F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

Then the A10 Pilots doing attack runs on the Outskirts of Dallas or Omaha will return home to find their homes burned to the Ground and their Wives , Twin toddlers , Mothers in Law , and dogs shot dead in the smoldering ashes . It won’t be easy for the Mil/ NG & LEOs that follow orders to kill Americans
If you defend and make excuses for Donald Trump then you are no friend of The United States of America.
Or The U.S. Constitution.

You are an enemy!
Don't count on it.
They follow a chain of command that leads to the C.I.C.
And that is the POTUS.
What if you soulless vermin really did start nuking Kansas, Idaho, Montana, all the red states? What would you vile filth eat?

I mean democrats could groom children - at least the ones they didn't incinerate - but since all the farm and ranch land is irradiated for the next 10,000 years - well the food situation could become a problem.

You Nazis really aren't good at the whole "thinking" thing.
What if you soulless vermin really did start nuking Kansas, Idaho, Montana, all the red states? What would you vile filth eat?

I mean democrats could groom children - at least the ones they didn't incinerate - but since all the farm and ranch land is irradiated for the next 10,000 years - well the food situation could become a problem.

You Nazis really aren't good at the whole "thinking" thing.
Pull yourself together Karen!
This whole scenario is ridiculous.
Pull yourself together Karen!
This whole scenario is ridiculous.

It's you morons who declared war on anyone that voted against your Fuhrer.

Political prisons and gulags aren't enough for you - Adolf Biden want's to nuke America.

But you mindless fucks never think this through.

You're evil - but not even in the same zip code as "smart."

It's you morons who declared war on anyone that voted against your Fuhrer.

Political prisons and gulags aren't enough for you - Adolf Biden want's to nuke America.

But you mindless fucks never think this through.

You're evil - but not even in the same zip code as "smart."

View attachment 693038
It's you morons who declared war on anyone that voted against your Fuhrer.

Political prisons and gulags aren't enough for you - Adolf Biden want's to nuke America.

But you mindless fucks never think this through.

You're evil - but not even in the same zip code as "smart."

View attachment 693038
Pull yourself together man!
You are bordering on hysteria.

First of all, your source (Red State) is garbage.
You are repeating lies.
Crazy, made up propaganda.
Russian disinformation.

When you are seeking out accurate news and solid reporting it would be wise to keep in mind that The Kremlin LOVES Donald Trump and HATES democracy.....so when you read ridiculous, incindiary rhetoric bashing Trump's nemesis like this there's a better than average chance you are reading Russian generated propaganda.

Biden never said anything of the sort.
But what he DID say is true.
The majority of Republican voters are not die-hard MAGAt Trump supporters.
In fact the MAJORITY of them are otherwise good Americans who just fell for his trainwreck of bullshit once in 2016....but by 2020 they had wised up and had enough of him and they didn't vote for him.

Which is why Biden won in 2020.

What Biden DID say was that it is the small, weirdo faction of BIG LIE embracing, Russian propaganda, conspiracy theory repeating, (largely) white nationalist thinking, wanting a civil war talking, MORONS who are posing the greatest danger to our republic today.

And he was spot on.

But he never said he'd "nuke" anybody.
You are bordering on hysteria.

Does that ever work?

I mean, your shrill response to those pointing out what your Reich is doing?

Personally, I find it childish and laughable.

First of all, your source (Red State) is garbage.
Fuck you.

It's far better than the Voice of the Reich (NY Times) or Jeff Bezos personal hate blog (WaPo)

What is it that makes you Nazis think you are the arbiters of credibility? You have zero credibility. Any credence your stenographers of the Reich ever had was squandered during the attempted coups.

You are repeating lies.

Yet you have no ability to refute anything - you just pout and fling feces
Crazy, made up propaganda.
Russian disinformation.

Yawn, another shit flinging feral baboon with nothing to say.
When you are seeking out accurate news and solid reporting it would be wise to keep in mind that The Kremlin LOVES Donald Trump and HATES democracy.....so when you read ridiculous, incindiary rhetoric bashing Trump's nemesis like this there's a better than average chance you are reading Russian generated propaganda.


Biden never said anything of the sort.


You have no grip on reality.

