Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Part 2


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2015
A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
For a minute there I thought this was about the Muslim terror attack in NYC. But then I realize a left wing nutter thinks that hate in the name of religion is ok if it’s a Muslim.
For a minute there I thought this was about the Muslim terror attack in NYC. But then I realize a left wing nutter thinks that hate in the name of religion is ok if it’s a Muslim.
Only a real stupid ass would believe that I, or any lefty would think that. Are you a stupid ass?
For a minute there I thought this was about the Muslim terror attack in NYC. But then I realize a left wing nutter thinks that hate in the name of religion is ok if it’s a Muslim.
It's a fag thing, obviously.
Any association which is voluntary should be permissible in a free society. This is a fundamental truth.
This trend was especially accelerated by Scott Lively, who, while considered a fringe quack in the U.S., was highly respected by Christians in Africa. Not only did he spread hate for the GLBT community, but repeatedly lied about their "agenda", claiming the gays are coming to Africa in order to recruit African children to the gay lifestyle. He also told them that gays were behind the holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, among many other lies. And, not knowing any better, they are it up, eventually outlawing homosexual behavior, which punishment often involving extended prison sentences. But Lively isn't alone. There are many evangelicals spreading this stuff all over Africa and South America - especially Brazil - as well as many other places worldwide.

Evangelicals are like the big cigarette companies - if you can't hook 'em on deadly stuff at home, do it overseas.
Thread Notice: I am not going to engage the trolls and flame baiters the crawl out from under their rocks on this thread. I will only respond to intelligent and reasonable comments.
Feel free to disagree with my characterization of what is going on but do so in a thoughtful and respectful way and if you're not mature or intelligent enough to do that, shut the fuck up
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A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
What have queers done for us, aside from giving us AIDS?
A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
What have queers done for us, aside from giving us AIDS?
A queer gave you aids?? Hummm
A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
If queers would simply keep it in the bedroom, where it belongs, no one would have a problem with them. But no. They flaunt it in our faces, then bitch and moan when we fail to accept and embrace them. They teach their perverted lifestyle to our children in school, without our consent, then use the courts to persecute anyone who doesn't like it. F*CK YOU!
A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
What have queers done for us, aside from giving us AIDS?
A queer gave you aids?? Hummm
Patient zero was a faggot. So, yes. They didn't give it me personally, but they are responsible for millions of deaths.
A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
What have queers done for us, aside from giving us AIDS?

Well, Alan Turing cracked the code for the enigma machine during WWII, which may well have been the most important turning point in the war, just to name one. We all should be gratefull.
A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
If queers would simply keep it in the bedroom, where it belongs, no one would have a problem with them. But no. They flaunt it in our faces, then bitch and moan when we fail to accept and embrace them. They teach their perverted lifestyle to our children in school, without our consent, then use the courts to persecute anyone who doesn't like it. F*CK YOU!
Oh give me a fucking break. !! When was the last time that you saw a gay or lesbian person having sex except on those porn sites that I suspect that you frequent? Stick to the topic.

They bitch and moan when they are marginalized and discriminated against, the same way tat you would if you were discriminated against for being whatever the hell it is that you are.

Teach children what exactly?? Children are taught tolerance and acceptance of people who are different. If you have a problem with that you are beyond help. Stop being stupid !
A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
If queers would simply keep it in the bedroom, where it belongs, no one would have a problem with them. But no. They flaunt it in our faces, then bitch and moan when we fail to accept and embrace them. They teach their perverted lifestyle to our children in school, without our consent, then use the courts to persecute anyone who doesn't like it. F*CK YOU!
Oh give me a fucking break. !! When was the last time that you saw a gay or lesbian person having sex except on those porn sites that I suspect that you frequent? Stick to the topic.

They bitch and moan when they are marginalized and discriminated against, the same way tat you would if you were discriminated against for being whatever the hell it is that you are.

Teach children what exactly?? Children are taught tolerance and acceptance of people who are different. If you have a problem with that you are beyond help. Stop being stupid !
A while back, I started a thread entitled Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas which has since gond dormant.

I introduced the topic by saying that "this is an issuen that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere."

In todays news there is a piece about a whole new cast of characters engaged the same type of bigoted proselytizing in Europe as the others are doing in Africa.

I thought that "Religion and Ethics " would be a fitting location for this new thread, since I find these activities -aimed at influencing foreign goverments to oppress a minority- decidedly unethical, as is undermining women's reproductive freedom. And they are using religion as a weapon to do so.

Here is the latest:

Leadership Institute Joins ADF To Train Religious Right Activists In Europe
Peter Montgomery | Right Wing Watch

In the latest sign that the U.S. Religious Right increasingly views its anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice activism as part of a global culture war, American activists will be part of the training team at next month’s European Advocacy Academy, which is designed to make European advocates for “traditional” views on sex, gender and family more effective—and to make them “part of an international network that transcends country borders.” U.S.-based Religious Right groups have actively promoted anti-LGBTQ equality measures in Europe under the banner of protecting the family.

The European Advocacy Academy is organized by European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based nonprofit group founded in 2010 that says it “defends the most vital foundations of a free society: fundamental freedoms and responsibility, marriage and the family, and the protection of life from conception to natural death.”

I am especially appalled by their use of termns like "dignity", "free society" and "fundamental freedoms" while expousing a cavilier and hateful ideology towards fellow human being. The fact is though that they don't see LGBT people as human beings at all. They don't see them as beings who are desrving of dignity, freedome, marriage and family

Among those appearing in European Dignity Watch’s promotional video is board member Sophia Kuby, a cofounder and former executive director of the group who is now director of EU advocacy for ADF International. She also took part in this year’s World Congress of Families in Budapest, and in April’s Political Network for Values gathering in Brussels, the theme of which was “How Far Can We Get?”
If queers would simply keep it in the bedroom, where it belongs, no one would have a problem with them. But no. They flaunt it in our faces, then bitch and moan when we fail to accept and embrace them. They teach their perverted lifestyle to our children in school, without our consent, then use the courts to persecute anyone who doesn't like it. F*CK YOU!

If Christians could simply keep their bizarre beliefs in their homes and churches, no one would have a problem with them. But no. They flaunt it in our faces, then bitch and moan when we fail to accept and embrace them. They try to teach their crazy beliefs to our children, overtly in Christians schools, and through the back door in our public ones, without our consent, then use their infiltration of our government to try to force their beliefs on the entire country, and to persecute anyone who doesn't like it.

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