Explain This: GOP says Washington and the regulators are there to serve the banks



Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), the incoming chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is coming under fire from liberal groups for suggesting that federal lawmakers and regulators exist to "serve the banks."

"In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be regulated, and my view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the banks," he (Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.)) said.

Rep. Bachus tells local paper that Washington should 'serve' banks - The Hill's On The Money

This quote may be months old, but it's more true today. Corporations are "people" my friend. Only they aren't.

I suspect Republicans see corporations and banks as their "family", but they see the rest of America as a doormat. Something to wipe their feet on.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PiXDTK_CBY&feature]Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

Watching the protesters, waving and drinking champagne. Gotta love those Wall Street Republicans. "Family".
Washington is the servant of the people. The people, whether they be bankers, lawyers, doctors, construction workers, fast food cooks, or any other profession and job, are not here to serve Washington.

That's how President Washington would have seen it. And those in the Federal Government need to learn that is how the City named after him should behave as well.
I'll explain it, the GOP believes Washington is their to serve the banks. Sidenote: banks aren't people
From the article:

Bachus later clarified his remarks to the paper and said he meant that regulators should set parameters for banks, but not micromanage them.

Well, that dismisses the OP as yet more bullshit and faux outrage.
Oh and Democrats aren't? BOTH parties are owned by Corporate and Banking interests. Only the blind and stupid can't see that.

More rdean partisan hack fail.
Clarified remarks always work for the right wing except when a dem "clarifies"

Backtracked, not clarified.

Of course the Republicans believe that. That is who they work for. It's not that complicated. The Republicans, generally, work for the banks, for Wall Street, for the oil companies, for the defense industry, for corporate interests in general.

None of this is that mysterious if you just follow the money.
From the article:

Bachus later clarified his remarks to the paper and said he meant that regulators should set parameters for banks, but not micromanage them.

Well, that dismisses the OP as yet more bullshit and faux outrage.

Notice how Republicans always "clarify their remarks later?"

It's because they are being "candid". Then someone points out how fucked they are and their PR man says, "Walk it back". They do. Then California Girl says see? They were "misunderestimated" or some other Miss Teenage Carolina comment".
Oh and Democrats aren't? BOTH parties are owned by Corporate and Banking interests. Only the blind and stupid can't see that.

More rdean partisan hack fail.

Not in equal measures. The GOP's subservience to corporate/banking interests is comprehensive.
Oh and Democrats aren't? BOTH parties are owned by Corporate and Banking interests. Only the blind and stupid can't see that.

More rdean partisan hack fail.

Not in equal measures. The GOP's subservience to corporate/banking interests is comprehensive.

People who live in glass houses, should not throw stones. Your beloved DNC doesn't have a sterling record with its bank buddy system.

Seriously.... you guys (both sides) make me laugh with your faux outrage about the other side... while steadfastly ignoring the same behavior on your own side.

Credibility.... look it up.
Oh and Democrats aren't? BOTH parties are owned by Corporate and Banking interests. Only the blind and stupid can't see that.

More rdean partisan hack fail.

Then why do you REFUSE to explain why the China, Russia, India, US Corporate backed US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats?


U.S. Chamber Spends $10M On Anti-Democrat Ads

Oh and Democrats aren't? BOTH parties are owned by Corporate and Banking interests. Only the blind and stupid can't see that.

More rdean partisan hack fail.

Not in equal measures. The GOP's subservience to corporate/banking interests is comprehensive.

People who live in glass houses, should not throw stones. Your beloved DNC doesn't have a sterling record with its bank buddy system.

Seriously.... you guys (both sides) make me laugh with your faux outrage about the other side... while steadfastly ignoring the same behavior on your own side.

Credibility.... look it up.

For someone who sees no difference between the two parties you sure spend a lot of time defending the GOP and attacking the Democrats.
Oh and Democrats aren't? BOTH parties are owned by Corporate and Banking interests. Only the blind and stupid can't see that.

More rdean partisan hack fail.

Then why do you REFUSE to explain why the China, Russia, India, US Corporate backed US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats?


Politicians aren't allowed to accept donations from foreign governments, moron.

The Chamber of Commerce exists for the purpose of promoting commerce. Giving money to Democrats would be like the Temperance Society having their meetings in a bar.
I'll explain it, the GOP believes Washington is their to serve the banks. Sidenote: banks aren't people

I'll 'properly' explain it. ONE member of the GOP made that statement. Not ALL members.

If you're going to say that ALL GOP members are in agreement anytime a single one makes a statement, I certainly hope you'll hold that position when I point out dumb shit a single Democrat says. I won't hold my breath though.
Oh and Democrats aren't? BOTH parties are owned by Corporate and Banking interests. Only the blind and stupid can't see that.

More rdean partisan hack fail.

Then why do you REFUSE to explain why the China, Russia, India, US Corporate backed US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats?


Politicians aren't allowed to accept donations from foreign governments, moron.

The Chamber of Commerce exists for the purpose of promoting commerce. Giving money to Democrats would be like the Temperance Society having their meetings in a bar.

Actually, they can accept money from foreign governments. You can thank the Republican Supreme Court. Here are at least two ways they do it.

First, you have someone like Hugo Chavez own a company like Citgo. An American company can still be considered an "American Company" even thought it's foreign owned. Citgo can put their entire profit towards any candidate they want at the direction of Chavez. They can't directly GIVE to the candidate, but they can make ads and calls and hold fundraisers and do everything the candidate does. Example - the Swift Boat People.

The second way is what the Chamber of Commerce does. They insist the money they get from China, Russia, India and other countries is in a "separate" account. They are not audited. As long as they say that's what they do, they can't be investigated. Only a fucking moron, such as yourself, would think they actually keep the money separate. Like they could pull millions out of thin air.

Come on. You guys have to be smarter than that. Say what you feel. You think corporations would do a better job running the country than regular Americans.

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