Exploring Muslim Culture

your powers are agitprop, obfuscation, and copy&paste. that much is clear.

your weaknesses are substance, insight, and ability to be ashamed. that is also clear.
your powers are agitprop, obfuscation, and copy&paste. that much is clear.

your weaknesses are substance, insight, and ability to be ashamed. that is also clear.

Let me search for examples in your post...

The usual Liberal 'is not, is noottttttt!' post.

You guys never improve, do you.

Government school grad?
keep looking, you never learn, and never intend to. use your superpowers
Of course it is a legitimate source.

The proof is that you haven't provided any source.....any.....that finds the facts provided incorrect.

If you weren't a moron you'd realize that.
Which of your illegitimate sources are you claiming to be legit?

Also, auspect sources aside everything you posted failed to connect the behavior to islam

"everything" ??? chic clearly connected the behavior related to pedastery to
a VERY STRICT separation of sexes leaving young males with virtually nothing
else------but other young males or even safer----vulnerable young boys. For more
information try HISTORY, ----another interesting connection is the popular
Islamic myth that ALEXANDER THE GREAT was "really" a muslim (you
remember Alexander----he endorsed Pedastery by ROYAL DECREE.) And
muhummad promised a bevy a young boys ---clad in green silk -----for every
noble shahid who makes it to Jannah-----young boys fresh and sweet ----the nice
curls and lying around like scattered pearls You should read more

you should understand that correlation is not causation.
PC has not shown that islam causes any of the things she wishes to attribute to it. again, the counter argument to PC's copy and paste is that these are aspectss of the culture that are neither unique to islam nor originating in the area with islam.

do you understand now? she states that one causes the other, but has not shown that to be the case.

I am very much aware of the important dictum "Correlation is not Causation"
as is anyone who got thru the freshman year of college. I did not read anything
about "islam" causing "things" --------you really know how to be PRECISE and
SPECIFIC I see no reason for your allegation that the OP had to prove
that "aspects are unique" to islam. In sum-----you actually said nothing----you
could try to rephrase
In three very significant and dramatic ways, the culture of Islam is in no way comparable to that of Judeo-Christian traditions
so what does that mean to you if not that the culture is a result of islam?

7. So it appears that the sexual use of young boys is at least more acceptable, in Muslim culture, than having unmarried sex with Muslim girls or women, huh?

Where could that idea have been gleaned?

A promise made to the faithful, in paradise:
"And they will even be given pre-pubescent young boys, “beautiful, perpetually fresh pearls” (Sura 52:24, 56:17, 76:19)

The interpretation of these Sura is as license for pederasty.
"Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness."
"•Sura 52:24. "And there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls."

a. In none of these Sura is the role of the fresh young boys stated.
Yet the Muslim culture has it's own interpretation of that role.

"Literally translated, bacha bazimeans “playing with kids,” and is slang for sexual slavery and child prostitution that thrives across Afghanistan and certain parts of Pakistan. Prepubescent boys between ages of 14 to 18 are sold to wealthy and powerful patrons for entertainment and illicit sex. Women are not allowed to dance in public, and so the boys are made to perform feminine gestures and acts.

Beardless and effeminate boys are highly sought after by patrons, often powerful merchants or warlords who can indulge with impunity. Large halls are used as venues for the parties, where the boys dance clad in women’s clothing with bells tied to their feet and a scarf wrapped around their face as they parade for hours. The parties also provide an opportunity for buying and selling. Once the party concludes the boys are sold to the highest bidder or shared for sex. In return they are given small tokens of money and food." Bacha Bazi: The Tragedy of Afghanistan’s Dancing Boys

b. "The 9-year-old boy with pale skin and big, piercing eyes captivated Mirzahan at first sight.
“He is more handsome than anyone in the village,” the 22-year-old farmer said, explaining why he is grooming the boy as a sexual partner and companion. There was another important factor that made Waheed easy to take on as a bacha bazi, or a boy for pleasure: “He doesn’t have a father, so there is no one to stop this.”

A growing number of Afghan children are being coerced into a life of sexual abuse. Afghanistan’s rich and powerful flaunt ‘dancing boy’ companions

c. ‘Cultural Sensitivity’ Doesn’t Excuse Child Rape ....[US] military commanders told troops and officers that they needed to overlook the rapes they were witnessing — because it was a part of the Afghan culture. Out of a concern for cultural sensitivity, hundreds of children were placed at the mercy of American-backed predators and any soldier who tried to stop it was punished.
Even from a strategic standpoint, this repulsive sensitivity appears insane. It angered villagers who witnessed the abduction of their children and made them more likely to support the Taliban." ‘Cultural Sensitivity’ Doesn’t Excuse Child Rape

In both this thread, and in this administration, the facts are met with a shrug by Liberals/Democrats.
Which of your illegitimate sources are you claiming to be legit?

