Explanation is in order:

Right, and there are ONLY two genders; ladies and gentlemen, aka boys and girls.

If you can't handle this plain truth, you are the problem.
Right. Listen to the people: the Earth isn't flat, and there aren't 14 genders.
No. There are two sexes and two genders, and people who feel different than that. But they are very few.

Then, there are a lot of people who want to play "let's pretend" with demi- poly- whatever. It's a social contagion. That's it.
Huh, good point. It's just a fad, I suppose, a fashion. The tranny thing will die out like the bulima/anorexia thing did, mostly. None too soon!
It is disappointing that a teacher would not know that in the English language there are four genders... masculine, feminine, common, and neuter.

It is also even more disappointing that a teacher does not know the difference between sex and gender
Nit-picking, GG. I can get into that sex/gender dichotomy too, but the technical grammar difference here is not what we're actually talking about, so let's don't get bogged down in definitions, pointlessly.
Right. Listen to the people: the Earth isn't flat, and there aren't 14 genders.
I don’t hear anybody claiming their are 14 genders. Anything more than male/female that I hear is referring to gender identity
Gender is in the mind and most of the time what is in our minds lines up with the sex we are born with. But not always. Most societies punish those others and force them into the closet.......Then we had the 60's.....
Excuse me. (cough cough), thousands of years of tradition gets ignored by liberals in lieu making up in ten minute's made up genders, and they force their made up imaginary made up constructs we don't want or need or ask for? Hmm if that is "inclusion" include me out. Democroracy, it's like that.
"We've always oppressed homos and n*ggers. For thousands of years! How dare you overthrow our valued traditions!"
"We've always oppressed homos and n*ggers. For thousands of years! How dare you overthrow our valued traditions!"
Oh no. Not at all. The proliferation of homosexuality, transgender rights, over sexualization of children, the whole sexual expansion has happened before. It was the Weimar Republic. We all know how that ended.
Oh good some teacher-shaming! It's whiny. Do you know how whiny that is?

Explain to me why we must indulge every form of "gender dysphoria" to the point I am now called a "menstruating person", a "birthing person" and a "person with a " (whatever organ here), but in eating disorders we do not indulge body dysmorphia at all?

If I were anorexic right now I'd sure be calling for my Equal Rights. Hey, I weigh 70 lbs, so what! I think I'm fat; you must reinforce my delusions!!!
Yeah ----- people used to forcibly hospitalize girls to forcefeed them during the anorexia fashion! No respect at all for their self-identity and firm belief that they were fat and needed to lose weight. Now a 12-year-old can get mutilated and hormonally desexed just because she ran into an "influencer" yesterday on Tic-Toc. That's better, right? Freer? Hmmmmmmmmm,

But to your point about the really unpleasant ways of avoiding saying woman or man, my personal favorite was a state gov. pronouncement from somewhere last week that referred to "pregnant persons."

That's it. I've had it. No more cooperating with these wildly out-of-control euphemisms. I find myself saying persons for all-male or nearly all-male assemblages because we learned to do that so men didn't just own everything ever was while we were doing feminism and needed to, too. But all that needs to stop, at least by me. If they are male, call them men or boys and if they are women (like "people who breastfeed," for God's sake) call them women. This munging everything into one sex veered wildly out of control and it's time to stop it, I think.
Yes. She resents being canceled because she said that men don't menstruate.
This sort of thing is so scary. You state a plain, obvious reality, like "the wafer isn't REALLY the meat of a 2000-year-old dead man" and suddenly there you are, tied to a state while they are hauling faggots up to burn you alive.

I'm thinking it's important to just keep saying, boldly, the obvious truth. These are mental fads, and I don't think they'll last forever, because they are obviously crazy. Just keep telling the truth, like Rowling, and eventually she'll be rehabilitated when the fad for One Sex to Rule Them All goes away.

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