'Extraordinary Evidence Demands Extraordinary...'

Try that in a logic class, try that in a debate club, try that in court, and keep trying that here and you will keep looking delusional, which is, yes, amusing.

Can you point out what part of my argument is illogical?

Didn't think so.

You are assertion is delusional: "I think it, thus it is fact."

You are an illiterate, self-absorbed hack, liar and troll.

Please, go back to smoking crack and spare us your inanity.
You are assertion is delusional: "I think it, thus it is fact."

I never made an assertion like that, that mist mean you are delusional.

That is clearly what you inferred.

But since you say all information is factual by itself, give us an example.

Actually, you inferred it. You could try to show that I implied it, if you understood English, but you don't.

Please point out where I said all information is factual, what I said is that information is defined as facts about an individual or a subject. That is the actual definition of the word, look it up. In other words you are
So you won't back up your claim.

Your admission of defeat because it was your affirmation.

I gave you plenty of opportunity.

facts provided or learned about something or someone.

in·for·ma·tion what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.


Words have meanings; even rush knows that.

information: definition of information in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

Which claim is it I won't back up? Just curious, because you think that infer is something I say when it is something the listener does.
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So you won't back up your claim.

Your admission of defeat because it was your affirmation.

I gave you plenty of opportunity.

facts provided or learned about something or someone.

in·for·ma·tion what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.


Words have meanings; even rush knows that.

information: definition of information in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

Which claim is it I won't back up? Just curious, because you think that infer is something I say when it is something the listener does.

You can easily infer that your comments mean something.

In your case, they flatly don't.

We can do this all night, and you will continue ending up on the silly side.
So you won't back up your claim.

Your admission of defeat because it was your affirmation.

I gave you plenty of opportunity.

facts provided or learned about something or someone.

in·for·ma·tion what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.

https://www.google.com/webhp?source...&ie=UTF-8#q=defintion of the word information

Words have meanings; even rush knows that.

information: definition of information in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

Which claim is it I won't back up? Just curious, because you think that infer is something I say when it is something the listener does.

You can easily infer that your comments mean something.

In your case, they flatly don't.

We can do this all night, and you will continue ending up on the silly side.

I don't have to infer, I know what my comments mean.

I am still waiting for you to point out what claim I made. Why can't you point it out? Is it because it only exists in that single brain cell that still works after years of lying about everything?
Thank you. As I said so long ago in the thread, your comments mean only something to you.

You have finally agreed, then, that information means nothing without facts IAW with the definition above I gave.

Go to bed, now.
information: definition of information in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

Which claim is it I won't back up? Just curious, because you think that infer is something I say when it is something the listener does.

You can easily infer that your comments mean something.

In your case, they flatly don't.

We can do this all night, and you will continue ending up on the silly side.

I don't have to infer, I know what my comments mean.

I am still waiting for you to point out what claim I made. Why can't you point it out? Is it because it only exists in that single brain cell that still works after years of lying about everything?

Once again, Fakey says something stupid, someone asks him to back up his claims with a link or two, and once again he wont do it.

Fakey is not worth the time to bother with; he is a troll and a fraud.
The term "extraordinary evidence" is an oxymoron. People confuse information (and sometimes bullshit) with evidence. "Evidence" is defined as "that which proves or disproves a belief". The operative word is "proves" so there is no such thing as extraordinary evidence.

Hmm, I think there is also room for evidence that is not conclusive, but makes a claim more plausible, or simply possible, without necessarily proving a claim.

In our courts we are supposed to vote for innocence if there is any *reasonable* doubt, but if a crime is very shocking and/or heinous, a jury will often vote to convict because they think the accused likely to have done the deed. They just cant tolerate the idea that an innocent vote will set him free and let him get away with the heinous thing, so they go with probable instead of certitude.

If it's not conclusive it's not evidence, it's just information.

Lol, that is erroneous. Evidence is only conclusive in regard to a question. Some evidence may be conclusive in regards to one thing, but only be an indicator in regard to something else in real, day to day, ordinary life. In science there is a claim of evidence and a claim of peer review, but who knows if any of this is actually legit? We have to trust the scientific establishment to do its job right, so one must wonder how much of their evidence is really conclusive at all.

I could link to recent controversies but I don't want to derail the thread any worse that Jake the Fake Starkey already has.
bullshit jim....the laws of nature cannot be suspended...
what you saw was out of your experience so you did the most human of things you came up with a logical fallacy.

There is no logical fallacy, since I agree it was impossible, hence a miracle.

What in the world do you think my logical fallacy is?
believing it was a miracle. that's logical fallacy #1
logical fallacy #2 believing it was impossible
it happened, making it possible..

