Extra Credit in Math if they bring in printer paper!

I don't see how it is unethical. I got extra credit in biology for bringing in toads to dissect.

This shouldn't be too confusing..

Because if you get extra grade point credits for giving your school supplies you're PAYING for your grades.

Is that really so confusing?
Sure...we are already paying for our grades through taxes. That apparently aren't enough to fund schools.

So no, I see nothing unethical.
It does seem unethical, but I'm not sure if it's worth making a stink. My daughters both like this Math teacher. He seems like a good guy to me.

So, because he's 'nice' and your kids 'like' him, that makes it ok? It is not ok. And, more importantly, it teaches your kids that they can buy their way through life. Is that what parents should be teaching their kids?
I don't either. "Extra" means extra. The child is being rewarded for doing something beneficial for the WHOLE class. What's the alternative? Teacher pays or kids get no handouts? What are the other teachers doing?

Its good that this teacher brought this issue to the attention of the parents. Its
only Jan. They should not be out of paper. Someone screwed up.
Ih I don't blame the parents for helping the class.

But when the kids get better grades because their parents paid for supplies that the school ought to have purchased?

Yeah, that's unethical.

The teacher ought to have known better.
How much extra credit? Five points on one test? For most of my students, that wouldn't make a damn difference on their grade. Its merely a token of appreciation and most kids love it. The bigger issue is; who screwed up with the paper order?
I'll try to find out more today about why they needed paper and how much extra credit they got.
It does seem unethical, but I'm not sure if it's worth making a stink. My daughters both like this Math teacher. He seems like a good guy to me.

So, because he's 'nice' and your kids 'like' him, that makes it ok? It is not ok. And, more importantly, it teaches your kids that they can buy their way through life. Is that what parents should be teaching their kids?

Well... Frankly CG, that's not entirely untrue. That is, if we're talking about what is, and not what should be.
How much extra credit? Five points on one test? For most of my students, that wouldn't make a damn difference on their grade. Its merely a token of appreciation and most kids love it.


What about the kids whose parents cannot pitch in?

How do you suppose that makes them feel?
It does seem unethical, but I'm not sure if it's worth making a stink. My daughters both like this Math teacher. He seems like a good guy to me.

So, because he's 'nice' and your kids 'like' him, that makes it ok? It is not ok. And, more importantly, it teaches your kids that they can buy their way through life. Is that what parents should be teaching their kids?
Hey, CG....you can.
How much extra credit? Five points on one test? For most of my students, that wouldn't make a damn difference on their grade. Its merely a token of appreciation and most kids love it.


What about the kids whose parents cannot pitch in?

How do you suppose that makes them feel?
Most teachers offer more than one way to earn extra credit.
In the wife's 4 years as a classroom teacher, she spent thousands- and I mean thousands of dollars of her own money on classroom supplies. When she was eligible for tenure, they fired her.
Fuck school boards.

I am really sorry to hear this. I wonder if this is going to be happening a lot in the future? Something has to be done to avoid this kind of thing. We can't have all brand new teachers teaching our children!
My daughters got extra credit in Math for bringing in a package of printer paper.

I gave it to them, but... is that really ethical? I know the schools are getting cutbacks, but my daughter told me that one woman at the school accidentally printed off 500 copies of something. They waste a lot of stuff there.

Since it has nothing to do with thier grades. yes that was unethical and unintientionally cruel.

It exposed the poor kids. No one wants to admit thier parents don't have the cash for some paper.

And it sets up bullying.
How much extra credit? Five points on one test? For most of my students, that wouldn't make a damn difference on their grade. Its merely a token of appreciation and most kids love it.


What about the kids whose parents cannot pitch in?

How do you suppose that makes them feel?

Yes, it's unfair because the teacher is offering extra credit for something perhaps not all of the kids are in a position to provide. What about the poor kid who doesn't have a printer at home? Is he offered a different opportunity to achieve the same extra credit that he could actually fulfill?
The girls tell me that the entire school is out of paper. They've been taking tests online instead of on paper. This was their Spanish teacher who offered the extra credit of 20 points, which isn't very much my daughter tells me.

We discussed the ethics of it. They admitted it was a little unethical. The teacher is a very fine man, rather a Bohemian Christian musician type, so he has an artistic personality. He and his family live way out, and have to snowmobile to their house in winter.
Sounds like terrible planning...You can get a whole case of paper for like fifty bucks!
How much extra credit? Five points on one test? For most of my students, that wouldn't make a damn difference on their grade. Its merely a token of appreciation and most kids love it.


What about the kids whose parents cannot pitch in?

How do you suppose that makes them feel?

Yes, it's unfair because the teacher is offering extra credit for something perhaps not all of the kids are in a position to provide. What about the poor kid who doesn't have a printer at home? Is he offered a different opportunity to achieve the same extra credit that he could actually fulfill?
I didn't know you needed to own a printer to purchase printer paper. :rofl:

What about the kids whose parents cannot pitch in?

How do you suppose that makes them feel?

Yes, it's unfair because the teacher is offering extra credit for something perhaps not all of the kids are in a position to provide. What about the poor kid who doesn't have a printer at home? Is he offered a different opportunity to achieve the same extra credit that he could actually fulfill?
I didn't know you needed to own a printer to purchase printer paper. :rofl:

The point being that some kids might not be able to afford it.
Yes, it's unfair because the teacher is offering extra credit for something perhaps not all of the kids are in a position to provide. What about the poor kid who doesn't have a printer at home? Is he offered a different opportunity to achieve the same extra credit that he could actually fulfill?
I didn't know you needed to own a printer to purchase printer paper. :rofl:

The point being that some kids might not be able to afford it.
Yep...but they can certainly go to Walmart and ask them to make a donation to the school of *gasp* printer paper.
Or some may not be in a position that they could go and get it either...

And it's not beginning of the years personal supplies we're talking about...

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