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Eyeless in Gaza: How Did it All Start?

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God LOVES it when irredeemable Godless scum are killed.

So God loved WWII.

See I think that is where you Jews go wrong, we are not to kill.

Meanwhile, has anyone seen Penelope on this Middle East forum mentioning that her new friends should not kill, even though they have managed to kill thousands and thousands and thousands of innocents and are still busy killing them? For some reason, Penelope sure does remind me of one of that gang posting from Arkansas.

Say, wouldn't it be great if Penelope can hop over and tell her new Muslim friends that they were wrong killing all those people and should stop killing them at once and that they should have tolerance for all the different religious beliefs in the world? The Christians in the Middle East would certainly be breathing a sigh of relief if Penelope could get that through the heads of her new friends.
Therre was no Palestine before 1988, then it was just arab nationalism founded in the depths of 1930's German Nazism and Fascism

Why do you insist on using proven RABID ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES for your sources.
"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]"

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No country of Palestine in your source.

I guess you realize, Todd, that the anti-Semitic losers (who really do not care one bit about any Arabs and are just using them as pawns in their fight against their scapegoats), want everyone to believe that there was actually a country called Palestine instead of it just being a territory, of which the Hashemites were given such a huge portion. Meanwhile, they certainly can't tell us all about this imaginary country of Palestine, such as naming the kings of this make-believe kingdom.
No country of Palestine in your source.
"In Palestine", loser; you don't have to like it, but that's just the history of this particular colonial enterprise.

Too bad your greedy pals in Tel Aviv didn't get Gaza during their latest epic FAIL:eusa_angel:

Yes, in Palestine.
Not in the "country of Palestine"
Not in the "nation of Palestine".
Not a home for the "Palestinians".
A home for the Jews. Loser.
A national home for the Jews in Palestine, Loser.
You can distinguish between a home and a state, I hope.
Harry Truman and FDR could and they both said that establishing a Jewish state on Palestinian land would lead to WWIII.:eek:

Israel's foundation in a 'terroristic campaign of expulsion, ethnic cleansing and murder' is the 'deep wound in that part of the world' -- Sullivan
"In Palestine", loser; you don't have to like it, but that's just the history of this particular colonial enterprise.

Too bad your greedy pals in Tel Aviv didn't get Gaza during their latest epic FAIL:eusa_angel:

Yes, in Palestine.
Not in the "country of Palestine"
Not in the "nation of Palestine".
Not a home for the "Palestinians".
A home for the Jews. Loser.
A national home for the Jews in Palestine, Loser.
You can distinguish between a home and a state, I hope.
Harry Truman and FDR could and they both said that establishing a Jewish state on Palestinian land would lead to WWIII.:eek:

Israel's foundation in a 'terroristic campaign of expulsion, ethnic cleansing and murder' is the 'deep wound in that part of the world' -- Sullivan

Gaza George, no matter how much you want people to believe that you actually care about the Arabs in this one tiny area of the Middle East, just your actions bypassing what is happening to other Arabs in the Middle East only shows the other posters and viewers that you are using these "Palestinians" as your pawns in your fight against your scapegoats. Has anyone seen Gaza George ever bring up anything at all regarding all the atrocities the unfortunate Arabs are having committed to them in the other Middle East countries?

Tell you what, Gaza George. The next time your new masters murder one of their own, have them ship the body to you so that you can drop it off at the Los Angeles County morgue.

Hamas Executes One of Its Leader, Blames Israel - Israel News
Why don't you explain why blind suicidal psychopaths pose less of a threat to their society than those with "vision?"

Honestly, what the hell are you babbling about?
You brought up the cruelty of the P'lishtim thinking you would make some sort of anti-humanistic point about Jews.
Blind, psychopathic Jews pose the same threat to their temple walls as gentiles.
What the hell thread are you reading?:D

Shimshone was the GOOD guy.
You'd know that if you read the book of Judges.
Honestly, what the hell are you babbling about?
You brought up the cruelty of the P'lishtim thinking you would make some sort of anti-humanistic point about Jews.
Blind, psychopathic Jews pose the same threat to their temple walls as gentiles.
What the hell thread are you reading?:D

Shimshone was the GOOD guy.
You'd know that if you read the book of Judges.
"After Joshua’s death, the tribes of Israel continue their conquest of the southern regions of Canaan, but they are unable to cleanse the land thoroughly of its native inhabitants. God declares that these remaining people will be an impediment to Israel’s enjoyment of the promised land."
^ This is your idea of morality?

