was all bullshit and it's fallen apart.
Sorry, TrumpTards.
even though the economy slowed because of the pandemic voters have not forgotten the economic boom before it struck ! and those policies that ushered in said boom are still in place and they will still be there after the pandemic ends ! Trump to Win Landslide in 2020? - Election Central

Voters are not going to forget Trump's lack of leadership on the pandemic which consists of ignoring it. His race-baiting and racist attitudes in full view. The fact is that these types of models do not work during abnormal times like this. Also the stock market is in the twilight zone right now. It is ignoring reality and is way too high
The whole narrative about Joe Biden being a child molester has also fallen off the right wing propaganda wagon.
Some questions that the lying scumbags couldn't answer:
Where are the charges against him? None.
Why have no parents of those kids spoken up?
Watch the video and you'll see the parents leaning in and smiling.
It was all bullshit and it's fallen apart.
Sorry, TrumpTards.
Most importantly is that Biden has no repeated accusations. The one accusation from Tara Reade from 28 years ago, with no similar accusations since then. Whereas accusations against Trump form a continuous timeline of adultery, and sexual assaults.

A leopard can't change his spots.
COVID Killed Trump's chances of winning.

Nope. Trump dropping the ball on COVID is what's killing his chances.

Trumps war on the coronavirus has had more fatalities than the US in WW I.

Trump did nothing of the sort. You're just hoping that if you keep shouting it over and over, people will accept it.

So you're still defending Captain Clorox?
Gonna' vote for a guy who asked a nationally known scientist about injecting disinfectant directly into the body?
127,000 dead in 121 days, even Rwanda is doing a better job and they have little access to technology like ours.
Fish rots from the head, bitch. Get over your Orange Turd.

So you're still thinking your disapproval is going to matter to someone?

I will continue to defend President Trump just so long as he's being subjected to base lies and nonsense at the hands of people who aren't worth the saliva to spit on them (and yes, I do mean you). Did I mention that I was thinking about you this morning? Yeah, my dog got into the kitchen trash and horked up a ball of puke the size of my cat. I looked at it and thought, "That reminds me of Blaine." Right before I started gagging, which - now that I think of it - reminds me of my reaction to your ASSumption that you matter.
Also the stock market is in the twilight zone right now. It is ignoring reality and is way too high
The stock market is Trumps big talking point. He can point to it as a measure of success, so he has Mnuchen and the fed pumping hundreds and hundreds of billions into it.

This is no different from a "pump and dump" only the government can't cash in to recover any the money they put into the market.

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