CDZ Explaining gun murder vs. gun crime vs. gun control, why gun control does not work....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Gun control extremists state that gun control works even when the actual facts and reality on the ground show it doesn't work....

Here, this might help......

A state has averaged 3 fatal car accidents every they want extreme traffic laws to "save one life." They implement their new traffic laws....and for the next 10 years after they are put in place, fatal car accidents go up to 10 a year. Then, after 10 years, the deaths go back to 3 a year. At the same time...non fatal car accidents due to their new laws go up 89% the first ten years, then 44% after that, then going up 23%...never going lower, always going up.....always increasing.

When challenged on the failure of these new laws to stop reduce traffic accidents....the people who support the laws state.....the state next to us has 10 fatal car accidents every year, we only have 3, our traffic laws are working...

Does everyone see how this isn't true, how the traffic laws are not working...but making their traffic accidents worse? That the fatal car accident rate shows that the traffic laws are not working?

This is the current state of gun control law discussion on the U.S. messageboard.....especially when Britain is brought up....

Can everyone see this now?
Thank you for posting this same information again. I wasn't sure I completely understood it the first several times you posted it, but I think I got it this time.
Thank you for posting this same information again. I wasn't sure I completely understood it the first several times you posted it, but I think I got it this time.

Good...... I like to matter how long it may take for you to finally get it....
Gun control extremists state that gun control works even when the actual facts and reality on the ground show it doesn't work....

Here, this might help......

A state has averaged 3 fatal car accidents every they want extreme traffic laws to "save one life." They implement their new traffic laws....and for the next 10 years after they are put in place, fatal car accidents go up to 10 a year. Then, after 10 years, the deaths go back to 3 a year. At the same time...non fatal car accidents due to their new laws go up 89% the first ten years, then 44% after that, then going up 23%...never going lower, always going up.....always increasing.

When challenged on the failure of these new laws to stop reduce traffic accidents....the people who support the laws state.....the state next to us has 10 fatal car accidents every year, we only have 3, our traffic laws are working...

Does everyone see how this isn't true, how the traffic laws are not working...but making their traffic accidents worse? That the fatal car accident rate shows that the traffic laws are not working?

This is the current state of gun control law discussion on the U.S. messageboard.....especially when Britain is brought up....

Can everyone see this now?

Its a complicated thing. We just have to look and see if countries with stop lights are safer to drive in than those w/o.

I'd stick to the implimentation of the 2nd in 1810 as a way of American life angle and just say, "those of us with guns will keep the government out of regulating if you show a man or woman your private parts" type of debate.
Gun control is working in the civilised world. America is the proof of that.

Please re-read post #1..... you missed the point.
The first line is a lie and its difficult to get past that.

It isn't a I keep showing you with the growing gun crime rate in guys then say...but...but...the murder rate is lower than the U.S.....which isn't relevant to the point because Britain has always had a low murder rate, a lower gun murder fact, our bare hand murder rate is higher than their total murder number, as is our knife murder rate and our club murder rate..........

You guys hide behind the murder rate because you can't explain how gun crime is going up in Britain after they passed the most extreme gun control laws.....their criminals are using guns more, not less, after they banned and confiscated guns....

That is like saying rat control is working as more rats, not less, are fouling up your cities....
Gun control is working in the civilised world. America is the proof of that.

Please re-read post #1..... you missed the point.
The first line is a lie and its difficult to get past that.

It isn't a I keep showing you with the growing gun crime rate in guys then say...but...but...the murder rate is lower than the U.S.....which isn't relevant to the point because Britain has always had a low murder rate, a lower gun murder fact, our bare hand murder rate is higher than their total murder number, as is our knife murder rate and our club murder rate..........

You guys hide behind the murder rate because you can't explain how gun crime is going up in Britain after they passed the most extreme gun control laws.....their criminals are using guns more, not less, after they banned and confiscated guns....

That is like saying rat control is working as more rats, not less, are fouling up your cities....

