Explanation is in order:

"...they force their made up imaginary made up constructs we don't want or need or ask for"


seems a rather redundant use of the term "made up".

Really does sound like a drunk person trying to be logical
Did thousands is years of tradition get ignored when they discovered the earth was round and started believing in that?

It’s called evolution. Get with it.

No. There are two sexes and two genders, and people who feel different than that. But they are very few.

Then, there are a lot of people who want to play "let's pretend" with demi- poly- whatever. It's a social contagion. That's it.
No. There are two sexes and two genders, and people who feel different than that. But they are very few.

Then, there are a lot of people who want to play "let's pretend" with demi- poly- whatever. It's a social contagion. That's it.

It is disappointing that a teacher would not know that in the English language there are four genders... masculine, feminine, common, and neuter.

It is also even more disappointing that a teacher does not know the difference between sex and gender
It is disappointing that a teacher would not know that in the English language there are four genders... masculine, feminine, common, and neuter.

It is also even more disappointing that a teacher does not know the difference between sex and gender

Oh good some teacher-shaming! It's whiny. Do you know how whiny that is?

Explain to me why we must indulge every form of "gender dysphoria" to the point I am now called a "menstruating person", a "birthing person" and a "person with a " (whatever organ here), but in eating disorders we do not indulge body dysmorphia at all?

If I were anorexic right now I'd sure be calling for my Equal Rights. Hey, I weigh 70 lbs, so what! I think I'm fat; you must reinforce my delusions!!!
Explain to me why we must indulge every form of "gender dysphoria" to the point I am now called a "menstruating person", a "birthing person" and a "person with a " (whatever organ here), but in eating disorders we do not indulge body dysmorphia at all?

Sure, I will explain that to you as soon as you find a post from me saying that you should.

One does not need to " indulge every form of "gender dysphoria" (which does not mean what you seem to think it does) to acknowledge that sex and gender are not the same thing.
Sure, I will explain that to you as soon as you find a post from me saying that you should.

One does not need to " indulge every form of "gender dysphoria" (which does not mean what you seem to think it does) to acknowledge that sex and gender are not the same thing.

Seriously, what is wrong with your reading comprehension lately? Can you not see that I delineated "sex and gender" in the post? Post 24--"There are two sexes and two genders"--my exact words
Seriously, what is wrong with your reading comprehension lately? Can you not see that I delineated "sex and gender" in the post? Post 24--"There are two sexes and two genders"--my exact words

But, as I pointed out there are more than 2 genders and always have been.

Plus your post implies they are the same.
But, as I pointed out there are more than 2 genders and always have been.

Plus your post implies they are the same.

K you used to be a somewhat reasonable poster, but now I have to keep leading you back to what I WROTE. Go back and read it for comprehension. Please.
Right, and there are ONLY two genders; ladies and gentlemen, aka boys and girls.

If you can't handle this plain truth, you are the problem.
Yup biologically there are two genders. There are many gender identities. There’s a difference. Look it up.
No. There are two sexes and two genders, and people who feel different than that. But they are very few.

Then, there are a lot of people who want to play "let's pretend" with demi- poly- whatever. It's a social contagion. That's it.
What you call a social contagion others would call their identity. I see a better case for calling your “social contagion” label a social contagion
Nah. The antithesis of Democracy is wanting the VP to unilaterally reject legit electors in favor of fake electors in order to disenfranchise 81 million American voters and hand the keys to the White House over to the loser of the election.
Shut up, retard. No one asked you
Excuse me. (cough cough), thousands of years of tradition gets ignored by liberals in lieu making up in ten minute's made up genders, and they force their made up imaginary made up constructs we don't want or need or ask for? Hmm if that is "inclusion" include me out. Democroracy, it's like that.
All these gays openly "flauting" their sinful lustings makes me uncomfortable, too. ;)

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