Lol, you plainly do not understand what a logical fallacy is. A logical fallacy is something that, based on how an argument is made, is ALWAYS false.

There is no logical fallacy that something can be impossible. And miraculous claims are not ipso-facto false (that would be closed minded bias) and at any rate are not logical fallacies.
The events have occurred, and you admit that medical science has documented them. The fact that they cannot yet explain them is the heart of this discussion. If you chose to ignore that science does not have all the answers that is your problem, not mine.

Don't say I said things I did not say: that is dishonest.

Science does not have all the answers, but that is preferable to incidents that cannot be understood.

You may cherish and believe whatever metaphysical events you may encounter, but that is only for you; it is not a witness for others.

You make less sense every time you post.

How is not knowing preferable to not understanding? Aren't they the same fucking thing? Is there some kind of magic in your head that makes you think that not understanding something means you know something about it?

By the way, feel free to point out where I said anything that would in any way justify you accusing me of cherishing miracles.

lol, and he never did.

Just sayin'....
Lol, that is erroneous. Evidence is only conclusive in regard to a question. Some evidence may be conclusive in regards to one thing, but only be an indicator in regard to something else in real, day to day, ordinary life. In science there is a claim of evidence and a claim of peer review, but who knows if any of this is actually legit? We have to trust the scientific establishment to do its job right, so one must wonder how much of their evidence is really conclusive at all.

The wonderful thing about science is anyone can study the subjects and look for themselves. It might take years of hard work to get to the point that one can read the papers and attend conferences and actually understand what is being discussed, but it isn't like science is decided in closed rooms and pronouncements come from on high. Anyone can access science. The process is a self-correcting mechanism because the people who study those subjects are forcing themselves to show the work and it has to be repeatable.

Trust, but verify.
You can easily infer that your comments mean something.

In your case, they flatly don't.

We can do this all night, and you will continue ending up on the silly side.

I don't have to infer, I know what my comments mean.

I am still waiting for you to point out what claim I made. Why can't you point it out? Is it because it only exists in that single brain cell that still works after years of lying about everything?

Once again, Fakey says something stupid, someone asks him to back up his claims with a link or two, and once again he wont do it.

Fakey is not worth the time to bother with; he is a troll and a fraud.

If you can't justify your claim, and QWB can't help you, I certainly won't.

An opinion means nothing.

An assertion means nothing.

Your widdle inner feelings mean nothing.

As imperfect as data and evidence are in finding truth, they are superior to simple beliefs.
JB wants to say his religious revelations and beliefs are acceptable as evidence.

They aren't. They cannot be validated except by himself, and he is not the standard of proof.

Tis what tis.
There is no logical fallacy, since I agree it was impossible, hence a miracle.

What in the world do you think my logical fallacy is?
believing it was a miracle. that's logical fallacy #1
logical fallacy #2 believing it was impossible
it happened, making it possible..

Lol, you plainly do not understand what a logical fallacy is. A logical fallacy is something that, based on how an argument is made, is ALWAYS false.

There is no logical fallacy that something can be impossible. And miraculous claims are not ipso-facto false (that would be closed minded bias) and at any rate are not logical fallacies.
more logical fallacies from jim blowme .

The fallacy of suppressed correlative is a type of argument that tries to redefine a correlative (one of two mutually exclusive options) so that one alternative encompasses the other, i.e. making one alternative impossible.[1] This has also been known as the fallacy of lost contrast[2] and the fallacy of the suppressed relative.[3]
believing it was a miracle. that's logical fallacy #1
logical fallacy #2 believing it was impossible
it happened, making it possible..

Lol, you plainly do not understand what a logical fallacy is. A logical fallacy is something that, based on how an argument is made, is ALWAYS false.

There is no logical fallacy that something can be impossible. And miraculous claims are not ipso-facto false (that would be closed minded bias) and at any rate are not logical fallacies.
more logical fallacies from jim blowme .

The fallacy of suppressed correlative is a type of argument that tries to redefine a correlative (one of two mutually exclusive options) so that one alternative encompasses the other, i.e. making one alternative impossible.[1] This has also been known as the fallacy of lost contrast[2] and the fallacy of the suppressed relative.[3]

There is no false correlative here, dumbass, but a contrasting use of a words literal meaning with its less literal common use.

Please, grow, borrow or steal a fucking brain.
Pop-culture astronomer Carl Sagan is responsible for the phrase. Sagan also told the world that the planet was doomed if Saddam ever lit off the oil wells during the Gulf War. Saddam lit them off, American technology put them out and the world barely burped. Extraordinary claims call for mundane evidence.

Well in his defense he was a hack that lots of sheeple still follow. Don't hold it against them.

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