Explanation is in order:

Did thousands is years of tradition get ignored when they discovered the earth was round and started believing in that?

It’s called evolution. Get with it.
LMAO the earth is actually round, unlike the 49 genders Dem freaks fabricated. This just in from mother nature and science, WTF?
You are a sad little old man. Actually mocking someone for reading books. You are the perfect demographic for hucksters like Trump. No wonder you are so easily conned. You bleev your ignorance is your strength.

Still waiting on Circe to back up her claim that "a perfectly astounding number of high-level Nazis WERE homosexuals".
Avatar Breath, what's more pathological than performing fellatio on tubular Chinese inventions?
You are a sad little old man. Actually mocking someone for reading books. You are the perfect demographic for hucksters like Trump. No wonder you are so easily conned. You bleev your ignorance is your strength.

Still waiting on Circe to back up her claim that "a perfectly astounding number of high-level Nazis WERE homosexuals".
Lol, you can't stop lying can you. Nothing in your remark about me is true. I'm mocking you for believing BULLSHIT someone told you with no proof. You're a fool.
Lol, you can't stop lying can you. Nothing in your remark about me is true. I'm mocking you for believing BULLSHIT someone told you with no proof. You're a fool.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the goal of gaslighting in all its manifestations. To fill the heads of tards like this with so much bullshit they no longer trust the truth.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is the goal of gaslighting in all its manifestations. To fill the heads of tards like this with so much bullshit they no longer trust the truth.

Lol, just keep deflecting, but the fact is you didn't know any of those Germans and you weren't there in 1934. All you "know" is what someone else told you. You have no idea what they were really like. Now, I await your next deflection.
Yes just a couple of percentages of the LGTB club yet you wail day and night over them.
I don't wail at all, shithead.

But I enjoy listening to you doing it.

Me, I just keep the groomers away from my kids. With or without their wailing
LMAO the earth is actually round, unlike the 49 genders Dem freaks fabricated. This just in from mother nature and science, WTF?
A flat earther would say. LMAO the earth is flat unlike what the round earth freaks think! WTF?
Lol, just keep deflecting, but the fact is you didn't know any of those Germans and you weren't there in 1934. All you "know" is what someone else told you. You have no idea what they were really like. Now, I await your next deflection.
You really are a pathetic little man. I'm going to have fun throwing your bullshit right back in your face in the future.

I notice you did not have little flecks of foam flying from your mouth when Circe claimed " in fact, a perfectly astounding number of high-level Nazis WERE homosexuals!!"

I notice you did not say to her "You didn't know any of those Germans and you weren't there." I didn't hear you say, "All you 'know' is what someone else told you."

You clearly have a hardon for me personally. How...sad.

I'm going to have so much fun throwing your bullshit right back in your face the next time you make ANY kind of claim, dipshit.

"All you know is what someone else told you." :auiqs.jpg:

This is going to be SO much fun!
You really are a pathetic little man. I'm going to have fun throwing your bullshit right back in your face in the future.

I notice you did not have little flecks of foam flying from your mouth when Circe claimed " in fact, a perfectly astounding number of high-level Nazis WERE homosexuals!!"

I notice you did not say to her "You didn't know any of those Germans and you weren't there." I didn't hear you say, "All you 'know' is what someone else told you."

You clearly have a hardon for me personally. How...sad.

I'm going to have so much fun throwing your bullshit right back in your face the next time you make ANY kind of claim, dipshit.

"All you know is what someone else told you." :auiqs.jpg:

This is going to be SO much fun!
This clown loves looking stupid
You might say, in a roundabout way that gays are responsible for Hitler. If the German people had not been so disgusted with what they had become, they might never have allowed the nazis to rise to power.
Saul Gay? Even the Nazis?

You might say, in a roundabout way that gays are responsible for Hitler. If the German people had not been so disgusted with what they had become, they might never have allowed the nazis to rise to power.
Swishy Swasticker

Hitler had been a male prostitute in Vienna until one of his rich clients told him about the budding Nazi Party. During his reign, he sampled boys from the Hitler Youth.

His original thug-buddies, the SA Brownshirts, were openly Gayists. There's no contradiction in the fact that he eventually had them killed off and that he sent other faggots to the death camps. Gayism is a very selfish mental disease; it's all about dominance, not solidarity with the pervert's fellow freaks.

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