Extreme climate hypocrisy and college sports conferences


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Clearly, American universities universally push the Co2 FRAUD. They love it. Some discipline students who question it...

So if the Co2 FRAUD is the #1 issue threatening mankind, do universities behave in a way that reflects that belief?

Consider sports conferences. Clearly, reducing the distance between your school and your in-conference sports rival would REDUCE Co2 EMISSIONS. California could have its own conference (USC, UCLA, San Diego State, Stanford, Cal, San Jose State, etc.) to reduce its sports "carbon footprint."

But once again we observe those pushing the Co2 FRAUD the hardest behaving in a way 180 degrees from being actually concerned with it (aka Covid aka John Kerry's jet etc.).

Take USC and UCLA, about to join the Big 10. Now, their in conference rivals include Rutgers (state university of New Jersey) and Penn State, on the other side of the continent, 3 time zones away. The issue of CLIMATE CHANGE matters precisely ZERO to universities (who claim to be absolutely concerned with Co2) on the issue of SPORTS.

At some point, when those who push the masks are busted over and over not wearing a mask, we notice.

Will we ever notice this, that those pushing the Co2 FRAUD the hardest are the ones who are absolutely not concerned about it at all, like a homosexual couple who lives on Martha's Vineyard...

These are the same people pushing for exterminating all cows.... because their farting is "warming" the planet, but travelling from LA to NJ for a football game doesn't matter .... never mind all the Co2 it releases...
Same as the Co2 FRAUD itself, all about $$$$$$, not truth....
Is it true, for whatever reason, that ocean water temperatures are rising and ocean creatures of all types are moving to new areas.
Clearly, American universities universally push the Co2 FRAUD. They love it. Some discipline students who question it...

So if the Co2 FRAUD is the #1 issue threatening mankind, do universities behave in a way that reflects that belief?

Consider sports conferences. Clearly, reducing the distance between your school and your in-conference sports rival would REDUCE Co2 EMISSIONS. California could have its own conference (USC, UCLA, San Diego State, Stanford, Cal, San Jose State, etc.) to reduce its sports "carbon footprint."

But once again we observe those pushing the Co2 FRAUD the hardest behaving in a way 180 degrees from being actually concerned with it (aka Covid aka John Kerry's jet etc.).

Take USC and UCLA, about to join the Big 10. Now, their in conference rivals include Rutgers (state university of New Jersey) and Penn State, on the other side of the continent, 3 time zones away. The issue of CLIMATE CHANGE matters precisely ZERO to universities (who claim to be absolutely concerned with Co2) on the issue of SPORTS.

At some point, when those who push the masks are busted over and over not wearing a mask, we notice.

Will we ever notice this, that those pushing the Co2 FRAUD the hardest are the ones who are absolutely not concerned about it at all, like a homosexual couple who lives on Martha's Vineyard...

Power & control, $$$$$/squeaky wheel get$ the grease, bandwagon, keep up with the jones', limelight, follow the leader, groupthink, & attention hounds is all that's important @ the universities in modern day America.
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Is it true, for whatever reason, that ocean water temperatures are rising and ocean creatures of all types are moving to new areas.

That is complete BULLSHIT. Hurricanes are directly correlated with ocean temps. The record decade for canes is still the 1940s...

Hawaii's record high is from 1931, and it did not get to 90F in Honolulu this summer. There is no case that Hawaii is "warming" given its temperature data. If Hawaii is not warming, the truth of its temp data, then is the Pacific Ocean??


The Co2 FRAUD is a nasty bunch of sick in the head liars and fudgebakers. Their first "hurdle" was proving increasing atmospheric Co2 would warm the atmosphere. We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons. Both showed NO WARMING in the ATMOSPHERE despite RISING Co2 with high correlation, causing the Co2 FRAUD to FUDGE BOTH with laughable BS in 2005...

Co2 does absolutely nothing, and Earth is not warming. What causes Earth climate change is the position of land near the poles, and land moves...

Power & control, $$$$$/squeaky wheel get$ the grease, bandwagon, keep up with the jones', limelight, follow the leader, groupthink, & attention hounds is all that's important @ the universities in modern day America.

And they count on "educated" people to keep parroting their BS and never noticing their extreme hypocrisy.
That is complete BULLSHIT. Hurricanes are directly correlated with ocean temps. The record decade for canes is still the 1940s...
Is it true, for whatever reason, that ocean water temperatures are rising and ocean creatures of all types are moving to new areas.
The question was about sea/ocean temperature and sea life.
NOT hurricanes, which you deflected to.

Are you saying the data provided below, from the EPA, is complete bullshit?


is the same fudge as the atmospheric temp data.

Canes are directly correlated with ocean temperature. If the oceans have been "warming" as your Co2 FRAUD side claims....

1. why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?

2. why does the Hawaiian temperature data prove Hawaii is NOT WARMING if, as your Co2 FRAUD side claims, the Pacific Ocean is "warming?"
If the oceans have been "warming" as your Co2 FRAUD side claims....
Quit with the 'your side' bullshit.
I despise ALL politicians, including trump and biden.

So try to have an adult conversation without the 'your side' bullshit.

Whatever the reason, without blame, the ocean surface waters are warming and it's a concern.

Crabbers in my area are bitching about crab size and lack of crabs, but go farther north into the San Juans, they have plenty.............you know why? Yes you do.
the ocean surface waters are warming

Trying to have an "adult conversation" with a science invalid who insists FUDGE is really "data" is par for the Co2 FRAUD supporters...

Crabbers in my area are bitching about crab size and lack of crabs, but go farther north into the San Juans, they have plenty.............you know why? Yes you do.

First question - what changed? More and more human consumption of crabs

Result - crab population going down

Your misdiagnosis = Co2 NOT WARMING the atmosphere is causing it

The Co2 FRAUD is a religion to idiots like you.
Is the Arctic "ice free" yet?
Nice FAILED deflection.
What does location of Crab population have to do with the Arctic being Ice Free?
Nothing, you can fool your fellow RWI's but you can't fool the sane Americans, who mostly despise the lying con man.
Nice FAILED deflection.
What does location of Crab population have to do with the Arctic being Ice Free?
Nothing, you can fool your fellow RWI's but you can't fool the sane Americans, who mostly despise the lying con man.

Can you explain a map of the Arctic. Greenland has ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle, but Alaska has no such ice age glaciers north of Arctic Circle. Why?

GeoGarage blog: Arctic Ocean: history and now


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