EXPLOSIVE REPORT! WE CAUGHT THEM AGAIN: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal

In before this gets shipped to the conspiracy theory forum.
It is not a conspiracy everything they said is backed up.
Are you fawking serious? That article is stupid. The counting process is going to be somewhat consistent from state to state. Trump's stupid ass discouraged absentee ballots so of course, those absentee ballots are going to tilt toward Biden. Correlation does not prove causation, I mean that is some basic ass shit. The fact that you are too damn stupid to realize that pretty much makes any claim you make laughable on it's face. And the fact that an organization would actually attempt to perpetuate that ignorant ass shit is emblematic of the problem this country faces. STFU, do something constructive with your life and quit being a tool.
I believe there was massive fraud. Hearing the same crap over and over is not going to change my mind.

Do not presume for one minute you tell me what to do. Thanks.
See... the PROOF that these corrupt leftist pieces of rat shit keep saying doesn't exist, when it's shown to them, they act like a pack of fucking brain dead hyenas. Hence why I've been saying for years now, DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH. They are utterly low life trailer trash human debris.

Trump won, the demtrash cheated, there's CARGO SHIPS full of PROOF of it... and it ain't over yet. Maybe someone will go to jail, maybe they won't, maybe there's fireworks to come because a state rescinds it's electoral votes for Sniff 'n Suck, we don't know yet. But what we do know is, IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN, and the demtrash are going to get their asses handed to them next year. B'bye senate majority. B'bye congress majority. It's going to be a BLOOD BATH.
In before this gets shipped to the conspiracy theory forum.
It is not a conspiracy everything they said is backed up.
Are you fawking serious? That article is stupid. The counting process is going to be somewhat consistent from state to state. Trump's stupid ass discouraged absentee ballots so of course, those absentee ballots are going to tilt toward Biden. Correlation does not prove causation, I mean that is some basic ass shit. The fact that you are too damn stupid to realize that pretty much makes any claim you make laughable on it's face. And the fact that an organization would actually attempt to perpetuate that ignorant ass shit is emblematic of the problem this country faces. STFU, do something constructive with your life and quit being a tool.
I believe there was massive fraud. Hearing the same crap over and over is not going to change my mind.

Do not presume for one minute you tell me what to do. Thanks.
Oh believe, I know I am not going to tell you what to do. You got your head so far up your ass that you are lucky you even see the sun shine.
In before this gets shipped to the conspiracy theory forum.
It is not a conspiracy everything they said is backed up.
Are you fawking serious? That article is stupid. The counting process is going to be somewhat consistent from state to state. Trump's stupid ass discouraged absentee ballots so of course, those absentee ballots are going to tilt toward Biden. Correlation does not prove causation, I mean that is some basic ass shit. The fact that you are too damn stupid to realize that pretty much makes any claim you make laughable on it's face. And the fact that an organization would actually attempt to perpetuate that ignorant ass shit is emblematic of the problem this country faces. STFU, do something constructive with your life and quit being a tool.
I believe there was massive fraud. Hearing the same crap over and over is not going to change my mind.

Do not presume for one minute you tell me what to do. Thanks.

That's because of the man. Not the ideal. You loved this man. He represented a return to a time you considered safe and warm.
Then..he lost. And you went into a tailspin.
Whether he won or not, your president is a fucking idiot.

Trump at his worst moment couldn't even come close.

He won.

America decided we’d rather have Biden over that other idiot.

He won NOTHING. Him along with his thugs stole this election from Americans.

He is a joke and a fraud and everybody knows it!

Current as it comes. How much is needed until people admit the election was stolen? Now instead of attacking the source attack what is says.

In Summary:

Even though these state election organizations are ostensibly independent, these data show there is a definite coordination of their counting procedures. It implies that some entity had control of

both state voting systems and could possibly manipulate the vote to favor a particular candidate.

Georgia and Pennsylvania should audit their voting systems and all of their ballots to establish that the ballot chain of custody has not been violated and ensure the results include only valid ballots.

Way to many coincidences.
Any arrests yet?
In before this gets shipped to the conspiracy theory forum.
It is not a conspiracy everything they said is backed up.
Are you fawking serious? That article is stupid. The counting process is going to be somewhat consistent from state to state. Trump's stupid ass discouraged absentee ballots so of course, those absentee ballots are going to tilt toward Biden. Correlation does not prove causation, I mean that is some basic ass shit. The fact that you are too damn stupid to realize that pretty much makes any claim you make laughable on it's face. And the fact that an organization would actually attempt to perpetuate that ignorant ass shit is emblematic of the problem this country faces. STFU, do something constructive with your life and quit being a tool.
I believe there was massive fraud. Hearing the same crap over and over is not going to change my mind.

