Explain the January 6th hearings Again?

The Jan 6th hearing is an embarrassing JOKE! Come on you had the Dem Senate majority leader claiming it was on par with the attack on Pearl Harbor FFS. This is nothing but Washington's attempt to prevent Trump from running for POTUS again, PERIOD. :eusa_hand: :eusa_hand: :eusa_hand:
The Jan 6th hearing is an embarrassing JOKE! Come on you had the Dem Senate majority leader claiming it was on par with the attack on Pearl Harbor FFS. This is nothing but Washington's attempt to prevent Trump from running for POTUS again, PERIOD. :eusa_hand: :eusa_hand: :eusa_hand:
Failed Peloser policy
The Jan 6th hearing is an embarrassing JOKE! Come on you had the Dem Senate majority leader claiming it was on par with the attack on Pearl Harbor FFS. This is nothing but Washington's attempt to prevent Trump from running for POTUS again, PERIOD. :eusa_hand: :eusa_hand: :eusa_hand:
Yeah the truth is always a joke to you cons.
So how did these cops die?
Blunt force trauma.
I didn't know you could kill anyone without a gun, when did this happen?
Then you're more retarded than retards even imagine.
And this insurection.....no shots were fired? Yet they wanted to take over the country???????
Who told you, you needed guns to attempt take over the country?
And she was a much better person that the dipshits Rittenhouse smoked........with the best gun ever....
Of course, you would think that you're a TRAITOR.
The people Rittenhouse shot didn't attack the capitol.
Babbitt was a TRAITOR, just like the rest of the scum that did.
So you guys changed your story from it was antifa and BLM.

Glad you are coming around.

So, no guest hm?

Just more LYING BULLSHIT from the leftards.

Not surprised, not surprised at all.

Your whole long diatribe about Tucker's talking points is just a load of bullshit.

Just as I thought.

Lefties lie. It's what they do
The number of Republicans who feel Trump should be charged with a crime has doubled in the past year, and that was before Hutchinson's testimony.

And Trump's attempted coup went on for MONTHS, not hours.

It is trying to charge Trump that is wrong.
It is deliberately trying to bypass the election system.
The 2 impeachments were bad enough, but this Jan 6 testimony is ridiculous.
I am far left, progressive liberal, and this ALMOST makes ME want to vote for Trump.

The most of this I see, the more I wish they had burned down Congress on Jan 6.
On January 6th 2020 congress tasted its own mortality. That alone is what it's all about. Some people entered the hallowed high halls of our federal legislative branch and for one shining moment almost touched the very heavens; almost. These show trials and investigations are all about making examples out of little people who very nearly touched a hair on the heads of our congressmen. Frankly, I am a bit surprised those who entered that holy domed building haven't been publicly executed. I suppose we're not quite there just yet.
The 2 impeachments were bad enough, but this Jan 6 testimony is ridiculous.
I am far left, progressive liberal, and this ALMOST makes ME want to vote for Trump.


So tell me something (honestly, please) - you're a leftie, how is it that you've managed to avoid swilling the Kool Aid?

The most of this I see, the more I wish they had burned down Congress on Jan 6.

I feel ya.

For me it's about 50/50 in authoritarian hyperpartisanism and plain old psychopathy.

I'm firmly convinced that Nancy Pelosi is a clinical psychopath. If she took a Hare test they'd have to lock her up.

It's not the institution I'd like to destroy (or the building), it's the maggots infesting it.

Yeah man, I feel ya. All this, it's enough to make me puke. Ha ha - I remember way back when, when I puked "after" killing something. :p


Hey - you know, and I know, and there's a few of us here that seem to know - this stuff doesn't stop unless we make it. Unless we FORCE it to, and that doesn't necessarily mean violence, it could be subterfuge and it could be plain old creating the right conditions - but doing nothing is definitely NOT the answer
The hearings are having an effect. Even before Hutchinson, the number of Republicans who feel Trump should be charged with a crime has doubled since last year.

Even if he isn't charged, I seriously doubt Trump will run in 2024 after this. He has way too much baggage.
it. kent of been before her testimony, but since then, and now how the SS has publicly called out the information and the “committtee” refusal to allow them to testify the public is really turning on the committtee

Trump might not win the nomination but if he does he certainly will win

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