Explanation is in order:

Did thousands is years of tradition get ignored when they discovered the earth was round and started believing in that?
Well fool, because it wasn't true. The earth didn't evolve from being flat to be round! Lmao!
You might say, in a roundabout way that gays are responsible for Hitler. If the German people had not been so disgusted with what they had become, they might never have allowed the nazis to rise to power.
The Germans really had degenerated, too --- in fact, a perfectly astounding number of high-level Nazis WERE homosexuals!! Since they did put homosexuals into the camps (they had to wear pink stars, really) this all became very confusing.
I have a lot to worry about. I worry about the massive ignorance I see on this board.

I worry about our national debt as being the greatest threat to our national security. Not gays, or blacks, or Mexicans, or Muslims.
You blame the national debt. You don't really know how to party, do you?
The Germans really had degenerated, too --- in fact, a perfectly astounding number of high-level Nazis WERE homosexuals!! Since they did put homosexuals into the camps (they had to wear pink stars, really) this all became very confusing.
More horseshit.

The only openly gay Nazi was Ernst Röhm, and Hitler had him murdered in 1934.
After the defeat in WWI and the years of hyperinflation, the post-war years in Germany saw open street warfare between the Marxists on the left, and the Nazis on the right for the control of the hearts and minds of the German people.

Not to the same degree, but we see the same kind polarization happening here in the US today.

I've already shown the rise of Nazism in the US during the Great Depression. There was also a rise in communism.

In the very same year the Nazis had a rally at Madison Square Garden, so did the commmies:

Membership in the Communist Party came back to haunt those people during McCarthy's red scare of the 1950s.
Father Conklin was the Tucker Carlson of the 1930s.

Boy, are you wrong. Read a book, g5000.

You can't back up your bullshit claims.

Show me where "a perfectly astounding number of high-level Nazis WERE homosexuals".
More horseshit.

The only openly gay Nazi was Ernst Röhm, and Hitler had him murdered in 1934.
^^ Knows all about a place he was never at and people he never met.
^^ Knows all about a place he was never at and people he never met.
I spend a large part of my time studying history, jackass.

You know. From books. Something that is clearly foreign to you and people who think the Holocaust was "because fags".
I spend a large part of my time studying history, jackass.

You know. From books. Something that is clearly foreign to you and people who think the Holocaust was "because fags".
Apparently he can't read either. You were not in Germany in 1934 and you never met any of those people. All you know is what someone else told you.
Indeed, you're too stupid to understand, but you pretend like you do.
You are a sad little old man. Actually mocking someone for reading books. You are the perfect demographic for hucksters like Trump. No wonder you are so easily conned. You bleev your ignorance is your strength.

Still waiting on Circe to back up her claim that "a perfectly astounding number of high-level Nazis WERE homosexuals".
Excuse me. (cough cough), thousands of years of tradition gets ignored by liberals in lieu making up in ten minute's made up genders, and they force their made up imaginary made up constructs we don't want or need or ask for? Hmm if that is "inclusion" include me out. Democroracy, it's like that.
Badger agrees with the OP. It's a construct, a construct that poetizes itself as being 'modern' while attempting to antagonize the status quo. blm is the racist counterpart. LGBTQI pathology is the 'T,' as soon as it mutilates itself, a betrayal of engendered fate. Stupid. Arrogant. Narcissistic.

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