Do not presume for one minute you tell me what to do. Thanks.
Oh believe, I know I am not going to tell you what to do. You got your head so far up your ass that you are lucky you even see the sun shine.
He coughs up dandruff.
It is so obvious that there was coordination. Here is the first solid evidence of that coordination.

We obtained a report showing what appears to be a coordinated effort in posting results in the 2020 Election between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia. The timestamps of updates to the 2020 Election results in these two states are too similar to be a coincidence.

The report below shows a comparison between the Presidential results recorded for Pennsylvania and Georgia in the 2020 Election. Per a review using the Edison data released after the election, the report shows tabulations in the election which are far too consequential.​
Below is a chart of the results of the Presidential election for each state. The charts are similar and show similar patterns at first glance, especially noting the time from when counting started in the election.​
Next, the study identified some key times in the election counting process. These times were recorded by date by hour by minute using the UTC time zone which is the time zone used in the Edison data. (For example, 4d 07:41:48 is November 4th at 7:41:48 in the morning UTC time.) Here were some key times identified in the study:​
Next, the study shows these same timestamps which are only minutes apart between states in most instances. The chart shows that not much activity was reported in the time periods between timestamps A and B, between C and D, and between E and F which was unique. This indicates that the elections between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia may have been coordinated.​
Also, the pauses that occurred between A and B, C and D, and E and F are to date unexplained. Why was there a pause in reporting during these time periods that occurred at the exact same time? Was there coordination of reporting taking place?​
The report notes that the time period needed to count ballots in Ohio, for example, was 6.5 hours for 5.6 million ballots. Why did it take so long for Pennsylvania and Georgia to count their ballots? The study overall shows that there was a coordination in counting procedures between states.​

Wow, you mean there were two close elections?


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See... the PROOF that these corrupt leftist pieces of rat shit keep saying doesn't exist, when it's shown to them, they act like a pack of fucking brain dead hyenas. Hence why I've been saying for years now, DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH. They are utterly low life trailer trash human debris.

Trump won, the demtrash cheated, there's CARGO SHIPS full of PROOF of it... and it ain't over yet. Maybe someone will go to jail, maybe they won't, maybe there's fireworks to come because a state rescinds it's electoral votes for Sniff 'n Suck, we don't know yet. But what we do know is, IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN, and the demtrash are going to get their asses handed to them next year. B'bye senate majority. B'bye congress majority. It's going to be a BLOOD BATH.
It is so obvious that there was coordination. Here is the first solid evidence of that coordination.

We obtained a report showing what appears to be a coordinated effort in posting results in the 2020 Election between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia. The timestamps of updates to the 2020 Election results in these two states are too similar to be a coincidence.

The report below shows a comparison between the Presidential results recorded for Pennsylvania and Georgia in the 2020 Election. Per a review using the Edison data released after the election, the report shows tabulations in the election which are far too consequential.​
Below is a chart of the results of the Presidential election for each state. The charts are similar and show similar patterns at first glance, especially noting the time from when counting started in the election.​
Next, the study identified some key times in the election counting process. These times were recorded by date by hour by minute using the UTC time zone which is the time zone used in the Edison data. (For example, 4d 07:41:48 is November 4th at 7:41:48 in the morning UTC time.) Here were some key times identified in the study:​
Next, the study shows these same timestamps which are only minutes apart between states in most instances. The chart shows that not much activity was reported in the time periods between timestamps A and B, between C and D, and between E and F which was unique. This indicates that the elections between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia may have been coordinated.​
Also, the pauses that occurred between A and B, C and D, and E and F are to date unexplained. Why was there a pause in reporting during these time periods that occurred at the exact same time? Was there coordination of reporting taking place?​
The report notes that the time period needed to count ballots in Ohio, for example, was 6.5 hours for 5.6 million ballots. Why did it take so long for Pennsylvania and Georgia to count their ballots? The study overall shows that there was a coordination in counting procedures between states.​
I think that will convince even the most left of the leftists​

Whether he won or not, your president is a fucking idiot.

Trump at his worst moment couldn't even come close.

He won.

America decided we’d rather have Biden over that other idiot.

