Exposing Anti-semitic Lies


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a FAKE


The Myth of Jewish Bolshevism


Expulsions of Jews

The anti-Semites like to claim that Jews have been expelled from every place
they ever lived. Let's examine that.

Jews have never been expelled from these:

All of North America
All of Central America
All of South America
All of Asia
All of Africa

Sweden, Norway, Denmark,Holland,Serbia,Ireland, Scotland,Iraq, Jordan,
Finland,Estonia and Switzerland.

The Real Truth about the Talmud

The Real Truth About The Talmud

Facts about Judaism

Judaism 101

Kosher Tax Myth

The ?Kosher Tax? Myth

Evidence of the Holocaust


Miscellaneous canards:


Jewish Contributions To Mankind


Here is another anti-semitic canard-the Franklin


The anti-semites have another speech attributed to George Washington which is false. The link explains:

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The sickos aren't jealous of actual Jews - who are just ordinary people with a LONG history of valuing education as a group.

They fantasize that there's 'something going on' besides the high value placed on education and the tendency of ANY small isolated group toward mutual cooperation..... The sickos live in a 'zero-sum' universe where (in their imagination!) whatever one person has, was 'taken' away from another. So they imagine that Jews have more of 'the good stuff' than THEY imagine Jews should - and decide that it came from non-Jews, and that it's 'right' to take it away from the Jews.

The truth is that any group of people who value education and cooperate with one another WHILE 'PLAYING BY THE RULES' is going to succeed as Jews have. There are many 'poor immigrant' success stories in the US to demonstrate that 'anyone can do it'.

While it is no part of Judaism to imagine ourselves as 'superior' - there absolutely IS an imperative in Judaism for its adherents to seek to be 'better'. NOT 'better than those guys over there', 'better' than we were yesterday.

I don't think Christianity or Islam or any other religion is any different.

What someone else - a Christian - pointed out to me was that for many hundreds of years (Since Constantine) Jews were forbidden to own land or employ non-Jewish workers. And that Jews were also often at the dubious 'mercy' of some feudal lord or other, granted rights on a temporary basis..... The ONE thing a person can get for themselves that can't be taken away from them, is an education. Now you know HOW the Jews came to be so involved in intellectual pursuits.

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