{Those who say the blood of liberty, the, uh, blood of patriots, you know, and all this stuff about how we’re going to have to move against the government. Well, the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots. What’s happened is that there never been– if you wanna– think you need weapons to take on the government, you need F-15’s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is there’s always been the ability to limit– rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.} - June 24, 2021 Joseph "Adolf" Biden.

You fucking retard.

But what he DID say is true.
The majority of Republican voters are not die-hard MAGAt Trump supporters.
In fact the MAJORITY of them are otherwise good Americans who just fell for his trainwreck of bullshit once in 2016....but by 2020 they had wised up and had enough of him and they didn't vote for him.

Which is why Biden won in 2020.

What Biden DID say was that it is the small, weirdo faction of BIG LIE embracing, Russian propaganda, conspiracy theory repeating, (largely) white nationalist thinking, wanting a civil war talking, MORONS who are posing the greatest danger to our republic today.

And he was spot on.

But he never said he'd "nuke" anybody.

You are a fucking liar with no grip on reality.

You love your Reich and will tell any lie to further the power of the Reich.

Does that ever work?

I mean, your shrill response to those pointing out what your Reich is doing?

Personally, I find it childish and laughable.

Fuck you.

It's far better than the Voice of the Reich (NY Times) or Jeff Bezos personal hate blog (WaPo)

What is it that makes you Nazis think you are the arbiters of credibility? You have zero credibility. Any credence your stenographers of the Reich ever had was squandered during the attempted coups.


Yet you have no ability to refute anything - you just pout and fling feces

Yawn, another shit flinging feral baboon with nothing to say.



You no grip on reality.

{Those who say the blood of liberty, the, uh, blood of patriots, you know, and all this stuff about how we’re going to have to move against the government. Well, the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots. What’s happened is that there never been– if you wanna– think you need weapons to take on the government, you need F-15’s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is there’s always been the ability to limit– rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.} - June 24, 2021 Joseph "Adolf" Biden.

You fucking retard.

You are a fucking liar with no grip on reality.

You love your Reich and will tell any lie to further the power of the Reich.

View attachment 693095
You mouth breather trolls are tedious!

Fake news!
Russian misinformation.

What a fucking retard.

YOU Nazis don't get to impugn the independent press. You shits with your little Goebbels are absurd, laughable fools.

You want to start listing lies Nazi?

Me listing the lies by the Voice of the Reich and you trying to smear Breitbart?

Let's do it Nazi, I'll start:

On July 1, 2020 the New York Times published a claim that "UNNAMED SOURCES" - the foundation of virtually everything the Reich press publishes - gave evidence that Russia was paying bounties to the Taliban to kill American Soldiers and that the Trump Administration knew it and ignored it.

Except of course the Voice of the Reich was lying through their fucking teeth - as always.

{On April 15, the Biden administration acknowledged there was no evidence that Russia ever offered bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, walking back a report that wounded former President Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2020 election. } - How the New York Times has published lies to serve a biased narrative

You want to talk about credibility, motherfucker? Let's go!

What a fucking retard.

YOU Nazis don't get to impugn the independent press. You shits with your little Goebbels are absurd, laughable fools.

You want to start listing lies Nazi?

Me listing the lies by the Voice of the Reich and you trying to smear Breitbart?

Let's do it Nazi, I'll start:

On July 1, 2020 the New York Times published a claim that "UNNAMED SOURCES" - the foundation of virtually everything the Reich press publishes - gave evidence that Russia was paying bounties to the Taliban to kill American Soldiers and that the Trump Administration knew it and ignored it.

Except of course the Voice of the Reich was lying through their fucking teeth - as always.

{On April 15, the Biden administration acknowledged there was no evidence that Russia ever offered bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, walking back a report that wounded former President Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2020 election. } - How the New York Times has published lies to serve a biased narrative

You want to talk about credibility, motherfucker? Let's go!
Here you pathetically triggered moron.

Read something REAL for a change.

You mouth breather trolls are tedious!
Joe has 12 times the experience in government than Trump. Joe is corrupted and is part of others who sold out much of our secrets and technologies to foreign nations. Thus, keeping us spending massive amounts of capital to stay ahead. But we are not as rich in real terms as while we were a rising nation. But the same though patterns exist.

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