SparkNotes: Bible: The Old Testament: Judges
Blind, psychopathic Jews pose the same threat to their temple walls as gentiles.
What the hell thread are you reading?:D

Shimshone was the GOOD guy.
You'd know that if you read the book of Judges.
"After Joshua’s death, the tribes of Israel continue their conquest of the southern regions of Canaan, but they are unable to cleanse the land thoroughly of its native inhabitants. God declares that these remaining people will be an impediment to Israel’s enjoyment of the promised land."
^ This is your idea of morality?

SparkNotes: Bible: The Old Testament: Judges

No, it's GOD's.
Did you notice how God DOESN'T command the Children of Israel to spread the Torah world wide and murder those who won't convert.
You DID notice that part, didn't you?
Blind, psychopathic Jews pose the same threat to their temple walls as gentiles.
What the hell thread are you reading?:D

Shimshone was the GOOD guy.
You'd know that if you read the book of Judges.
"After Joshua’s death, the tribes of Israel continue their conquest of the southern regions of Canaan, but they are unable to cleanse the land thoroughly of its native inhabitants. God declares that these remaining people will be an impediment to Israel’s enjoyment of the promised land."
^ This is your idea of morality?

SparkNotes: Bible: The Old Testament: Judges

There is a good chance that Gaza Georgie might have attended the Black Episcopal-Methodist Church when he was younger. I guess, though, that he has no problems with his new masters having left the Saudi Peninsula and invading the surrounding countries where members of the original Christians were living. Anyone can Google History of Jihad in places like Egypt and see what Gaza George's new masters had done to these Christians.
"In Palestine", loser; you don't have to like it, but that's just the history of this particular colonial enterprise.

Too bad your greedy pals in Tel Aviv didn't get Gaza during their latest epic FAIL:eusa_angel:

Yes, in Palestine.
Not in the "country of Palestine"
Not in the "nation of Palestine".
Not a home for the "Palestinians".
A home for the Jews. Loser.
A national home for the Jews in Palestine, Loser.
You can distinguish between a home and a state, I hope.
Harry Truman and FDR could and they both said that establishing a Jewish state on Palestinian land would lead to WWIII.:eek:

Israel's foundation in a 'terroristic campaign of expulsion, ethnic cleansing and murder' is the 'deep wound in that part of the world' -- Sullivan

Yes, in Palestine.
Not in the "country of Palestine"
Not in the "nation of Palestine".
Not a home for the "Palestinians".
A home for the Jews. Loser.
I think George is drunk again :lol:
Give us your (hopefully) sober assessment of Uri Avnery's version of recent history in Gaza:

"A big Dutch harbor-building corporation approached me discreetly and asked me to use my friendly relations with Arafat to obtain the job for them. They hinted at a very large gratuity. I politely refused. During all the years I knew Arafat, I never asked him for a favor. I think that this was the basis of our rather strange friendship.)

"If the port had been built, Gaza would have become a flourishing commercial hub. The standard of living would have risen steeply, the inclination of the people to vote for a radical Islamic party would have declined.

"Why did this not happen? Israel refused to allow the port to be built. Contrary to a specific undertaking in the 1993 Oslo agreement, Israel cut off all passages between the Strip and the West Bank. The aim was to prevent any possibility of a viable Palestinian state being set up."

Eyeless in Gaza » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Speaking of jobs, perhaps instead of us bothering to read the Leftist Avnery who certainly hates Israel and who never writes about the Arab atrocities happening in the Middle East, we should suggest that Gaza George apply for a construction job digging tunnels to Israel. After all, his new masters have killed many of those who had helped dig those tunnels so they certainly need new workers.