Pretty relevant if you or a family member is one of those dead people. Here's a good rule of thumb. Fewer dead people is always better than more dead people. You don't get that?
Gun control is working in the civilised world. America is the proof of that.

Please re-read post #1..... you missed the point.
The first line is a lie and its difficult to get past that.

It isn't a I keep showing you with the growing gun crime rate in guys then say...but...but...the murder rate is lower than the U.S.....which isn't relevant to the point because Britain has always had a low murder rate, a lower gun murder fact, our bare hand murder rate is higher than their total murder number, as is our knife murder rate and our club murder rate..........

You guys hide behind the murder rate because you can't explain how gun crime is going up in Britain after they passed the most extreme gun control laws.....their criminals are using guns more, not less, after they banned and confiscated guns....

That is like saying rat control is working as more rats, not less, are fouling up your cities....

Pretty relevant if you or a family member is one of those dead people. Here's a good rule of thumb. Fewer dead people is always better than more dead people. You don't get that?

I agree, fewer dead, law abiding citizens the better. That is why we support the 2nd Amendment and the Right of good, law abiding, normal people to own and carry guns.....

According to the Centers for Disease control, these law abiding people use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies and well as mass public shootings. Those are lives saved from death and horrible destruction, families not torn apart.

In 2016 there were 11,004 gun murders. Of the victims 70-80%, in some locations over 90% of the victims were crimnals, not normal people, involved in crime.

If you compare the numbers....1.1 million times guns are used to stop crime vs. 11,004 gun murders, you see that more lives are saved with guns than are taken by criminals.

In fact, we have 25 years of actual experience that shows as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%.....which means at the most basic fact point, that law abiding people who own and carry guns do not increase the gun murder rate....again, lives saved.

So we agree....we want more lives saved, you just don't know how to do want to take guns away from women who would have been raped, tortured and murdered...we want those women to use a gun to stop the rapist...

That is where we are different.
Do you have something that you haven't already cut and pasted hundreds of times?
Do you have something that you haven't already cut and pasted hundreds of times?

Once you understand it, then I won't need it....

Is that all that keeps you posting the same thing over & over & over & over? Trust me, I understood you posts long ago. I just disagree with your odd form of logic. Just to be clear, I completely understand but I disagree. You can stop now.
Do you have something that you haven't already cut and pasted hundreds of times?

Once you understand it, then I won't need it....

Is that all that keeps you posting the same thing over & over & over & over? Trust me, I understood you posts long ago. I just disagree with your odd form of logic. Just to be clear, I completely understand but I disagree. You can stop now.

Hmmmm...will you stop posting about gun control? Using your own tired, arguments that do not make any sense, have no basis in reality, that are not backed up by facts or actual experience? Something tells me you won't stop posting on this topic........the 2nd Amendment is under attack....and I will post my information as often as I can.....
Do you have something that you haven't already cut and pasted hundreds of times?

Once you understand it, then I won't need it....

Is that all that keeps you posting the same thing over & over & over & over? Trust me, I understood you posts long ago. I just disagree with your odd form of logic. Just to be clear, I completely understand but I disagree. You can stop now.

Hmmmm...will you stop posting about gun control? Using your own tired, arguments that do not make any sense, have no basis in reality, that are not backed up by facts or actual experience? Something tells me you won't stop posting on this topic........the 2nd Amendment is under attack....and I will post my information as often as I can.....

Of course you will. You have certainly met all expectations of you so far.
Do you have something that you haven't already cut and pasted hundreds of times?

Once you understand it, then I won't need it....

Is that all that keeps you posting the same thing over & over & over & over? Trust me, I understood you posts long ago. I just disagree with your odd form of logic. Just to be clear, I completely understand but I disagree. You can stop now.

Hmmmm...will you stop posting about gun control? Using your own tired, arguments that do not make any sense, have no basis in reality, that are not backed up by facts or actual experience? Something tells me you won't stop posting on this topic........the 2nd Amendment is under attack....and I will post my information as often as I can.....

Of course you will. You have certainly met all expectations of you so far.

As have you.......

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