F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

Yes, e-mails hacked by the Russians made the difference along with Russian social media crap and GOP idiot Comey and Fox bs -NOT IMAGINARY ELECTION FRAUD...Stolen is the GOP word. Politico sucks and so does that blog. Yes, E-mails and total bs about e-mails. And she won the popular vote again....


Certainly Dems DON"T LIE. Everything you know about Hillary e-mails is crap lies, dupe.

Dumb fuck, start proof reading.


Fixed it for you.

Another thread demonstrating how much conservatives hate America and want to see it destroyed.
i never thought i’d see the day where a president would threaten to use military force again US citizens
Agreed. Further proof the nation is failing.

Another thing I thought I’d never see are Americans supporting a president who makes such threats.
The older NCOs and some officers might be on the fence about shooting grandma and grandpa average American. The newer, up and coming generation of soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines, however . . . I'm not so sure about. Then there's the bit about 'all enemies foreign and domestic'. I hope the day never comes when we get to find out who was right and who wasn't—on this topic.

I suspect that if the Leftest in this country decided to kill us Americans because we won't go along with them making this country a Socialist shithole there will be many F-15 pilots and nuclear weapons technicians that will tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine.
I suspect that if the Leftest in this country decided to kill us Americans because we won't go along with them making this country a Socialist shithole there will be many F-15 pilots and nuclear weapons technicians that will tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine.
Don't count on it.
They follow a chain of command that leads to the C.I.C.
And that is the POTUS.
Don't count on it.
They follow a chain of command that leads to the C.I.C.
And that is the POTUS.
Then the A10 Pilots doing attack runs on the Outskirts of Dallas or Omaha will return home to find their homes burned to the Ground and their Wives , Twin toddlers , Mothers in Law , and dogs shot dead in the smoldering ashes . It won’t be easy for the Mil/ NG & LEOs that follow orders to kill Americans
Don't count on it.
They follow a chain of command that leads to the C.I.C.
And that is the POTUS.

Potatohead is trying to recruit Negroes, Queers, Transsexual, unqualified women and the like because he wants the military to be the strong arm of the filthy Democrat Party.

However, the strength of the military is not with those bozos. The strength is with the Patriotic mostly White Southern and Midwest boys. Many of them will join us Patriots if push comes to shove.

Potatohead knows it and that is why he trying to purge the military of Patriots and indoctrinate the rest with CRT and diversity training and all that Libtard bullshit.

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