Purported letter from inside Gaza tells of tunnel toil, Hamas cruelty | Fox News

OH the purported letter, on Fox New, by
Paul Alster

Israel-based Broadcast Journalist
Twitter: paul_alster
Member of BAJ - British Association of Journalists
Recent clients include: FoxNews.com, Jerusalem Report, Jerusalem Post, Investigative Project on Terrorism, The Hill, Times of Israel, Forbes Magazine, Daily Forward, National Post

I think I'll pass on the ? biasness of the author and the Fox News.
Give us your (hopefully) sober assessment of Uri Avnery's version of recent history in Gaza:

"A big Dutch harbor-building corporation approached me discreetly and asked me to use my friendly relations with Arafat to obtain the job for them. They hinted at a very large gratuity. I politely refused. During all the years I knew Arafat, I never asked him for a favor. I think that this was the basis of our rather strange friendship.)

"If the port had been built, Gaza would have become a flourishing commercial hub. The standard of living would have risen steeply, the inclination of the people to vote for a radical Islamic party would have declined.

"Why did this not happen? Israel refused to allow the port to be built. Contrary to a specific undertaking in the 1993 Oslo agreement, Israel cut off all passages between the Strip and the West Bank. The aim was to prevent any possibility of a viable Palestinian state being set up."

Eyeless in Gaza » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Speaking of jobs, perhaps instead of us bothering to read the Leftist Avnery who certainly hates Israel and who never writes about the Arab atrocities happening in the Middle East, we should suggest that Gaza George apply for a construction job digging tunnels to Israel. After all, his new masters have killed many of those who had helped dig those tunnels so they certainly need new workers.

Purported letter from inside Gaza tells of tunnel toil, Hamas cruelty | Fox News

OH the purported letter, on Fox New, by
Paul Alster

Israel-based Broadcast Journalist
Twitter: paul_alster
Member of BAJ - British Association of Journalists
Recent clients include: FoxNews.com, Jerusalem Report, Jerusalem Post, Investigative Project on Terrorism, The Hill, Times of Israel, Forbes Magazine, Daily Forward, National Post

I think I'll pass on the ? biasness of the author and the Fox News.

Then I guess you wouldn't mind if many of us pass on any of your sites. It is quite obvious that you care nothing about what is going on in the Middle East where horrendous things are happening to innocent people,, but have crawled onto this forum just to bash the Israel and the Jews in general.

Naturally, Penelope wouldn't be interested in Forbes Magazine or even Fortune Magazine. When you are just living in some little town in the South, why be concerned about what is going on in the business world?
"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]"

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No country of Palestine in your source.
"In Palestine", loser; you don't have to like it, but that's just the history of this particular colonial enterprise.

Too bad your greedy pals in Tel Aviv didn't get Gaza during their latest epic FAIL:eusa_angel:

Yes Palestine as in Sinai or Jordan valley, not a country but a place on the map. And if you look you will see that every ISLAMONAZI nation is in breach of that, and the subsequent mandates and UN charter .

may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Too bad your greedy pals in gaza did not have the weapons or means to wipe out the Jews and take their country away from them as threatened by every ISLAMONAZI group in the M.E.
"In Palestine", loser; you don't have to like it, but that's just the history of this particular colonial enterprise.

Too bad your greedy pals in Tel Aviv didn't get Gaza during their latest epic FAIL:eusa_angel:

Yes, in Palestine.
Not in the "country of Palestine"
Not in the "nation of Palestine".
Not a home for the "Palestinians".
A home for the Jews. Loser.
A national home for the Jews in Palestine, Loser.
You can distinguish between a home and a state, I hope.
Harry Truman and FDR could and they both said that establishing a Jewish state on Palestinian land would lead to WWIII.:eek:

Israel's foundation in a 'terroristic campaign of expulsion, ethnic cleansing and murder' is the 'deep wound in that part of the world' -- Sullivan

Can you read English and comprehend what it really says, the full wording is as follows


Resurection means rebirth or rebuild, the Jewish national home means the land or nation of Israel and Palestine is the name of the area it will be done in.

