Extreme human arrogance displayed in Abrahamic religions


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
There are 200 billionish stars in our milky way, each one of those stars with a handful of planets on average. That's just one relatively small galaxy in an observable universe containing many billions of them. If Earth like conditions are one in a billion then there is a fuck load of life out there. That in mind, anybody else find it strange the way they believe God chose this one planet to bless with this one species he has modeled in his own likeness? Like, seriously? We're the special ones, huh? How convenient for us. Many of them even believe there is no other life out there, meaning God made this giant ass universe just for us. Everything that we're made of is incredibly common in the universe; the shit is everywhere. Yet no other life exists on any of the inconceivable amount of planets in the universe.

How could you possibly believe that bullshit? Humans are obsessed with being special, unique, extraordinary. That's how we can so arrogantly assume we are among the or even are the most intelligent life in the universe when literally all we know is that we're the most intelligent life on one planet, Earth. Maybe the aliens aren't here yet because we're too fucking stupid to be useful to them. Anyway, I'm trailing off. How do some people live in such a tiny little universe where all of this can add up? It defies logic. We are not God's favorite creature, built in his likeness in a universe made just for us. That's insane. That incredible chip on our shoulder is probably how we're able to so ruthlessly rape our planet and give complete disregard to the other life trying to exist on it. If we are the best God can do I am not impressed.
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When the aliens show up ... I'm sure we can address the context of scripture.

Until then, it's clearly not an issue, is it?

Can anyone show definitive proof that the human race originated on Earth or that the human race was not manipulated by some extraterrestrial power?

If not then the nature of the OP argument is insubstantial and pointless.


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The OP doesn't understand what Abraham was learning about the source and power of life (being an Essence not idols or figures).
That Essence is in the meaning of the name of the holy city and that Essence is in all creation in all planetary systems and any progressed cells.
Once again proving one religion can not only taint their own followers, but also deceive even the non believers by setting the perceptions and bastardized definitions reinventing precepts that deceive all.
When those non believers use one cultures precepts as if all religions use the same it's a huge missconception that blinds them from what is being said and taught in those other cultures that use similar words in another manner as in a non anthropromorphic sense.
The OP doesn't understand what Abraham was learning about the source and power of life (being an Essence not idols or figures).
That Essence is in the meaning of the name of the holy city and that Essence is in all creation in all planetary systems and any progressed cells.
Once again proving one religion can not only taint their own followers, but also deceive even the non believers by setting the perceptions and bastardized definitions reinventing precepts that deceive all.
When those non believers use one cultures precepts as if all religions use the same it's a huge missconception that blinds them from what is being said and taught in those other cultures that use similar words in another manner as in a non anthropromorphic sense.

Abraham was probably what we would call today a schizophrenic or the voices in his head he could not disquinish as his own. Read Minds of the Bible wrote by a Rabbi, its short.

There is a place that Eusebius wrote that Kings of a land in the days of old use to sacrifice their first born son or if not a son a daughter as Jephthah did as a way to appease the Gods and win a war or in times of famine.
I am not impressed by the OP's argument that the size of the universe somehow disproves that God created man in his image.

Who says so?

We have the Bible to prove what we believe, a document written over hundreds of years, which is filled with wisdom beyond our normal human capacity.

All the OP has is his own doubts.
goddess has been around since 70,000 yrs ago.
gods, half human half animal show up about 40,000 yrs ago
Judaic christian god, about 6000 yrs ago
Any way, there is no way for us to know what's going on on those other stars, millions of miles away.

Perhaps there are other races of beings, each with their own creation story, each with their own version of Adam, and Abraham, and Moses, and Christ.
The OP doesn't understand what Abraham was learning about the source and power of life (being an Essence not idols or figures).
That Essence is in the meaning of the name of the holy city and that Essence is in all creation in all planetary systems and any progressed cells.
Once again proving one religion can not only taint their own followers, but also deceive even the non believers by setting the perceptions and bastardized definitions reinventing precepts that deceive all.
When those non believers use one cultures precepts as if all religions use the same it's a huge missconception that blinds them from what is being said and taught in those other cultures that use similar words in another manner as in a non anthropromorphic sense.

Abraham was probably what we would call today a schizophrenic or the voices in his head he could not disquinish as his own. Read Minds of the Bible wrote by a Rabbi, its short.

There is a place that Eusebius wrote that Kings of a land in the days of old use to sacrifice their first born son or if not a son a daughter as Jephthah did as a way to appease the Gods and win a war or in times of famine.

Or in knowing Shalem (to become more stable and whole) we tell stories of ancient cultures sacrificing their kids to show how we become more Shalem growing out of archaic acts and behavior and superstitions.
In doing so we communicate our distaste with such behavior and logic (like you did here) and learn to not tolerate such concepts, say like the claim God would
sacrifice his son. So the story works=does it's job and purpose, because it's not whitewashed where you gain nothing from creating an image and narative that is false and not teachable to reflect upon.

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