Who is really to blame for covering up the FBI's fraud prosecution of the "warmers," and hence responsible for all the fires including Maui?

you are one of these crazy people who thinks Steel can't melt.

Lie, that's why you Zionist Fascist 911 traitors used THERMITE....

that Israel would blow up a ship belonging to their main benefactor

and false flag hate hoax it to Egypt...

We are seeing more droughts because the world is getting warmer

What an idiot. So "warming" causes "droughts." Does it cause floods too??

If Jurassic was warmer, why was it wetter? To you, it should have been drier and full of fires.... LOL!!! But it wasn't... NOT AT ALL.
Lie, that's why you Zionist Fascist 911 traitors used THERMITE....

They didn't have to... burning jet fuel did the job.

Building 7 was collatoral damage...

and false flag hate hoax it to Egypt...

To do what, exactly? What did Israel achieve by damaging USS Liberty?

You see, this is the problem with you conspiracy nutters... you come up with these elaborate conspiracy theories, and then you can't explain why someone would go through all this trouble.
burning jet fuel

burns in open air at 600F

Molten steel pouring out of South Tower - 2200F

you are off by a mere 1600F, not bad for a science invalid who parrots the Co2 FRAUD

WTC Building 7 – BAP BLOG

To do what, exactly?

To false flag hate hoax a US war with Egypt.

Read up on what those who were THERE had to say, traitor...

All of the major Zionist Fascist False Flag HATE HOAXES were aimed at starting a US war with Israel's enemies...

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983 - Zionist Fascist mass murder attempt to start a US war with Hezbo
burns in open air at 600F

Molten steel pouring out of South Tower - 2200F

you are off by a mere 1600F, not bad for a science invalid who parrots the Co2 FRAUD

How do you think kilns work, stupid. It wasn't burning in open air, it was burning in an enclosed space with lots of additional fuel of whatever was in that building.
Another Mossad lie. The 767 cargo drone smashed right through out the other side... NOT ENCLOSED

I think you are confusing your talking points. The towers collapsed because the planes and fires weakened their structural integrity.

BUilding 7 is the one that supposedly melted.
BUilding 7 is the one that supposedly melted

Get your Zionist Fascist 911 lies "right," traitor....

This is WTC 7 and the official line is this is "NOT" controlled demolition but falling from "damage" the day before...

The towers collapsed because the planes and fires weakened their structural integrity

That actually is the laughable BS "official version" of obvious controlled demolition by the same Zionist Fascist liars who called the USS Liberty an "accident..."
Get your Zionist Fascist 911 lies "right," traitor....

This is WTC 7 and the official line is this is "NOT" controlled demolition but falling from "damage" the day before...

Right, the Jews did it!

Hey, Lisa558 this is what an actual anti-semite looks like.
Hey card tosser, are all Jews Zionist Fascists???

A lot of them are, and if you were on here legitimately complaining about their mistreatment of the Palestinian people (who I doubt you care about), I'd totally agree with you.

But blaming them for 9/11, Beruit, various assassinations... that's just some crazy shit.

RFK was murdered by a Palestinian who thought he was too friendly to Israel.
if you were on here legitimately complaining about their mistreatment of the Palestinian people (who I doubt you care about), I'd totally agree with you.

Well, that has happened many times here...

blaming them for 9/11, Beruit, various assassinations... that's just


RFK was murdered by a Palestinian

That is another hate hoaxed false flag Zionist Fascist murder of an American.

amazing, since the MLK family and Jackie O....

"Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F Kennedy"
All three were Zionist Fascist hate hoax false flag murders, complete with a stooge framed...

and this was the goal, instigating a US war with Egypt and the rest of Israel's enemies...

Hey, bud, Conspiracy theories are never healthy... you'll never get satisfaction and it will take a toll on your mental health.

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