Also, auspect sources aside everything you posted failed to connect the behavior to islam

"everything" ??? chic clearly connected the behavior related to pedastery to
a VERY STRICT separation of sexes leaving young males with virtually nothing
else------but other young males or even safer----vulnerable young boys. For more
information try HISTORY, ----another interesting connection is the popular
Islamic myth that ALEXANDER THE GREAT was "really" a muslim (you
remember Alexander----he endorsed Pedastery by ROYAL DECREE.) And
muhummad promised a bevy a young boys ---clad in green silk -----for every
noble shahid who makes it to Jannah-----young boys fresh and sweet ----the nice
curls and lying around like scattered pearls You should read more

you should understand that correlation is not causation.
PC has not shown that islam causes any of the things she wishes to attribute to it. again, the counter argument to PC's copy and paste is that these are aspectss of the culture that are neither unique to islam nor originating in the area with islam.

do you understand now? she states that one causes the other, but has not shown that to be the case.

I am very much aware of the important dictum "Correlation is not Causation"
as is anyone who got thru the freshman year of college. I did not read anything
about "islam" causing "things" --------you really know how to be PRECISE and
SPECIFIC I see no reason for your allegation that the OP had to prove
that "aspects are unique" to islam. In sum-----you actually said nothing----you
could try to rephrase
In three very significant and dramatic ways, the culture of Islam is in no way comparable to that of Judeo-Christian traditions
so what does that mean to you if not that the culture is a result of islam?

7. So it appears that the sexual use of young boys is at least more acceptable, in Muslim culture, than having unmarried sex with Muslim girls or women, huh?

Where could that idea have been gleaned?

A promise made to the faithful, in paradise:
"And they will even be given pre-pubescent young boys, “beautiful, perpetually fresh pearls” (Sura 52:24, 56:17, 76:19)

The interpretation of these Sura is as license for pederasty.
"Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness."
"•Sura 52:24. "And there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls."

a. In none of these Sura is the role of the fresh young boys stated.
Yet the Muslim culture has it's own interpretation of that role.

"Literally translated, bacha bazimeans “playing with kids,” and is slang for sexual slavery and child prostitution that thrives across Afghanistan and certain parts of Pakistan. Prepubescent boys between ages of 14 to 18 are sold to wealthy and powerful patrons for entertainment and illicit sex. Women are not allowed to dance in public, and so the boys are made to perform feminine gestures and acts.

Beardless and effeminate boys are highly sought after by patrons, often powerful merchants or warlords who can indulge with impunity. Large halls are used as venues for the parties, where the boys dance clad in women’s clothing with bells tied to their feet and a scarf wrapped around their face as they parade for hours. The parties also provide an opportunity for buying and selling. Once the party concludes the boys are sold to the highest bidder or shared for sex. In return they are given small tokens of money and food." Bacha Bazi: The Tragedy of Afghanistan’s Dancing Boys

b. "The 9-year-old boy with pale skin and big, piercing eyes captivated Mirzahan at first sight.
“He is more handsome than anyone in the village,” the 22-year-old farmer said, explaining why he is grooming the boy as a sexual partner and companion. There was another important factor that made Waheed easy to take on as a bacha bazi, or a boy for pleasure: “He doesn’t have a father, so there is no one to stop this.”

A growing number of Afghan children are being coerced into a life of sexual abuse. Afghanistan’s rich and powerful flaunt ‘dancing boy’ companions

c. ‘Cultural Sensitivity’ Doesn’t Excuse Child Rape ....[US] military commanders told troops and officers that they needed to overlook the rapes they were witnessing — because it was a part of the Afghan culture. Out of a concern for cultural sensitivity, hundreds of children were placed at the mercy of American-backed predators and any soldier who tried to stop it was punished.
Even from a strategic standpoint, this repulsive sensitivity appears insane. It angered villagers who witnessed the abduction of their children and made them more likely to support the Taliban." ‘Cultural Sensitivity’ Doesn’t Excuse Child Rape

In both this thread, and in this administration, the facts are met with a shrug by Liberals/Democrats.

Your translation of the quran is not quite correct. I'd find a better translation and double check the wording. Translation can be a bit subjective a many words don't have an exact one for one. Most of the meaning is similar but there are better and more accurate translations to English.

There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.


8. In Jennings' novel, "The Journeyer," there are regular, and often casual, discussions of promises of sex with males as with females:

"Not a bit of it, the boys indicated, laughing yet again at my simple-mindedness. Even as a receptacle, any Muslim male was far more sexually responsive and delightful than any Muslim female, whose parts had been properly deadened by circumcision."