So you see the arab muslims agreed to this until the penny dropped and then they turned to violent means to wipe out the Jews and alter the wording of the CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Israel was reborn as a Jewish nation and the Jewish national home in the are set aside for it.

And were is this WW3 then, or did it slip by when we weren't watching. Israel was reborn and still lives so get over your fears and hatreds and embrace the life of freedom.
Blind, psychopathic Jews pose the same threat to their temple walls as gentiles.
What the hell thread are you reading?:D

Shimshone was the GOOD guy.
You'd know that if you read the book of Judges.
"After Joshua’s death, the tribes of Israel continue their conquest of the southern regions of Canaan, but they are unable to cleanse the land thoroughly of its native inhabitants. God declares that these remaining people will be an impediment to Israel’s enjoyment of the promised land."
^ This is your idea of morality?

SparkNotes: Bible: The Old Testament: Judges

Any comments on these verses from the Koran

God promises to "cast terror into the hearts of those who are bent on denying the truth; strike, then, their necks!" (Koran 8.12).
God instructs his Muslim followers to kill unbelievers, to capture them, to ambush them (Koran 9.5).
Everything contributes to advancing the holy goal: "Strike terror into God's enemies, and your enemies" (Koran 8.60).

Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.
Chapter 9, Verse 111 of the Holy Qur’an
No, it's GOD's.
Did you notice how God DOESN'T command the Children of Israel to spread the Torah world wide and murder those who won't convert.
You DID notice that part, didn't you?
I DID notice how your alleged god "tells" his chosen people to commit ethnic cleansing in pursuit of land; your tribe was morally wrong thousands of years ago, and many Jews haven't learned anything since that time.
How nice that Gaza George is still blabbering about Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved. However, we have all seen how Gaza George has no interest in what is happening to all those innocent people in the other Middle East countries, no matter how many of them are killed, even though he is still posting on this Middle East forum. It's great to know that most Americans are unlike Gaza George, so it is obvious that they don't need a scapegoat like he does. It's so nice to read the comments to AOL's news articles about what is happening regarding the Israelis and Gaza George's new masters. It appears that the great majority of Americans, regardless of their religion, certainly do not hold the same views as Gaza George does. By the way, Gaza George, since you are bringing up the Jews from thousands of years ago, evidently you were asleep in your ancient history class when you were taught about how violent men were in ancient times and how many different wars went on which involved other groups also. Meanwhile, why no mention how the ancestors of your new masters invaded other countries around the 7th century B.C. and onward and got around to murdering millions and millions and millions of other people in their march to convert others to Islam? Is this supposed to be a big secret?
I DID notice how your alleged god "tells" his chosen people to commit ethnic cleansing in pursuit of land; your tribe was morally wrong thousands of years ago, and many Jews haven't learned anything since that time.

I DID notice how your alleged god "tells" his chosen people to commit ethnic cleansing in pursuit of land; your tribe was morally wrong thousands of years ago, and many Jews haven't learned anything since that time.

There is a good chance that Gaza Georgie might have attended the Black Episcopal-Methodist Church when he was younger. I guess, though, that he has no problems with his new masters having left the Saudi Peninsula and invading the surrounding countries where members of the original Christians were living. Anyone can Google History of Jihad in places like Egypt and see what Gaza George's new masters had done to these Christians.
Why do you think you're hurting my feelings by calling me a ******, Bigot? Your gray, racist roots are showing.
Can you read English and comprehend what it really says, the full wording is as follows


Resurection means rebirth or rebuild, the Jewish national home means the land or nation of Israel and Palestine is the name of the area it will be done in.

So you see the arab muslims agreed to this until the penny dropped and then they turned to violent means to wipe out the Jews and alter the wording of the CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Israel was reborn as a Jewish nation and the Jewish national home in the are set aside for it.

And were is this WW3 then, or did it slip by when we weren't watching. Israel was reborn and still lives so get over your fears and hatreds and embrace the life of freedom.
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]"

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you understand the difference between a Jewish homeland and a Jewish state? Of course, you don't.
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