Explanation is in order:

That’s too bad for her, what does that have to do with this discussion?
It is categorically impossible for men to become women or women to become men. Saying it so does not make it true any more than saying the earth is flat makes it flat.
IT's because Democrats are children. They have never grown up, they live in Never Never Land it's why they throw tantrums, and they look to authority figures for guidance and never ever ever question them, just like children.
In College, the Student Lives Like a Child. So He Winds Up With the Mind of a Child.

What you described about Democrats is exactly what college is like. It better be replaced with paid training if we want to eliminate Liberalism. Getting a job just because the student can go four years without a job is an absurd mandate. It puts inferior people into superior positions and has led to economic, cultural, and political decadence. But because of the massive brainwashing of "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education," American minds are paralyzed from realizing that this indentured-servitude institution is solely responsible for the other evils.

The student, living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up, childishly looks up to his professors as infallible father-figures. The professors themselves are bitter escapist nerds who want to get even with the competitive private-sector system in which they failed or were afraid to even try.
I used to be a liberal Democrat. They lost me in the early 2000s. In caucus, those wise and noble leaders told US what the issues WERE. The Democrats stopped being representative and became dictatorial. I left the democrats over this, they stopped listening and started dictating.
Cast Off Caste

And what class is told by its parents that it is Born to Rule? Cut off the brats of the rich at age 18 and that bossy attitude will get them nowhere.
If we have to do it on our own, so must they. All this present wacko Liberalism started with the Kennedys, who would have been nobodies without their Daddy's money. That goes for the Bushes too.

We can no longer ignore unearned birth privileges. That is the hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations.
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Cast Off Caste

And what class is told by its parents that it is Born to Rule? Cut off the brats of the rich at age 18 and that bossy attitude will get them nowhere.
If we have to do it on our own, so must they.

We can no longer ignore unearned birth privileges. That is the hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations.
How do you plan on implimenting this plan of yours?
Oh no. Not at all. The proliferation of homosexuality, transgender rights, over sexualization of children, the whole sexual expansion has happened before. It was the Weimar Republic. We all know how that ended.
And what other historical lessons did you learn in the Manufactured Bullshit School for Retards?
Women can become trans men and men can become trans women. That’s just a fact. Nobody believes that the “trans” part isn’t there
All I know is that Ms. Garrison was very upset that, as a trans woman, she would never know the joy of having abortion.......(sic, just sic)
Oh no. Not at all. The proliferation of homosexuality, transgender rights, over sexualization of children, the whole sexual expansion has happened before. It was the Weimar Republic. We all know how that ended.
In just 14 years? Germans were sick, but quick.
And what other historical lessons did you learn in the Manufactured Bullshit School for Retards?
If you don't want to be educated, that's okay. Your preference. Why would you want to advertise your ignorance?
If you don't want to be educated, that's okay. Your preference. Why would you want to advertise your ignorance?
So do you want to put homos in extermination camps? Is that where all this right wing backlash against gay rights is going?
In just 14 years? Germans were sick, but quick.
You might say, in a roundabout way that gays are responsible for Hitler. If the German people had not been so disgusted with what they had become, they might never have allowed the nazis to rise to power.
So do you want to put homos in extermination camps? Is that where all this right wing backlash against gay rights is going?
I would prefer that they not be so powerful. That they not be allowed to groom children. That those with objection not be mandated to service them. If we follow in the same depravity as practiced in 1930s Germany could we get the same result? You answer that.
I would prefer that they not be so powerful. That they not be allowed to groom children. That those with objection not be mandated to service them. If we follow in the same depravity as practiced in 1930s Germany could we get the same result? You answer that.
Despite what your retarded propagandists are telling you, no one is for the grooming of children. Except for Matt Gaetz and Denny Hastert.

As for gays being "powerful", you have got to be kidding.

Your arguments are exactly the same as the racists of decades past. "[T]hose with objection not be mandated to service them."

Those negroes were getting too powerful uppity!
If we follow in the same depravity as practiced in 1930s Germany could we get the same result? You answer that.
I guess you all got tired of using the fall of the Roman Empire as your "proof" of the dangers of homosexuality, eh?

That, too, was horseshit.

You know what led to the rise of the Nazis, you incredibly historically ignorant fool?

The Great Depression and the loss of World War I.

We even saw a rise in Nazism and Communism here in America during that period.

That's what happens during times of economic turmoil. Demagogues come out of the walls and point their fingers at a minority group as the cause of all our woes.

In 2016 in America, it was Mexicans and Muslims.

In Germany, it was international Jewish bankers.

Have you even read Mein Kampf, for chrissakes?
Despite what your retarded propagandists are telling you, no one is for the grooming of children. Except for Matt Gaetz and Denny Hastert.

As for gays being "powerful", you have got to be kidding.

Your arguments are exactly the same as the racists of decades past. "[T]hose with objection not be mandated to service them."

Those negroes were getting too powerful uppity!
Despite what your retarded propagandists are telling you, no one is for the grooming of children. Except for Matt Gaetz and Denny Hastert.

As for gays being "powerful", you have got to be kidding.

Your arguments are exactly the same as the racists of decades past. "[T]hose with objection not be mandated to service them."

Those negroes were getting too powerful uppity!
Then you have nothing to worry about.
How do you plan on implimenting this plan of yours?
Listen ---- is that the sound of rolling tumbrils I hear?
I guess you all got tired of using the fall of the Roman Empire as your "proof" of the dangers of homosexuality, eh?

That, too, was horseshit.

You know what led to the rise of the Nazis, you incredibly historically ignorant fool?

The Great Depression and the loss of World War I.

We even saw a rise in Nazism and Communism here in America during that period.

That's what happens during times of economic turmoil. Demagogues come out of the walls and point their fingers at a political group as the cause of all our woes.

In 2016 in America, it was Mexicans and Muslims.

In Germany, it was international Jewish bankers.

Have you even read Mein Kampf, for chrissakes?
Then you have nothing to worry about. People will accept any and all depravity and degeneracy.
Then you have nothing to worry about.
I have a lot to worry about. I worry about the massive ignorance I see on this board.

I worry about our national debt as being the greatest threat to our national security. Not gays, or blacks, or Mexicans, or Muslims.

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