Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

Explaining Jesus to a Jew​

Please don't ... we've all heard it a million times and we're not buying it.

Then we should see it being foretold in the Old Testament and we should hear Jesus saying "Punishment for the forgiveness of sins" in the New Testament. I am not seeing either.
IT was .....See Moses lifting up the serpant...all who looked on it were saved just as all who look to Christ
IT was .....See Moses lifting up the serpant...all who looked on it were saved just as all who look to Christ
When I look to Christ I hear, "Repentance for the forgiveness of sins" and "Discern the will of God and follow it." I hear the Beatitudes, I hear of God's love, I hear of obedience to God, I hear of loving one's fellowman, and on and on.

How to explain Jesus to a Jew? I would suggest: What would you, a Jew, say to Annas, Caiaphas, and their cronies if you were living in their time? Or, what would you like to hear someone else say to them?
At Jesus' trial, He clearly affirms that He is the Christ, the Son of God. Mark 14:61-62 says

- jesus mimicked the accusation against him than to deny what he never claimed ...
That seems to be a false dichotomy combined with a straw man argument. I would much rather listen to a Jew explain what he believes about Jesus than to a Christian telling him what he believes.
I agree. The same can be said about a democrat telling a republican what he believes or a republican telling a democrat what he believes. It is all over this board.
Eventually the Jews will come to know that their God is Jesus Christ. Jesus will come and save them when the Great Battle of Armageddon takes place and the Lord comes down and sets his foot again upon the Mount of Olives.

Doctrine and Covenants 45:51-53
51 And then shall the Jews look upon me and say: What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy feet?
52 Then shall they know that I am the Lord; for I will say unto them: These wounds are the wounds with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. I am he who was lifted up. I am Jesus that was crucified. I am the Son of God.
53 And then shall they weep because of their iniquities; then shall they lament because they persecuted their king.

Zechariah 13:6
6 And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
I doubt I am going to find Dante among Old Testament scripture. Dante wrote in the 1300s AD. He's more than a thousand years too late from where I am searching.
He presented the then Catholic Church view of the ---uhm "after life"
Eventually the Jews will come to know that their God is Jesus Christ. Jesus will come and save them when the Great Battle of Armageddon takes place and the Lord comes down and sets his foot again upon the Mount of Olives.

Doctrine and Covenants 45:51-53
51 And then shall the Jews look upon me and say: What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy feet?
52 Then shall they know that I am the Lord; for I will say unto them: These wounds are the wounds with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. I am he who was lifted up. I am Jesus that was crucified. I am the Son of God.
53 And then shall they weep because of their iniquities; then shall they lament because they persecuted their king.

Zechariah 13:6
6 And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
for the record----self-inflicted wounds was a prevalent custom amongst pagans back
then in the day-----it is outlawed in Jewish law----in fact even tatoo's which are a
babylonian custom related to self-inflicted wounds are outlawed in Jewish law. HOWEVER,
today----shiite muslims do engage in self-inflicted wounds
Messiah, Christ, Anointed One. They all mean the same thing. No one can be Priest or King in Israel except they are anointed with the holy anointing oil. I believe that Jesus was anointed in the temple when he was 12 years old, when He was about his Fathers business. Literally, He was Christ. When Jesus answered the question of the High Priest with "yes", He was speaking the literal truth.
I wish someone would explain him to me as after decades of prayers and effort, peace never arrived while the most evil among us constsntly profited.
Does it get any better than this?

John MacArthur explains Jesus to Ben Shapiro.

You either accept Jesus is the Messiah, or that he is a blasphemer. There is no middle ground.

He also covers the animal sacrifice and why it was never good enough to cover for Israel’s sins.

Can any of you anti-Christs refute this?

Poor Ben, has no response.

2:50--Jesus can't be a good teacher if He claims to be God and is wrong. So true. That would be a crazed lunatic.

3:58--This is what makes the Christian God superior and sensible. God cannot be love in Himself if there is no object of His love. That's why a monotheistic God makes no sense.

6:00--Yes, Judaism and Christianity are not antithetical

7:15--Jesus Christ is God

8:35--I did not know that about the Book of Isaiah
So many questions, but I'll just ask one. He said the resurection is a provable, historical fact. Could someone prove that for those of us who haven't seen this evidence?

You're not asking for evidence in line with scientific evidence for historical claims, are you?
In other words, Jesus' death was not punishment for the sins of mankind.

It was propitiation for sins.

1 John 2:2

And Romans 3:25, New Living Translation:

25 For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past
Any accounts other than the bible?

Yes. The accounts of how the apostles lived and then died.

Before the resurrection they were often "pious" and sometimes not and really....just like us. There's bumbling, doubt, cowardice and sometimes, close to outright buffoonery. Jesus Christ calls Peter the Rock and then Peter, right before Jesus' death and only hours before pledging his undying fidelity, denies Him three times.

Such is the life of the "believer" without the Holy Spirit. Who cannot see the humanity of this--and themselves in it?

Jesus is killed and they run off and hide, basically. They seem to remember nothing of what their Friend and Teacher taught. Again. Just like us.

But then they encounter the risen Christ. And then, one after another, go to their deaths--often horrid deaths--to protect their testimony. These same men who denied Jesus and then ran away after He was crucified.

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