And you got an even bigger idiot! Sure, Trump isn't in office anymore. But seeing President Sippy-Cup fuck up continuously every day is well worth the loss.

And the most hilarious part is that you morons either aren't aware of what an idiot he is, or you just don't have the balls to admit what an idiot he is.

It is so obvious that there was coordination. Here is the first solid evidence of that coordination.

We obtained a report showing what appears to be a coordinated effort in posting results in the 2020 Election between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia. The timestamps of updates to the 2020 Election results in these two states are too similar to be a coincidence.

The report below shows a comparison between the Presidential results recorded for Pennsylvania and Georgia in the 2020 Election. Per a review using the Edison data released after the election, the report shows tabulations in the election which are far too consequential.​
Below is a chart of the results of the Presidential election for each state. The charts are similar and show similar patterns at first glance, especially noting the time from when counting started in the election.​
Next, the study identified some key times in the election counting process. These times were recorded by date by hour by minute using the UTC time zone which is the time zone used in the Edison data. (For example, 4d 07:41:48 is November 4th at 7:41:48 in the morning UTC time.) Here were some key times identified in the study:​
Next, the study shows these same timestamps which are only minutes apart between states in most instances. The chart shows that not much activity was reported in the time periods between timestamps A and B, between C and D, and between E and F which was unique. This indicates that the elections between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia may have been coordinated.​
Also, the pauses that occurred between A and B, C and D, and E and F are to date unexplained. Why was there a pause in reporting during these time periods that occurred at the exact same time? Was there coordination of reporting taking place?​
The report notes that the time period needed to count ballots in Ohio, for example, was 6.5 hours for 5.6 million ballots. Why did it take so long for Pennsylvania and Georgia to count their ballots? The study overall shows that there was a coordination in counting procedures between states.​

If this is true, you'll be Epsteined by the end of the week. The Reich doesn't fuck around - ask John McAfee....
See... the PROOF that these corrupt leftist pieces of rat shit keep saying doesn't exist, when it's shown to them, they act like a pack of fucking brain dead hyenas. Hence why I've been saying for years now, DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH. They are utterly low life trailer trash human debris.

Trump won, the demtrash cheated, there's CARGO SHIPS full of PROOF of it... and it ain't over yet. Maybe someone will go to jail, maybe they won't, maybe there's fireworks to come because a state rescinds it's electoral votes for Sniff 'n Suck, we don't know yet. But what we do know is, IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN, and the demtrash are going to get their asses handed to them next year. B'bye senate majority. B'bye congress majority. It's going to be a BLOOD BATH.

Not boxes, not voting machines..now we have CARGO SHIPS full of votes..and proof. Yikes. This just gets better and better! :auiqs.jpg:Seriously, where do you get this much BAMBOO!!??
Gawd...why..do..you..love..this..man?? (Gotta know!!).
It is so obvious that there was coordination. Here is the first solid evidence of that coordination.

We obtained a report showing what appears to be a coordinated effort in posting results in the 2020 Election between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia. The timestamps of updates to the 2020 Election results in these two states are too similar to be a coincidence.

The report below shows a comparison between the Presidential results recorded for Pennsylvania and Georgia in the 2020 Election. Per a review using the Edison data released after the election, the report shows tabulations in the election which are far too consequential.​
Below is a chart of the results of the Presidential election for each state. The charts are similar and show similar patterns at first glance, especially noting the time from when counting started in the election.​
Next, the study identified some key times in the election counting process. These times were recorded by date by hour by minute using the UTC time zone which is the time zone used in the Edison data. (For example, 4d 07:41:48 is November 4th at 7:41:48 in the morning UTC time.) Here were some key times identified in the study:​
Next, the study shows these same timestamps which are only minutes apart between states in most instances. The chart shows that not much activity was reported in the time periods between timestamps A and B, between C and D, and between E and F which was unique. This indicates that the elections between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia may have been coordinated.​
Also, the pauses that occurred between A and B, C and D, and E and F are to date unexplained. Why was there a pause in reporting during these time periods that occurred at the exact same time? Was there coordination of reporting taking place?​
The report notes that the time period needed to count ballots in Ohio, for example, was 6.5 hours for 5.6 million ballots. Why did it take so long for Pennsylvania and Georgia to count their ballots? The study overall shows that there was a coordination in counting procedures between states.​

Red and blue "mirages". All these were explained to you well before 11/3/2020.

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