"“Ah. To understand that, young Sheikh, you must know something of the Holy Quran.” He came and sat down at our cloth, as if pleased to explain. “In that Book, the Prophet (blessing and peace be upon him) makes a promise to the men of the Faith. He promises to every man that, if he is unswervingly devout, then once in his life he will enjoy one miraculous night, the Night of the Possible, in which he will be granted his every desire.” The old man arranged his wrinkles in a smile, a smile that was half happy and half melancholy. “A night replete with ease and luxury, with marvelous food and drink and banj, with beautiful and compliant haura women and boys, with renewed youth and virility for the zina enjoyment of them. Thus, every man who believes will live his life in fierce devoutness, and hope for that Night of the Possible.”
page 139

“Do not doubt it!” the landlord said testily. “The Old Man, or one of his Mulahidat recruiters, will find a qualified man—a strong and bold man—and will slip a potent bit of banj into his food or drink. When the man swoons to sleep, he is spirited away to the Castle ul-Jibal. He wakes to find himself in the most lovely garden imaginable, surrounded by comely lads and ladies. Those haura feed him rich viands and more of the hashish and even forbidden wines. They sing and dance enchantingly, and reveal their nippled breasts, their smooth bellies, their inviting bottoms. They seduce him to such raptures of lovemaking that at last he swoons again. And again he is spirited away—back to his former place and life, which is humdrum at best, and more probably dismal."
page 140

The use of young boys for sex.....commonplace in Muslim culture?
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
More copy&paste. Is that all you're capable of doing? Ever had an original thought?
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?
As this thread is to contrast of the cultures that stem from Judeo-Christian religious teachings, or Islamic teachings, the following exchange between Dennis Prager, a religious Jew, and Christopher Hitchens, atheist, is indicative of the difference illuminated in the thread:

10. "A question I pose to atheists and others who argue that religion is irrelevant to moral behavior has been cited by Christopher Hitchens in his national best seller, “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.” And Hitchens’s citation has been widely quoted — from the New Yorker to the website of the Oxford evolutionist and best-selling atheist author Richard Dawkins.

This is how the story appears in Hitchens’s book:

“A week before the events of September 11, 2001, I was on a panel with Dennis Prager, who is one of America’s better-known religious broadcasters. He challenged me in public to answer what he called a ‘straight yes/no question,’ and I happily agreed. ‘Very well,’ he said.

I was to imagine myself in a strange city as the evening was coming on. Toward me I was to imagine that I saw a large group of men approaching. Now — would I feel safer, or less safe, if I was to learn that they were just coming from a prayer meeting? As the reader will see, this is not a question to which a yes/no answer can be given. But I was able to answer as if it were not hypothetical.

‘Just to stay within the letter B, I have actually had that experience in Belfast, Beirut, Bombay, Belgrade, Bethlehem, and Baghdad. In each case I can say absolutely, and can give my reasons, why I would feel immediately threatened if I thought that the group of men approaching me in the dusk were coming from a religious observance.'”
You're in a Bad Neighborhood and 10 Men Approach You . . . - The Dennis Prager Show

One should be aware of the mischaracterization by Hitchens: Prager's question referred to those leaving a Bible class, a Bible study....

"Even atheists would have to admit that in America today, they would be very grateful to learn that those 10 men had just been studying Genesis or Isaiah. One does not hear of many Bible classes with students mugging passersby." Ibid.

Hitchens makes my point, though, in shifting the image to one involving the Q'ran.

The only culture where adherents leave religious services and are infused with the desire to kill other human beings is the Muslim culture.
1. As the axiom goes, "we can only know others by ourselves."

*snip cut and paste*

2. Western religious tradition is based on the sanctity of human life. Fundamental Islam, based on something very different, and, in fact, has been called a 'death cult.'
Islamism, irrigating the earth with human blood.

a theocrat christian supremacist probably shouldn't be concerning herself with other groups who are theocrats but want their religious to be superior like you do yours.

i know... how about everyone practice their religion and leave everyone else alone... like the first amendment guarantees.
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad
1. As the axiom goes, "we can only know others by ourselves."

*snip cut and paste*

2. Western religious tradition is based on the sanctity of human life. Fundamental Islam, based on something very different, and, in fact, has been called a 'death cult.'
Islamism, irrigating the earth with human blood.

a theocrat christian supremacist probably shouldn't be concerning herself with other groups who are theocrats but want their religious to be superior like you do yours.

i know... how about everyone practice their religion and leave everyone else alone... like the first amendment guarantees.

Time to take you out to the ball game!

1. I do so hate embarrassing you by having to teach you what is a second language for me, and one with which you clearly have no facility...but....OK...

Vocabulary lesson for today:

theocrat [thee-uh-krat]

1.a person who rules,governs as a representative of God or a deity,or is a member of the ruling group in a theocracy,as a divine king or a high priest.

2.a person who favors theocracy.
the definition of theocrat

None of which defines nor applies to lil' ol' me.
Shouldn't you confine yourself to words you can define?

2. You seem to refer to me as 'a theocrat christian supremacist'
As you can see, you have misused the term 'theocrat' as it hardly applies to moi.

And.....You'd be hard pressed to find any post where I have identified my religion. Strike two.

But....to give you props.....when I compare you to myself....OK...I'm a supremacist.

3. Now...get ready for Stike Three....

You wrote "how about everyone practice their religion and leave everyone else alone... like the first amendment guarantees."

Had you ever studied law, you would have learned that said prescription applies to the government....

So sorry.

But if you continue to peruse this thread, shortly I will give the reason to carefully critique and judge the Muslim culture.

Ta ta.
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
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